Thinking of moving to India with a backpack and no money and living off the land there by doing odd jobs

Thinking of moving to India with a backpack and no money and living off the land there by doing odd jobs

Thoughts? Anybody who has experience doing this?

>inb4 pic related

no im serious

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>inb4 pic related
Precisely right. Thanks for posting it so I don't have to.

if and when you get sick of that I heard it's still pretty easy getting jobs as a movie extra in Bollywood just by being white

If you're white then people will assume you're rich and scam you. This applies to any third world non-white country.

Also I believe India is quite strict about their visas so you'll struggle to relocate there.

>living off the land there by doing odd jobs
Good plan

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leaving your comfortable home in the best country on the planet to go hobo-mode in some third world shithole for the lulz is basically spitting on all those poor cunts trying to scrape by over there
stay home cracKKKa

>by doing odd jobs
Like what?

>best country on the planet
You know you're not allowed to use proxies on 4channel right?

idk what's on offer yet, but i'd love to act in a movie, do some modelling or become a male prostitute for the women there

im also open to working in a traditional jungle farm they have there

>Tfw I'm a pajeet who wanted to leave that shithole my entire life and finally made it to america

>Tfw an american is leaving behind his comfy life and going to the shithole I just left

Life sure is funny

India is shit, don't go there

Save a little bit of money and go backpacking in southeast asia instead. It's dirt cheap, every fucking teenage/young adult in Europe is doing it.

>every fucking teenage/young adult in Europe is doing it.

Youll earn shit... its fucking India, just take a few bucks an you'll live like a king for ever

subhuman retardation

>I want to find myself

Stupid shit like that.
These are the most insufferable people you'll find while traveling to those parts of the globe.

Also English teachers, always subhumans.

Why India precisely?

People left me alone in the Philippines. Not a single beggar or scam artist approached me.

india is cheap for indians
if you consumed their water your gut would have a civil war and wouldn't shit solid for a week

nothing wrong with finding yourself. people like you grow up never knowing who they really are and getting blown by the currents of society. enjoy never having a personality of your own.

idk seems like a land of infinitie possiblities/opportunities

you are in that part of the globe

Mostly because
1. It's fun
2. It's cheap
3. It's far away from home
4. It's very different from home

By the time a Swede is 20 he/she has already been to Spain, Italy, Greece, France a hundred times so it isn't that interesting anymore.

You sound pretty butthurt

>idk seems like a land of infinitie possiblities/opportunities
That's exactly the opposite of what poverty provides.
I also have no idea why you think that living in a shithole will help you find your personality, or why you would be looking for it.

>enjoy never having a personality of your own.

lmfao, you know nothing of what you're talking about.

Traveling to Thailand to post pics on instagram does not make you "discover" yourself, retard.

Stating facts doesn't make someone butthurt - you do seem butthurt since you can't take criticism that's not even directed @ you tho.


I didn't know Brazil was in South East Asia.
Good job roach.

As someone who has been travelling for 3 months straight and will do the same if not longer next summer, I can say that you definitely grow alot as a person while travelling.
I hate the meme term "finding yourself" though.
Look India is definitely a beautiful country and has a lot of culture and history but I think you're doing a bad decision to be WORKING there. Living in India barely requires any money so you would be better off just saving some and going there.

Just because you say it's a fact doesn't make it a fact lmao. Once again, you seem very upset and butthurt. I understand that people in your country doesn't really have any money to travel anywhere, but you should still chill down.

>nothing wrong with finding yourself
True, and nothing wrong with traveling either. Just stop pretending your trip to Thailand is spiritual and deep

>I understand that people in your country doesn't really

You can't even conjugate simple verbs, disgusting.

>I understand people in your country don't have money to travel

If they don't, that's not my problem.
Did you not have algebra or statistics in 8th grade? Aren't you supposed to be a first world country?

There are poor people here and there are rich people too, and middle class people, just like everywhere else in the world. I, happen to have been born (thank God) to rich parents.

I've been all of ever Yurop, Western and Eastern (though not Northern), some of Northern Africa, New Zealand and Japan, and I'm currently set to go back to Germany to study.

Wenn du willst, Schwul, können wir auch auf Deutsch sprechen. Oder kannst du kein Deutsch sprechen?

Still, going to Thailand to "find yourself" is a typical Swedish subhuman thing, tanning and looking orange as fuck like a shrimp and posting pics on instagram like whores. If that offends you, maybe you should go back to lebit.

Jesus christ why are you chimping out so hard macaco? I even said in my post that I hate the term "finding yourself"

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*prematurely dabs on OPs grave*

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You cold also murder cows if you feel hungry

>idk seems like a land of infinitie possiblities/opportunities

I see you already got a lot of replies. I think you DO NEED a change of scenery, and maybe India can provide that. Make an EXACT plan of what you're gonna do - places to visit, what kinds of jobs can you do there, what is the fallback plan if you can't find work. After you've done that, go ahead and take your trip.

kys you actual NPC

You can go anywhere in the world, anywhere, and you pick India? Why would anyone do this?

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idk man once you look past the cherry-picked pictures posted on Jow Forums and look at the actual beauty, it's magical to me

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I mean ffs it's a country of 1.3 billion people, larger than Europe. would you take pictures of a slum in albania and say paris is shit because here's another place in europe that's shit?

But Paris is shit?

If Paris is shit then so is literally every place in USA, but that's not the case.

ok buddy retard

>le npc meme

You're literally 14 aren't you?

India is quite possibly the worst country you could do that in

You sound like the generic ignorant American tourist.

Well he loves the le npc meme so probably.
Also romanticizes having no plan because it's a literal child.

you are most definitely a white woman


Lol out of arguments. Get fucked, pretentious asshole

They have double digit average iq (not even memeing) take it easy on the poor tard

Do it. Go find yourself in India. I'm stuck wage slaving + uni. I'll never have that opportunity

This reminds me of that time OP went to "discover" himself to South America. Every South American told him not to go back packing, especially with a guy he met over the internet.
I wonder what happened to him, it was on Jow Forums by the way.

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>finding yourself

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In the old colonial days there were people like you too, what they usually found in India was an opium addiction.

>male prostitute for the women

I don't think this job actually exists anywhere

India is a nice place if you're rich. Like you know...any other country.
BUT, don't work there wtf

It's fine for tourism, just gotta know where to go.

Fuck off we're full

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