There are people who can't roll their R

>there are people who can't roll their R

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that sound does not exist in the english language so it is unnatural and difficult for native english speakers to say

FACT: if you speak a language that rolls its r's youre poor and brown

there are no non rolled r's in my language

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people that cant roll Rs sound so gay

>erre con erre cigarro, erre con erre carril, que rápido corren los carros, cargados de azúcar del ferrocarril

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I can roll it about 50% of the time.

I fucking hate speaking English because of their retarded R.

I assume you can't be good at it since it’s unnatural for you, but have you ever tried? Can you somehow make the sound?
That’s just too cruel.

I laugh at those peasants

You roll R in Hebrew?
Are you an English native speaker?

Not exactly the way you do, but we say "ar" instead of "aw" like Anglos.

>mfw native English speakers literally qualify for having a speech impediment

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The Spanish one is easy as shit, learn the German/Dutch one and get back to me

>Not exactly the way you do, but we say "ar" instead of "aw" like Anglos.
That’s the thing. Even if it’s different, if you roll R in your native language you usually won’t have struggles learning the Spanish R. Native English speakers in another hand just can’t do it, no matter how much I try to teach them.

>roll their R
That's because we can pronounce R without our tongues having a spastic fit.

I have trouble saying the "soft" R anglos use. My American internet friends told me I sound like I'm making fun of them when I try to say it.

To be fair, yanks butcher the English language.

I can't even pronounce the normal R

The Spanish R is the normal R. It's the anglo R that's unnatural and weird.

>there are people who are not white

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Anglo R is an abomination. I can do it but I hate it so much I've adopted a non-rhotic accent to say it as little as possible.

I have no struggles when it comes about pronouncing the English R. In fact, I find the French one harder.


French R is just H with throat cancer.

It's funny. From my experience, frogs have more difficulties learning the soft Spanish R than the rolled one.

but can they do the th=c sound

there are a gazillion sounds that don't exist in english, truly a shitty language
people who are born into english are crippled when it comes to learning languages

It's because English is the only relevant language. There's no incentive to learn another language when you already know the only one worth learning.

yeah and you shit on its corpse

english R sounds fucking stupuid

French r sounds like you have a hairball

why do you need to be fucking rude? I can't stand retards who can't have a simple argument without resorting to insults

Fuck you, grow up

Rolled R’s are not real, they are a Spanish plot to confuse and mock Americans.


how retarded are you? the "relevancy" of a language is in no way related to the sounds it has in it

i can roll american r but spanish r is nearly impossible to imitate

Fact: I am from a pocket of Ireland where people roll their R's, particularly older people.

Eg e fra bærgen

It doesn’t help that apparently none of you can describe how to do it. The closest I’ve come is figuring out that the Spanish R is just an English D and making the sound twice quickly, which can sort of pass to people who don’t speak Spanish.

This is the least crippled version I could find on Youtube of how it's in Slovene


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It's funny because in some parts of brazil the "r" is pronounced very similar to the anglo "r".

I have a bathtub but only shower, I find baths disgusting

>his 'R's are not guttural

I opened the wrong thread... Fuck you, Pepe OPs

my brother

Ok retard

/ʁ/ ɡanɡ represent

>can only make a uvular trill Jow Forums and not an alveolar trill Jow Forums
>can't correctly pronounce the rhotic phoneme of the majority of world languaged

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I'm in. Fuck RtaRds.

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!

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i don't roll my rs

Nice try, Alveolaroid

High IQ


I'm cartaved. People often laugh at me for that.


What is that? People who physically can't trill?

who cannot into rolling R, yea. Couldn't find a right english word.

fuck r

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