How do we expand germany back to its former size without taking land from other countries?

Attached: D240D92A-3414-46B6-A708-A67BC6035393.jpg (242x242, 53K)

expand into the fourth dimension

Create a tectonic disturbance that causes the land to move apart

Create artificial islands in the north and Baltic seas

dubs and we claim Mars

By abolishing the nation of Poland altogether.

Attached: 2E3BF907-4D6B-4FA9-B512-C94EB8917159.jpg (1024x2836, 509K)

Like this.

Attached: BlankMap-Europe-v4.png (2100x1525, 90K)

Poland has nogs though, just not as many

what really constitutes a "country"?

you could form something like an unified economic zone and make other countries accept German ideas regarding their laws

underground cities

depends, if the tectonic rip occurs in Eastern Germany the new land will be legitimate slavic clay.

this. Germans are irl dwarves anyways, and lack of sunlight will not hurt them since they lack human emotions anyways

I strongly object to this. They can take the Netherlands for all I care, they are already pocket format Germans, us however we wuz Gauls n shiet.

My thoughts exactly.

Ahh shit, no I don’t want bmw to become polish

Yeah its not like we had to suffer 60 of communism and 1/5 of our country was killed by krautniggers

You asked us how to do it without taking from countries.

That’s not OP, I’m OP. Carry on.

Create the EU.

EU is a continuation of Germany by other means.

The recent wresting of Ukrainian territory from the Russian empire has long been a goal of Germany from the time of Bismarck.

Because they dont wave German flags anymore doesnt mean they dont still have the same goal.

Personally, Germany is by far my favorite country and culture in Europe and Id rather for a million reasons a EU defanged Germany than the 4th Reich running Ukraine.

But lets be clear as to whats happening here.

Why not create a union of European nations and instead of military force use economic power.

Germany has their own agendas sure but without a doubt they would be much more benevolent towards Ukraine, not even debatable. Other than the rapefugees I say that they’ve been pretty good for Europe in general

Since when that part of WROCLAW, WHICH IS CITY OF GERMAN CREATION is in Warsaw Mr user? Is that just a weak bait or you are an ape? Well, you can choose both.

colonize Mars and create it Germano-Islamic Emirate here like they always wanted
