Chilango Supremacism General

You will all be faggots, stop resisting

Attached: MexicoPulpo.png (1000x999, 149K)

i am a gay because of american influence




My entire family is made up of chilangos and only I (plus a couple cousins) were born elsewhere. Am I a faggot?

you will be if you want to survive

fuck chilangos and fuck gays

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Should mexico build a new capital city? It seems like the current one is crowded, and sinking. Where should a new one be? Maybe on the Pacific coast? I circled a few ideas.

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The bottom of the ocean.

made me kek not going to lie

im in favour of naming monterrey our capital
too many advantages: they stop winning about centralism, we take advantage of an already existing economic structure, a non sysmic non sinking zone, etc

Why haven’t you been permabanned you autistic spamming faggot?



Why does Mexico not have a major city by a river as is common all over the world? It seems like all the major/relevant cities are surrounded by mountains, deserts, and jungles.

The countries that have major cities by a river like America have navigable rivers, sweetie

We don't

Not even one?

tampico its at the end of a river

from a strategic point of view tampico should have been made one of our most important cities

but its not and never will be

>but its not and never will be
Why not? Now that I think of it don't Villahermosa and Veracruz have rivers?


because just like happened to new york, you need to put effort to build a city even if its in a highly strategic location

that will never happen


What is the Papaloapan?

That sucks. I hope Mexico one day elects an Ataturk or Lee Kuan Yew.


Is there any major or relevant city along that river?