Am I annoying if I after school i'll move to Norway?

I'm very acctracted by Norway but I don't know if I can be well liked or not, so I want ask to somebody from Norway if I can integrate in Norwegian society or not
Favorevole point
>High stature, pale skin and green eyes
>Norman and Germanic ancestry
>Love cold weather
>Very laborious
>Know Norse myth ever since I was a kid
>Hate monotheistic religions
>Open mind
>My favourite food is salmon
Opposite point
>Brown hair
>Not Purley Germanic ancestry (I've Roman, Gaulish and Slav blood to)
>I'm a few racist
>I think that hotel prison and social democratic clown are very idiot
Tell me what you think

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Norway.svg.png (2000x1455, 4K)

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>>Open mind

Legit 99% of the people who say this are subhuman morons


>after school

So you're 15? 18 at best? Fuck off kid.

i swear every time i go on int i see a thread about someone wanting to move here

That was the most American post i've ever seen and it waa posted by Italian

No, I've some progressive idea, but I hate rapefugees, Islam and Judaism. They are cancerous for purity of European culture. I think we need to keep our culture and not take subhuman from near East and Africa

If you are not Dorothea Wierer you are not allowed to come north.

Attached: chewing.gif (125x123, 305K)

You now realize where Americans got their attitude from

>I'm 16
Fuck off underage b&

Actually I've an higher iq than other teens

I bet you 99.99% of them never will. It's just something people fantasize about, because they think Norway is some magical land where the streets are paved with gold and money falls from the sky.

mamma mia that's racista pasta!

I'm raised with idea that I need to respect everyone, I want know if I'm annoying for Norwegian

Actually this is not the reason. I've my reason for move in Norway and I know that is not the Alice's wonderland

they are full

Keep calm. I respect Japanese people. I wanna just be friend

one would almost believe so. no idea why somebody would move from italy to come here, it would just be a massive letdown

>Know Norse myth ever since I was a kid
>Norman and Germanic ancestry
This will prove very useful when you make your move to Norway. I wish you the best of luck, user. May Odin be with you on your travels.

If I'm annoying in Norway I also can move in an other country

>I respect Japanese people
grazie mio fioi

At the age of 16 you're not moving anywhere in a long time. Might be better off not thinking about this stuff until you at least have a university degree and pubic hair.

What is wrong with Eire?

Attached: MV5BMjI2MzgwNzE2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDg3MzgxNA@@._V1_CR0,60,640,360_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg (477x268, 21K)

i just dont see why you would want to come here. the only thing i can imagine norway is doing better than italy at is wages

Holy fuck this is cringe.

are you telling me gold doesn't fall from the sky in Norway?

It rains oil here.

Anywhere you go you'll find nice people and hostile people. But if you can't handle a little bit of hostility you'll probably never be a successful immigrant.

Burger is right.

black gold!
Still moneys.

Nigger no magical land would be a frozen wasteland for most the year.

It is cold here compared to Italy, also it gets really dark during winter. It can be hard to make friends even if you are a native.

Maybe you should wait for global warming to make Italy a desert before moving up here.