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International #980
/ita/ - il filo
*makes violently anti-nonwhite post*
Culture Pals /cp/ gen
Your cunt
Message to all foreigners
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Who would win in a street fight? 100 brazilians or 100 turks?
Another day without Maghrebi gf why bother living
Why do shitskins think they have the right to live in white countries?
This is the capital of Scandinavia and northern Europe
Americans perform coca cola advertisements to celebrate Christmas
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
Why are they so lazy?
Name one important scientist from this place
/canzuk/ - Canada /brit/ and /ausnz/
Yur cunt
It's 15cm and thin (only 2 fingers wide)
Non whites can't be American
Sverigetråden - Fågelupplagan
What are some countries that hate your country?
How did black women become so popular?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Jow Forums is just ironic banter
Spanish wine is only good for getting drunk
Which one are you Jow Forums?
TOP 10 ethnicities I LIEK
What are Jow Forums's thoughts on this man?
/ita/ - il filo
What if tomorrow, russia just disappeared? No one knows why. What happens to the rest of the world?
1. Your country
This is Basshunter himself in 2018, say something nice about him
Is corruption pretty much non-existent in western Europe?
My uni offers free language courses with my degeree
I think Finland is more Swedish than Sweden
No, you shouldn't go to Burger King. You are already fat enough
Do you have cuteboys in your country?
Why does India have so many perverts?
Are they white?
/fr/ - Le francofil scientifique
I bought a DNA to know where those disgusting hairs come from
God I wish I were a world leader
Why does Americans name their children like this?
Make joke on Jow Forums
Thoughts Jow Forums?
I've never kissed a girl
Who is she?
Are Jews just high IQ Arabs?
I want an australian gf but I don't want to leave Britain
How do you feel about this part of the world?
Celebrate Yule
I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world...
Your cunt
My neighbor is blasting degenerate loud music again
Give it back, France. I'm fucking serious, you frog-fuckers
Americans carry hockey pucks to throw in case of a school shooting
Sverigetråden - Indiska upplagan
Fun Fact: English isn't the *only* official language in any UN member state on Earth...
Italy getting fined by EU
Is mass race mixing the only way to end racism?
I'm a degenerate who started smoking cigarettes recently
Rooms of Jow Forums
Absolute garbage, even bud is better
Any ideas why are they so unlikeable?
How many languages do you speak, Jow Forums?
Britbongs we need to talk
OwO what's going on in Germany?
Finnish woman moves to South Korea - it wasnt a paradise
/aeiou/ - ehemals /deutsch/
Moving to Chile?
Post how you imagine posters from another cooter
I'm 23 and I don't know how to drive
Do americans really do this?
I fucking hate how spreadout America is
Why do french people do this?
Are Italianos happy avec cette homme?
Now that France has gone to shit again, who should be made King?
Why do only Nordics like this type of candy?
Is your cunt led by a puppet of Russia? Mine's not, thankfully
What do you call this in your cunt
What do you think of Norwegian women?
How do you call this in your country?
What the fuck is wrong with him?
/ita/ - il filo
How are street cats treated in your country?
WTF bros how could this happen...
Why can't we be frens
Remember when we used to be friends before you threw us in a military dictatorship you fat cunts
Spain is whi---
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I tried to fight my dad and he kicked my fucking ass
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - le francofil
Is your country a USA ally?
¿Qué piensan los anons hispanos de Jow Forums sobre Hispachan?
Does your country have an annoying little brother?
Wtf I hate Japan now!!
How did you learn to speak English so well? Was it because of Jow Forums?
Spain, safer than ever
On this day, Charles XII died 300 years ago
Sverigetråden - Motståndsupplagan
If you were a king of Poland and a Jewish girl asked you to be nice to Jews...
Chechen Man Murdered by Neo-Nazis in Russia
Hilo latino
Romania copied France's flag
I'm drunken, ask a drunk korean man anything
November 29, 2018
Why are they so small?
Jow Forums, you are given full creative liberties to make your own BLACKED film, what do you do?
Guess the cunt
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2087
Native English speakers...
Why are Americans so fucking cringey on Jow Forums, telling other countries they're going down the tube...
When will they admit that they're Turks?
Poles asked if they know any word in Russian
Being born in the Scandinavia is like winning the lottery of life. You just can't suffer in these countries
Vietnam > Japan
1. How famous are studio ghibli films in your country?
When did you realise the idea of sovereign borders are abstract notions perpetuated by the ruling class?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Truly developed countries
Your women choose Black men because Black men is better than you
Anglo BVLL vs syrian ar*b manlet cuck
Jomon blood = Real Japanese
What is the best and worst thing about your country?
Baltic 3
/v4/ - OC not found edition
Please migrate to the Republic of Korea. Not welcome: Chinese mainlanders
Is it too late for university when you're 24?
I ducking hate winter
Imagine the smell
Why is London about to kill her iconic skyline with these horrendous projects?
How do asian females enjoy sex with asian males...
Why do british girls look like they have burger buns for tits?
Are people in your cunty hairy? Are you?
Who is your princessfu Jow Forums?
I’m scare of white-gaijin
I hoped
1. Region
Are you happy now? Stop bullying jannies
How bad is the migrant crisis in your country? Do you feel safe?
Do people love kebab in your country?
Tell me ONE thing my country has done wrong. I'll refute it by ignoring what you say
Can Finns understand Nganasan people when they speak?
Why do I fall in love with every woman I see?
Would people call this anorexic in your country?
I wish you guys could just see the America I see every day
I prefer older women
Daily reminder that women live life on easy mode
American's girls are ugl-
The absolute state
Left or Right?
Asshole bleeding from needing to wipe too hard again
Kurva anyátok
/light eyes/
Who was in the wrong here?
Where was this photo taken?
Wake up
United Malayo-Polynesian Empire when?
First thoughts when you see this flag
This is what Spanish people are associated with in America. How do Spaniards feel about this?
Brazil is a shitho-
Tell me everything you know about Peruvian culture and their people
Did he like the MRE from your country?
Do you hate your country?
How does this make you feel?
Do Korean women know how much they are desired internationally?
What are your thoughts on American luxury cars?
What are you blasting tonight Jow Forums?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why yes, i am 100% Finnish. How did you know?
Are Chinese the Jews of Asia (And future Jews of the world)?
Just finished watching this
Can Turks be German?
Is English a sexy language to non-English speakers?
What is your opinion on France and French people?
When will reunification happened? What will the consequences be? What do other Asians think of the idea?
What do foreigners think of the different states in the USA?
El Duende
What is the age of consent in your country?
1. your country
Why don't Americans have any standards when it comes to food safety?
I'm getting deported tomorrow
Did I just heard you insult el jefe? You know what happens to those who challenge him, verdad?
What's the sexiest language for a man to learn in 2018?
Why do 10 yo girls make my dick hard?
Why doesn't East Asia have the world's top universities?
Raising a child in Japan vs. America
We live in a weird world where Americans are Whiter than Europeans themselves
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are women so obsessed with slimes? Women are present in 99% of slime videos, at least in my country...
What's the BEST country
Do Canadians really think like this?
1. National subdivision
Your cunt
What happened to Japan?
Microwave > Kettle
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
What do you think of Norwegian women?
/fr/ - le fil français
How many past sex partners a girl can have without being considered a whore?
Should they give it back?
This is a girl I know, hed dad is italian while her mom is from another country, can you guess which country?
Im so bored anyone wanna hang out and talk?
Do a lot of Romanian women have big boobs or is it confirmation bias on my part to think so
You wake up
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Brits call chips "crisps"
Post military vehicles and weapons from your country
Be American
/ita/ - il filo
Imagine your cultural dish not being this based
How come East Asian countries don't have a big drug problem like they do in the western world?
This is gonna end up bad
Post Jōmon looking Japs
Are you ashamed of your country?
Uh, Japan? what the fuck is this?
Do turks really believe this?
Is having a European gf better than winning the lottery?
How does this image make you feel?
U-kraine vs Russia : comparison of the Black Sea navies
Shithole of all shitholes
V4 + friends
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Do Spaniards idolize conquistadors like Japan does samurai or the US does cowboys?
What did you ask Santa for this year
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
/ita/ il filo D&G
Do americans really do this?
It's settled. Spain is the one that leaves most countries butthurt
Guess the ethncity. (This is a hard one. He's not mixed race either fyi)
I just realized that being a Belarusian is kinda cool
/brown eyes/
What kind of "culture" do you think they have?
The most toxic posters on Jow Forums
1. Ur flag
Phonetic languages
Which countries in our region would you say are the most Americanized?
He considers himself evropan
Your cunt tree
What are the benefits of multiculturalism, besides food?
/fr/ - le francofil
Europeans want to ban the niqab
I want them to rule Turkey
Today is Albania national day
Empires fall, but China is eternal
When europeans are mistreated they complain and demand what is theirs
Why are Serbs from western mountainous Serbia whiter than average Serb?
Post a pizza from your cunt
Is latin america part of the western world?
You must live in one of these countries for 1 year. Choose wisely
Hey you ... yes, you ... why haven't you visited my country yet?
Thoughts on american girls?
The yank fears the English BVLL
Edycja słodkości
Tell me something interesting about your ancestors
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
Board is getting slower every day
Looking for good POV fetish porn
Ywn get tortured by a mexican cartel
Sverigetråden - OUI-upplagan
Only French wine should be allowed to carry the name wine
How do you say "obedient dog" in your language?
Third largest country in Europe
/brit/ - The Land Whale Edition
Sweden cold record is -52,6°
How much money will this relic be worth in 100 years?
Can Italy-bros help me out? I'll be in Rome in a week
BP vs EP
Accidentally fucked a ladyboy
Stereotype thread:
Could my eye pass as local in your country?
On holiday in europe for six weeks
Drop the surrender jokes now
Why are Iberians such dishonest, greedy people?
International jokes thread
Imagine a world without _____
1. ur cunt
Why are Finno-Ugrics so short?
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
Why do they want to spread their cancer everywhere?
Fucking americans
Your pussy
Today Panama celebrates 197 years of independence from Spain. Say something nice
Unironically some of the nicest and most polite posters
Why do Americans hate trade unions so much?
Which one has best food
How many followers does your cunts embassy in Japan have on Twitter?
Tu parles le français, n'est-ce pas user ?
Finland is now the most racists country in EU
This shitty continent has no future
Do Finns face racism in Europe due to their Mongolness?
Why are people from here so fucking weird?
...It was your idea to remain friends... Why did you have to break my heart for the second time?
/fr/ - le francofil
King of mutts
What did Germany mean by this?
Any Russians here? I'm going to kick your ass
I wanna live in Europe
/ita/ il filo delle "donne"
Whats your favourite euro country?
Your country is it snowing in your country?
1. Your cunt
Post anime characters from your cunt
Reminder lads deal one final BLOW to their failing union
Sweden is a member of the EU but not NATO
Why do Europeans think it's acceptable to extort innocent tourists who need to relieve themselves?
I really like winter today I wore a big comfy jacket and winter boots
Dude wtf don't just stay depressed 24/7 in your room! find some hobbies and explore this wonderful world!
Would you support Venezuelan refugees?
They are Europeans
Are you a Victim of racism Jow Forums?
White girl is so qt
Do you want to find love in Angola?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Multi-ethnic multi-cultural country wor-
Hey Euros, has being been a part of the EU for a prolonged period changed your opinions on anything...
What is the most prestigious location to live in your country?
Finland will be greater than the British
Be Brit
Why does this still exist
I am white
How do we expand germany back to its former size without taking land from other countries?
*genetically engineers creativity genes*
Are they a meme?
If you could physically delete one nation and all of it's inhabitants and replace it with ocean which would you choose?
Is there a nation as pathetic as Korea?
Wow... Lithuanians really stand out when they visit Poland
This is by far the best region in world
/AEIOU/ ehemals /deutsch/
Paid 650€ to computeruniverse for rtx 2080
Why do mexican americans do this?
Is Russia actually as safe as people say or is it just a meme?
Be me
Does your country have a signature cookie?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Hel looks thread
Sverigetråden - Ras-upplagan
*destroys the white race*
Based & Redpilled
Why is racemixing a bad thing? Isn't genetic diversity supposed to be good for the species?
Try avocado
You can only post in this thread if your cunt has never committed a war crime
Why is france so fucking weak?
Blackpill of the day, most fathers want to fuck their goodlooking daughters
In this life you have sinned a lot. Therefore, in the next life you will born in Russia...
Their language looks like someone just randomly hit his fingers on a keyboard and said "yup, this looks good"
Hundreds of thousands of males like him are moving to Europe every year. They are moving to your country, your city...
Do you know what this is?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw drunk and I find canned pineapples in the fridge
سلامات ، - أعني السلام لك يا أخي العزيز ، معك تود ، مستهلك الألعاب...
OH GOD SEND HELP. I woke up in Denmark
Redpill me on Germany vs. Austria vs. Switzerland
Why do they make such good fucking music?
Why do Poles hate when Germans and Russians do business? Shame on you, Poland
This is how the average American will look in 2280, according to science, and it's beautiful
Does anyone else just want to go to their island and start massacring them until they surrender to the superior wh*te...
Why don't they just join Germany?
Death to America, glory to Allah
Do yuros not build homes with wood?
You can post what whites are afraid of
I've got 8 cavities
FACT: Pajeetas are the peak of human evolution
1. Your country
Trump: "the USA is the biggest oil producer in the world...
How is Low German different from high German? Do they not understand each other's language?
Why do trailer park dwelling hicks (with names like Jebediah) hate on the places that make their country rich?
Why Dutch vaginas are sucking arab dicks ?
What's it like to have a bj?
French men
This is by far the best region in Europe
*braps om your direction*
Americans are fat and ug-
How did she become the queen of Jow Forums so fast, lads?
Kurva anyátok
Hungary added to Civ 6
*makes you tacos and hands you a beer after a hard day at work*
I want to breed out her inferior anglo genes with my magic semen
Did the Turks turn the Greeks into faggots?
Why yes
Redpill me on Tatarstan. Why is it the most successful region in Russia?
Help us win the Revolutionary War
1. your country
Post areas of your country universally disliked
Do you love Japan?
Japanese police thugs caught on video beating and torturing a random guy for being a foreigner. What the fuck...
What percentage of Mexicans look like this?
Do people in your country celebrate New Year? It's just in 33 days!
I hate Italians because my Italian father left my mom when i was 3 years old
Jow Forums webms
Authorities found the remains of 16-year-old Arab Christian girl Yara Ayoub on Monday...
Who is the most influencal person in history besides Jesus?
Relaxing Jow Forums music
34-year old mans frustrating attempts at online-date
Do boys look like this in your country, or is it only America?
Let’s face it: the US is the greatest nation in the history of human kind
Why is Russia such a bully?
How diverse is your country?
Which country around the world do you consider has the most charming culture in all aspects?
1. Country
Your neighbours just declared war on you, how screwed is your Country?
Are you OK, USA?
When did you finally decide to leave Jow Forums for a more wholesome and intelligent board?
You're cunty
I hate it here please kill me
Anyone else hate how Mexicans are all "fuck christopher columbus >:-)" like this is what you would look like right now...
/AEIOU/ ehemals /deutsch/ vormals /nachtschicht/
Am i a zoomer?
Egyptians aren't whi-
ITT: Jow Forums in 1918
Why yes I humiliated the world's most powerful military. What gave it away?
Why does it feel like there’s only 100-500 regular posters here at best
Nothing wrong with cocks<15 cm
Grandpa complains about how people want things for free without working
Post a cat gif that represents your country
How do we save British culture?
Does your country eat rice and beans?
Is it true that European workers are allowed to go have a glass of wine or a beer on their lunch break and their bosses...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Unironically has anything good ever come out of this shithole? The French should've won
Not snacking is hard
You don't prance around in traditional garment so that means you don't have a culture
1.your cunt
Haplogroup D is only found among Japanese, Andamanese, and Tibetans
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/fr/ - le francofil
English Language
Only people that have fallen down in public can post here
Hilo Latino
Is America gonna be OK?
/ita/ - il filo
/v4/ + and the friendship
Thinking of moving to India with a backpack and no money and living off the land there by doing odd jobs
Is this based or cringe?
You are cunt
Why are some countries more corrupt than others?
Damn Chinks are BASED
No culture
No, you're not white
From the Meuse to the Neman
What's your favorite aspect of American culture?
Do you think you'll be able to find your perfect soulmate in your own country or do you think you'll have to find him...
Germany wants to send THIS back to Turkey
Something in my room smells like fucking Salami and have no clue where it comes from...
Be Israeli Jew
I was checking models from my country and honestly, white girls are superior. It's a fact
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2086
This board is like groundhog day
/ita/ il filo delle Bratz
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
How do I become a farmer in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus? Please, russanons or hoholanons help me out
Arab BVLL here
Another thread of snow niggers thinking their history is somewhat relevant
Am*rican tries to be funny with "banter"
Why are African-Americans so fucking annoying and obnoxious?
You're not letting him survive two years in a row - are you Sweden?
I am a 22 year hold kissless handholdless virgin gringo with blonde hair...
Why mexico hack earth?
How do I become a farmer in Russia? Gene-edited babies mean it's over for us non-edited humans...
I don't want to be bald
Hello Jow Forums describe your country with three words
Anyone else here had sex in vagina with a 15cm and thin (2 fingers wide) penis more than 1 times?
Is the back of your head flat?
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
This is a 7/10 in brazil
*comes in your hand*
Imagine if she had really stinky breath and u were talking to her close up and she kept blowing her stinky breath in ur...
/fr/ - le francofil
Paraguay, what the fuck?
What did you eat for dinner today?
Be American
Swedish girl poses as black - causes enrage
My name is Wingloo
Her boyfriend is portuguese
Swedish posters
I'm fucking freezing
Tfw no Maghrebi gf
Wow, German girls look like that?!
Why is american food so much better than the rest of the world?
Is your country currently losing a trade war that it started without thinking?
Do you love Germany?
Sverigetråden - Nordiska upplagan
When I was in France I saw some guy tried shove his fingers up another guy's butt in public...
Are we Europeans too retarded to make this?
When did you realize that China > Japan
First thing that comes to mind when you see this?
Why do everyone here love Russia so much? Russia isn't that great, in fact it's almost as bad as Poland or Brazil
Be smoker for 4 years
Do you like tanks? Tell me about your favorite tanks
/ita/ - il filo
*dabs on amerisharts*
ITT posters you recognize
Is Japan actually as safe as people say or is it just a meme?
The only countries that can be considered Western in a global context imo
My penis is 15cm and thin (2 fingers wide)
/balk/ = niggers of europe
Sverigetråden - Middagsupplagan
/lang/ Language Learning General
Why do they pretend to be Western Slavs when they're in actuality closer to their Russian...
I've never been in the UK
New Germanic research on Finns - they are Mongols
How does Jow Forums take their coffee?
Why do bongs need to use their own special snowflake timezone?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Feet from around the world
/fr/ - Le francofil : édition des bregnoules
I fixed the world. Your welcome
1 month until 2019
Why yes, we are Russian men. How could you tell?
Why do american males to this?
Do people visit your country?
Straightoids will stick their dicks in this
Have you served in your cunt's army, Jow Forums?
Do you love Belgium?
New civ: Hungary
I love my country more than myself
/New England/
How are you preparing for Asian Century, subhumans?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship