This is how the average American will look in 2280, according to science, and it's beautiful

This is how the average American will look in 2280, according to science, and it's beautiful.

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Don't insult deathclaws like that buddy...
Cmon douche

>*pulls out Anti-Materiel Rifle*
pssst... nothing personnel Quarry Junction...

>not going melee with chainsaw while wearing enclave power armor

Dead Money > Lonesome Road = Honest Hearts > Old World Blues

Mr. House > Yes Man > Caesars Legion > NCR

Radio New Vegas > Mojave Music Radio

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dios mio... el monstro de /v/...

>Dead Money

Quite possibly the most overrated DLC in the history of video games.

>Managing to get everything completely in reverse


its literally the lowest critically received DLC because the gameplay sucks a bag of dicks. It just has absolutely excellent story, ambiance, and characters

Honest Hearts>Dead Money>Old World Blues>Lonseome Road
Mr House>NCR>Caesar’s Legion>Yes Man

>using melee on that god awful game engine

Caesars Legion is the best, you degenerate

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

>actually liking le zany penis finger sci fi schlock that makes you replay that stupid fucking school stealth section like 5 times for literally no reason
>actually liking the DLC whose tone and feel made it feel like it belonged in a completely different game
expect nothing less from a reddit spacer

Mppphp /v/ Mpphphpp Mpph

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El apyr de las americas dios mio.

Okay you made me laugh. Upvote for you.

>>actually liking le zany penis finger sci fi schlock that makes you replay that stupid fucking school stealth section like 5 times for literally no reason

Replaying the school is deal breaker game design for you but the DLC that is so badly designed it basically says "Hope you played a very specific build up to this point, or else this will be a shit fest" in an RPG is top tier?

>expect nothing less from a reddit spacer

Protip; "reddit spacing" is a non-argument for brainlets, people have done this since on Jow Forums 2004, before reddit was even a thing. Plus reddit uses inline breaks after quotes so you'd actually never reddit space after a quote since it does it automatically.

>Tfw you'll never get to play New Vegas for the first ever again

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Better, although my bias has to jack Lonesome Road way but because for all its faults I really like the atmosphere and the story implications for your characters past.

If you hit your head hard enough you might.

truly the worst feel. How was the new Fallout? I stopped playing vidya years ago, but I still fondly remember the time period when I played New Vegas, felt like living in a different world for a while

you can literally cripple the ghosts in like 4 hits from one of the spears the game gives you with the game set to very hard and no points sunk into melee weapons outside of the default points from starting strength + implant. This kills them instantly..
Ive never seen anyone complain about the combat of all things in dead money. Why you would bring that up instead of the admittedly trial and error bomb collar sections makes no sense

literally nobody puts a worthless space after their quote except for redditors. Same thing with worthless spacing in between sentences which are discussing the same topics.
You fucks deserve to be ridiculed

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Everybody says its trash, haven't played it myself, just saw a couple guys on YouTube having fun, but when you have a friend you could kick each other on the balls and have a laugh, doesn't mean it's enjoyable

>How was the new Fallout?

Surely you don't mean 76? That game is bombing on a catastrophic scale, it's managing to kill peoples long term hype with Bethesda to the point where they are fearing TES6. Black Friday wiping 33% off the price tag within days of release, sales down 80% compared to Fallout 4. Bethesda panicking so hard they're refusing refunds.

Not even the good goy critics could save that shit, I've never felt such incredible schadenfreude in a long time, fuck Bethesda.

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Fallout 76 is a piece of shit, don't ever think about getting it. Fallout 4 comes no where near New Vegas roleplaying and replayability, but if you're still itching for something Fallout, then it's worth giving it a try. get it on g2a for $10 because fuck Bethesda.

I want to marry Goris!


Honest Hearts > [Power Gap] > Dead Money > Lonesome Road > [Bigger Power Gap] > OWB

NCR > House > Caesar > Independent

don't care about radio, whichever had big iron and jingle jangle
simple as

Everything is fun with friends, but 76 is something special, after like 10, MAYBE 20 hours even having best friends the game becomes a slog you regret every second of in retrospect. Even the people who love co-op so much they enjoyed trash like ORION: Prelude find 76 unplayable even with friends.

Have you ever wrote any text outside of Jow Forums in your life? There are established standards on how to do it.

Good, whenever I feel like playing games I just remind myself that everything is trash now.

Playing it on launch on PS3 was horrendous.

Based and perfect taste pilled.

Dead Mo ey was fucking awful.

There is a blatant difference between spacing for breaking up discussion points and ease of reading and throwing a space in between everything typed. Ordinary people dont do the latter

Notice he praised Copy Paste Alleys: The DLC then lambasted OWB for featuring a school design a few times.

>felt like living in a different world for a while
this. freshmen year of high school all I ever did was play New Vegas. my grades suffered because I was so addicted to the game. I was so immersed with the world that I used to have dreams about it, now I can't even finish a play through because I literally did everything in the game.

I played some Fallout 4, it seemed fun at first but maybe some 10 hours in you just get bored to death.

Bethesda has been going downhill since Skyrim. I don’t really understand why they think dumbing down is a good idea. Even to attract wider appeal you have to have substance instead of endless monotonous dungeons like in Fallout 4. Even more casual players enjoy having a responsive environment with depth, imo

>low IQ runt that doesnt enjoy the best parts of FONV (story, characters, ambiance)
shant be considering your opinion

that was your first mistake.

nothing in dead money is copy pasted
OWB literally requires you to replay the exact same drawn out section multiple times for no reason other than padding
did you even play the game

playing online was free so fuck xbox

It's free on another platform and isn't underpowered 15 FPS garbage either.

I was a proto-zoomer, a console was what I was allowed by my parents, not a gaming PC.

Dead Money > LR > HH > OWB
Yes Man > Legion > House > NCR

Sorry, but Goris is already my husband.

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Never understood New Vegas meme, it’s just fallout 3 with yellow filter, aside from main quest it’s literally the same shit with boring as fuck quests, bleak factions, snoozefest story. After playing F3 for like 200 hours, I didn’t find strength to have more than 50 in yellow filter Vegas. It’s no better than F3, whoever says otherwise is an elitist

Old World Blues was GOAT DLC you scrubs
Any choice other than Yes Man is the cuckold option

shit taste

Yeah, yeah, yellow filter fag. Tell me difference between two games aside from main quest

Suffer not the Californian to live

fnv has more quests and endings. more locations, more npcs.

It's 90% overblown for 9gag tier nostalgia, but the other 10% is a good effort for something different than F3 and the increasing Bethesda samey-ness

People are still debating who should rule the Mojave, the only debate 3 gets is who was more retarded and nonsensical
NV has more than one band of raiders with different goals and motivations
NV has locations that make some sense as opposed to lol kid town or lol rich people tower

The gameplay is absolute trash in both games but if you can't comprehend how people prefer one game over the other you're just autistic

It only starts getting really good on the second playthrough when you try something completely different and realize how much shit there's in the game that you didn't notice or just couldn't do because of your choices in your first playthrough, how many ways there are to approach every situation and how deep and polished everything is for a game made in one year. You don't get that shit in Bethesda games which break extremely easily as soon as you try thinking outside of the box.
Except for The Legion. The Legion is just unfinished.

Browsing the Jow Forums almost makes you wish for nuclear winter.

>not killing one with Abilene Kid Le BB Gun with crit build
smhing @ u Ivanov

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>Tell me difference between two games aside from main quest
Fallout 3 was made by B*thesda


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I didn't play new vegas at all because of how shit i found Fallout 3 to be. I am inclined to believe you, but he is right that people are too positive about NV. It's still has dogshit gameplay as you said too. And while of course even original fallouts didn' have great gameplay and an RPG isn't just gameplay. F3's is just painful.

Deathclaws are too smart. Amerilards are supermutants

there are americans too in the game

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Those are from Point Lookout in F3, u silly meatball man

Fuck mr. House and fuck NCR

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Is Fallout New California good?

>By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.

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Deathclaws > White People

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How the fuck do you even come up with an idea to draw something like this?

everyone shat on dead money on release and they were all dead wrong. It really is very, very good.

I got it free from a mate and it is one of the worst AAA experiences I've touched. It is so fucking boring and broken that after about 30 minutes I just gave up playing. Miserable time had by all.


nah supermutants were unironically pretty intelligent on occasion. They are closer to obese feral ghouls.

I have 1200 hours in this game and the first 900 were without any mods.

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you must be new here


Mental illness called being str*ight

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