
me when i have my face in the gf's bra edition

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you flew here we grew here.


hope for you that janny is still sleeping

postieberg late AGAIN not happy

janny an incel

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business idea: rampant political correctness run amok

I'm a little confused about the German who doesn't work

"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

ah shit! I forgot to get cheese in the shop earlier

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>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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English hahaha English in the Republic Direland

I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea

>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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Bit strange how the USA supports militant groups in the Middle East and that's acceptable, or its military interventions in the Middle East are acceptable, or how Saudi Arabia's military interventions are acceptable, or how Saudi beheading dissidents and butchering its own journalists in another country is acceptable, or how Saudi Arabia exporting its batshit Wahhabist ideology all over the world is acceptable, or how Saudi Arabia explicitly supporting terrorist groups in the Middle East is acceptable, but Iran trying to serve its own interests in the Middle East makes it some sort of evil incarnate despite that by any metric it has the moral high ground compared with Saudi Arabia.

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is benedictine nice?

>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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climate “science” seems as reliable psychology

Disease outbreak in India is turning people into violent zombies lads,

>climate change
Lefty bollocks

Now answer me, sincerely, honestly, who lives past forty? I'll tell you who does: fools and scoundrels

Think I've got SAD (Seasonal affective disorder)

>Disease outbreak in India is turning people into violent zombies lads,
lefty bollocks.

and Sikhs are killing Israelis in Sri Lanka

with an insatiable appetite for poo

>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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He gets like this when he's wound up

I swear to you lads, that to be overly conscious is a sickness, a real, thorough sickness

If you saw the follow up picture you'd see I am clearly not black.


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Brits come in all colours


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>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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You deal with the hand that’s given and the climate reshuffles the deck constantly. Although it has long been a theory that global warming will eventually lead to an ice age because the new water in the oceans will slow the gulf streams.

sicily is off his rocker again

How can a man of consciousness have the slightest respect for himself

what are you conscious about

It's spring

Alright Satre I think you already know the answer

>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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>because the new water in the oceans will slow the gulf streams.

We can already see movement in the gulfstreams.

hungry for peanuts

You mean you want some peanuts.

>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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r8 my new beard lads
just got it this morning

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you deserve online therapy

>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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myself. it is also clear to me now that, owing to my inbounded vanity and to the high standard i set for myself, i often looked at myself with furious discontent, which verged on loathing, and so I inwardly attributed the same feeling to everyone

just bought a ambiguously aged shag doll off alibaba

Don't do facial hair myself, can't manage more than a couple of days without a shave. Dunno how anyone can be arsed with it TBQH.

>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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what about yourself though?
and same feeling of vanity? or same feeling of discontentment?

First he suffers the Assad Regime then he gets beaten up we truly are monsters

Ah yes, greentext image spam, cracking stuff

You've made a horrible philosophical mistake

would probably grow up to be another anjem choudry anyway

take those anti-psychotics rorke

>SAS hardman

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>the police have to guard that rorke bullies house because they're feared

see, leftypol strikes FEAR in to the heart of the rorke coward

Assads the good guy though

treated myself yesterday
will have to smoke one if fury wins on sat night

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how do i get the posh, leggy, engaged girl who i sometimes see on the train to leave her fiancee and come settle down with me?

Another one bites the dust

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can't take this manlet seriously with his squeaky southern poof voice.

i tell you solemnly, that i have many times tried to become an insect. But i was not equal even to that. i swear, lad, that to be too conscious is an illness- a real thorough-going illness.

>Assads the good guy though

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>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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>Choudary praised those responsible for the 11 September 2001 and 7 July 2005 attacks
what a cunt
> He supports the implementation of Sharia law throughout the UK, Poland and India
first of all
secondly why does he care about India? he's not even Indian (or Polish for that matter)

i vehemently dislike Jacob Reese Mogg
I think I would have bullied him at school

>>Assads the good guy though
>>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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dried my hair with a towel and now i look like an anime character

Gonna treat myself to a smoke of crack if Wilder wins

Hope that little Syrian parasite had every bone in his body broken
Fuck him and fuck brown people

>>>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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>16 Year Old Bully Not So Tough Since Being Targeted By Multi-Millionaire Celebrities

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>become an insect
tell me three things about yourself that you're conscious about? everyone has flaws they're constantly aware of, lad. you're not the only one

>>>>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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Blame the N*rth for being a stronghold of rape gangs and sharia law

>haha fuck mudslimes xD r-right guys? those fucking mudslimes! I'm cool like you, you see? can I stay in /brit/ this time?

why is leftypol overwhelmingly aussie?

Family who were settled beside us back in England were very well received, their eldest lad got straight into all the local sports clubs. Unfortunately and despite my coaching (or perhaps because of!) he proved most adept at cricket. Shame 'cos he looked built to be a winger, nippy young man.

>beat up Italian tourists and polish plumbers
>absolute silence from everyone
>put one finger on a brown person
>entire media, government, culture comes down like the hand of God

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You're selectively ignoring all the news coverage of the former.

>>haha fuck mudslimes xD r-right guys? those fucking mudslimes! I'm cool like you, you see? can I stay in /brit/ this time?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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>beat up Italian tourists and polish plumbers
>>absolute silence from everyone

>small boob, thick thighs, big arse
literally my gf

>muslims raping people and ramming crowds with vans? who cares, racists!
>white teenagers having a bit of banter? oh em gee wtf name and shame the evil nazis!

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pics x

when people say northerners do they mean Scots? or north England? also aren't there more Muslims in London (which is in the south)? just guessing since London is a big city

The one article written in the footnotes
This however will be the British medias cause de jure for the next several weeks

if you seriously think beating up an innocent kid at school is somehow acceptable or "retribution" or whatever idiotic little justification you have cooked up in your head, you might actually be beyon salvation. I don't think there is a way back for you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"political correctness" or "not acting like a piece of shit" as we say in English.

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