What do these people do all day? Why don't they move somewhere relevant? Is it lack of ambition, intellect, or both?

What do these people do all day? Why don't they move somewhere relevant? Is it lack of ambition, intellect, or both?

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>move somewhere relevant
Yeah because California or New york are such good places. Emberassing thread, kill yourself

Why are the everglades highlighted as flyover? Miami is there!

Oh and the Key West is there; a popular destination for many east coast sailors. Right across from Miami are the Bahamas, too.

>Yeah because California or New york are such good places
Absolutely retarded comment. Take out California, New England and Texas and the US would be Mexico-tier.

that would be like saying "take out the US from North America and Canada would be Mexico tier!"

you are a really flagrant retard

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Not arguing your point there but ironically California and Texas make us Mexican in the first place (because of the Hispanic goblinos)

More like Western Europe-tier

All y’all are stoopid

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No it's not, because my comment was in response to someone downplaying the significance of those regions. Context is a thing, retard.

Why can't we just sink Arkansas? Can we make it into a big pond? It's so useless

also this, much of California and west Texas are Mexico tier shitholes

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>Kansas City

No, because my analogy carries perfectly and you are a fucking retard

I like Arkansas, comfy place. Matthew McCoughnahey did a movie (Mud) there that nobody watched but it got 97% on rotten tomatoes

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The CoL in flyover states is probably dirt cheap, compared to the coasts. Not everybody can afford to live in San Francisco.

>Move somewhere relevant

What gave you guys the right to make claims about a country you're not even a citizen of? You bunch seem to hate it when Americans do it.
Anyways you're both wrong. Apart of NYC, New York is about as flyover as it gets, a little city here, a little city there. Pennsylvania too. In fact, I'd say all of New England is pretty flyover. The only reason why they're not classified as such is because they're hidden behind New York City.
It's not a matter of what state you live in (Pennsylvania, fuck yeah) but it's a matter of what kind of urban climate you live in. For example, someone living in some little nothing town in Nebraska where the only high school got closed down a decade ago is obviously going to have dumber people than some huge high school in New York City where the kids get macbooks to take home and a curriculum that gets reviewed every year.
Europeans just wouldn't get it. Your countries are too dense and small for you guys to really get what I'm talking about.

Gee, I’d really like to move somewhere dirty, expensive, overcrowded and violent because Nigel on le 4chinz considers it “relevant” :^)

pennsylvania is like pennsylvania but there's a kentucky stuck up it's ass

hey, hey, now, that's only the flyover part of Pennsylvania from Pittsburgh to Philly

>someone living in some little nothing town in Nebraska where the only high school got closed down a decade ago is obviously going to have dumber people than some huge high school in New York City
lol that doesn't exist but if it did my bet would be on the Nebraska farmboys being smarter than the NY goblinos/niggers. Education after the age of 8 doesn't raise IQ


I want to visit it for the especially pine gorge and bald eagle mountain, but they're... Middle Pennsylvanians. "god's land"

judging from your posts so far in this thread you are probably underage and definitely a huge faggot

It was an exaggeration but obviously you get my point.
Also, rural retards are objectively dumber than city folk. The men do manual, repetitive work all day where there's not very much opportunity to learn new things. You could do most things a farmer can do by the time you're 13 with the right training. The women often times don't make it past middle school and instead marry the aforementioned farmer and stay at home as a living, breathing baby factory.
City folk often have white collar careers that require postsecondary education and an IQ above 90.
You literally cannot dispute this.

>all these cunts excluding Illinois simply because it has Chicago, which is a shitty city anyway.

Chicago =/= Illinois. Everything south of chicago is just cornfield. God you people are obnoxious in how fervent you praise these mafia-grown harbor towns. Also, Chicago implemented an Amusement Tax. And people are fleeing from California en mass because of the ridiculous taxes there (40%).

It costs an arm and a soul just to find a place to live in places like New York. Also, enjoy getting reamed in the ass by Hurricanes if you live further down on the east coast. Not that it matters to me either because I'm leaving this shit hole country and never coming back within the next year.

I live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It's a mix of rural and suburban neighborhoods north of Philadelphia. I like where I live. I understand why some people want to live in the city but frankly it's not for me. I don't enjoy urban living. I'd much rather live somewhere remote.

What do I do all day? I teach kids martial arts at a local school and take classes at college. I like guns. I have a clay pidgeon thrower so I can shoot skeet off my back patio, and then I have a reloading press so I reload my own ammunition for it. I also have a dirt back stop that I can shoot pistols into, so I do. There's a hundred yard range not too far from me so I'll take my rifles over there as well. I really like guns: shooting them and cleaning them and reloading shotgun shells are probably my main hobbies.

I also like to build guns. About every summer I'll put something together. So far I've built a 1911 in .45, an AR-15, and an FN FAL. The 1911 and AR were parts kits where I took an incomplete receiver and then machined them. The FAL was an imported kit that I rebuilt around an american-made receiver. Sourcing, assembling, machining and fitting parts usually takes a few months so I usually start when summer begins and I'll be done near the end of it. There's loads of great parks near me that are great to hike or go running in, too. I don't hunt but I know a lot of people who do. I'll hang out with friends a lot, either on my property or on theirs or making range trips,etc. Brother's got a pool and we all go down every sunday during the summer and get fucked up drunk.

It's not like I'm in the middle of nowhere, though. There's plenty of movie theaters, nice bars and restaurants, etc within driving distance of me.

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Good riddance.

i see your part of the country has a mcmansion problem

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>CO irrelevant
>bumfuck trash southeast states besides Florida being relevant

Sure does. They look like shit but they're not exactly taking the neighborhood over.

NY state is good, don't know why you act like you know anything about states then throw a tantrum and make 5 threads crying about it when an American says anything about a European country

Have fun in your extreme left shithole redneck!

where u going

Because I like my white rural area.

Why don't you move to London - you know, the "relevant" part of England - and enjoy all the vibrant diversity, Nigel?

Attached: London.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

I will, especially knowing that I no longer share it with an arrogant, unpleasant person such as yourself.

california is mexico you inbred fuck
it has silicon valley and pedowood, everything else is fucking destitute

reminder that farming begets incest

Somebody's gotta farm all that soy you city-slickers chug down. No farms, no food.

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what do you do with "relevance", faggot? does it pay your bills or get you laid?

They are

>You could do most things a farmer can do by the time you're 13 with the right training
As a hand, sure, but not an actual farmer
Or are you just "pretending" to be retarded?

Suburban sprawl is just getting crazy. People willing to commute 50 miles per day (one-way) even to little Midwestern cities like I live in. They buy cheap farmland and then build houses on it. Go for a drive in the country and it's more new residential housing than legacy farmsteads.

Fucking hate this so much

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Why is the relevant part of Florida black

Why is Colorado black


>incest is bad!

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