If Europeans hate English so much, why are they obsessed with it. I've heard that even when no Anglos are around, Swedes and Norwegians speak English to each other. Or Czechs and Slovaks speak English with each other.
Face it, English is a superior, more logical, and richer language than anything the EU can shit out.
I don't speak english with Swedes most of the time but if I do it's to have a common tounge. Say I'm struggling with his dialect or vise versa we can dwitch to english to make it easier. Or if I can't understand a lot of their words.
Anthony Evans
>Czechs and Slovaks speak English with each other. lel what
Landon Martinez
What's with Germans and conlangs
Jaxon Diaz
? Zamenhof was a Polish Jew
Sebastian Bell
>Swedes and Norwegians speak English to each other No we speak Swedish to each other.
Easton Ortiz
>jew >creating an anti-Anglo language to replace every other language surprise surprise.
>when no Anglos are around, Europeans talk to each other in the only language in common they know Whoah, hold down for a second let me think...
John Diaz
>martsharter is astounded by the concept of a common second language
Jason Gomez
No we just speak our native languages but they're so close it's practically just a meme to call them different languages.
Adrian Green
Speaking english makes you fat.
USA - fat UK - fat Anglo canadians - fat
And yet, the french who eat all the time are way less fat.
In order to not be so fat, you have to speak a language that conveys beauty and finesse. You are what you speak.
Brandon Jackson
He's right, you know? Just the fact that everyone speaks it as a second language means the anglos won.
Julian Rivera
>the anglos won Yeah, I hear the UK is doing great right about now.
Eli Foster
Better than you mate.
Carson Robinson
Just a happy coincidence that the United States started as a British colony. Even at the height of the British Empire English was not a lingua franca, it started being one after WW2 when Burgers became dominant. And if you are implying Burgers are Anglo, well I have some news for you Jõãõ...
Elijah Cooper
English isn't superior or more logical or richer. But we do speak English a lot of the time.
Not only to Swedes (however many Swedes probably still understand Norwegian, and in that case I'd rather use that), but also to other Norwegians, especially when talking about certain topics, like feminism or certain pop culture.
Bentley Walker
Let's see after the EU is done with your ass lmao.
Eli Price
>also to other Norwegians, especially when talking about certain topics, like feminism or certain pop culture.
>obsessed Why are Americans obsessed with this word?
Isaac Roberts
It would take literal armageddon to drag us down to your level.
Owen Stewart
Well... yeah.
Xavier Fisher
wrong speaking english =/= fat english ancestry = fat americans are just fat because they're stupid and eat too much ethnic anglos are predisposed to be fat, look at the (mostly ethnic anglo) maritimes vs. the (mostly ethnic german and slavic) west and my point is clear
The English language is so cucked: >The Norman language in England eventually developed into Anglo-Norman. Because Norman was spoken primarily by the elites and nobles, while the lower classes continued speaking Anglo-Saxon, the influence of Norman consisted of introducing a wide range of loanwords related to politics, legislation and prestigious social domains.[40]
>Middle English also greatly simplified the inflectional system, probably in order to reconcile Old Norse and Old English, which were inflectionally different but morphologically similar.
Aaron Baker
Lol I did not know that, I was just making an anglo joke.