What did Germany mean by this?
What did Germany mean by this?
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that france should hand its permanent seat on the un security council in the medium term to the eu because it would allow the eu to speak with one voice, you illiterate dumbfuck
Hmm maybe don't invade and devastate half of Yurop next time, Olaf sweetie?
That makes no sense, France has the strongest army in the eu and the only country with nukes, it's the only country there that has the right to speak about global security
We were wrong to leave though clearly
Why can't Germans stop trying to conquer Europe?
this cant be real
>Never trust the Germ
>G*rms talking shit
Reuniting germany was a mistake
You guys should nuke Frankfurt in reprisal.
Well your president wants a strong eu so why dont you take the lead?
The eternal t*Uton is not our friend and he never was
How to drive a wedge between the two remaining key members of the EU: the statement.
(they were obvious ;])
>tfw just realized eu only has one representative in the securify council and it's fucking f*ance
How did we slip into irrelevance so quickly as a continent
Our individual members used to be the top dogs and now we aren't shit even as a group
It's not fair
> EU as a unified force in world security
No no no no, for the love of god never give so much power to an entity that may be led by a member of the Butthurt Belt. France with access to the red button is fine. Poland or Bulgaria with access to the red button is a possible nuclear winter.
Who gives a shit about India or chinks? Overpopulated shitholes that will collapse as soon as the actual global peace is jostled a bit.
France started this shit by voicing that they intend to go for our money
vsn't be much less respectful than this
Based germs making it clear that the EU is an empire
something like this
>doesn't know the difference between "saying" and "meaning"
>calls others illiterate
Also, if Macron accepts this, I move to fucking Russia and fight for them in the upcoming ww3
> EU as a unified force in world security
>cant even protect its own people or borders
Germans are behind everything bad that happened in the last 100 years. Communism, world wars, EU, everything.
>inb4 Jews
The unifying factor is being German
Give us your seat frog, this is like another Versailles. Oh weh
Never forget the past or risk repeating history.
this must be the most bluepilled post of the day
you can thank your flag this post doesn't have 100 mutt meme replies
We should get Britains spot desu
EU "democracy" is even less transparent and trusted than the Spanish one
You and what army?
unironically the best thing about the EU is telling the americans to fuck off
It's rightfully German.
just me
Security council has two Muslim countries, a Hebrew, a Communist and an Atheist.
Power-hungry Nazis want to dominate the world again. Fucking Gorbachev allowed them to reunify
I could take you
Germany wants France off the UNSC and instead have a "EU" seat. It has been a thing for a while. Same was for the UK but uhh...we all know how that went.
they're up their old tricks again
only under Charlemagne
based master race showing sissis who's boss. DEUTSCHLAND ERWACHE.
wew they are conquering europe far faster than I thought
fourth time lucky
because they have been building towards this very thing ever since Paul-Henri Spaak
Based Germany.
The Fourth Reich is here.
Allies getting fucked
EU army
Here we go again.
It's only been 28 years..
Why the fuck is it the finance minister saying this?
Germany won in the end.
So what's more likely at this point lad
>EU army and chimping out on Russia
>Racial tension keeps going up to civil war tier riots like the London ones
>Germany somewhat regains an army for the good of the EU
>germany gets what they want
>france leads the creation of an EU army where all countries participate
>political/racial tension gets to a breaking point
>EU breaks up
>perpetual european wars start again because US isn't around to stop them
>UK recovers faster than the rest of the countries and rules over europe
>europe becomes more irrelevant while china and USA fight to claim key spots in the solar system
>France "should"
We'll consider your request and be back at you as soon as possible.
>US not crashing itself due to their racial tensions
lmao good joke
Fuck you Germany
we're a massive country built on immigration, we've mastered racial tension. Europe is supposed to be home of the Europeans.
>France rejected the idea. France’s ambassador to the US Gérard Araud tweeted that it was “legally impossible” because it ran “contrary to the United Nations Charter. To change that would be politically impossible.”
It's not happening. But it is insulting.
>we've mastered racial tension.
Because Merkel can't
>UK recovers faster than the rest of the countries and rules over europe
absolutly delusional.
also china is a house of cards. they cant handle a slow of growth and their buildings are crumbling to dust in massive quantities because it was all a bubble with scam construction compaies. and many countries are moving production away from china, the chinks arent that cheap anymore automation is cheaper.
>>absolutly delusional
>island country
>left EU before collapse
Whatever you say
>we're a massive country built on immigration,
The USA was built on white European immigration till 1965. You were supposed to be a home for Europeans as well, until some people cheated you out of it.
As Mark Twain said “History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes”
eu is not going to collapse though. the britts will be cucked by brexit and serve as an example to others. and once an eu army is established keeping unity gets much easier. all it takes is a bit of russian fear mongering as you americans should know yourself.
I can't see why France would obect to this, aren't they wanting a superstate anyway? It's going to happen sooner or later.
Because knowing the French all their sperging about some superstate didn't include them giving up their privileges.
>“legally impossible”
>To change that would be politically impossible.”
No it's not. Plenty of countries have changed in the UN, including a permanent seat (USSR to Russia).
The refusal is clear regardless.
Ah yes this is certainly what's expected from a simple trading bloc
Maybe France doesn't actually want further European cooperation after all. Sad.
But why? Don't you support the EU?
If you want Germany to socialize economic power and tax gains, France will have to socialize military and political power.
>a simple trading block
Are you from 1960? The European Union has a parliament too now, your government helped set it up.
you need to cup your hands bro, a bowel movement is coming on and I might be able to socialize something for ya
I know Germans love that stuff
Do you know about WW2?
It's not just that. Europe isn't a very interesting region anymore for geopolitics. Europe was hot shit after WW2 as well since it was where the West met the rest. But today people care more about Chinese Sea and Middle-East than Europe.
That Macron should put his money where his mouth is and actually do something towards having that "one voice" he keeps talking about, while blatantly only pushing for France-favouring policies.
I'm not seeing him step up to put an end to the ridiculous circus of moving the EU parliament to Straßburg and back for no good reason.
>Germany to socialize economic power and tax gains
You can contribute to this union economically as France is doing or you can decide not to, but none of this entails loss of sovereignty for us.
Your ministers have been getting really uppity lately. Maybe they should be reminded who's the military power in this union.
If you think he will ever do that you don't understand the French mind.
I don't think he ever will, nor does Olaf. Thats literally the point.
>get to travel and show their ugly mugs anywhere
>get to buy property and register residence anywhere
>get to study at european universities for peanuts while their own unis jew people out of tens of thousands
>get gibs for their poorer than poland regions
>*keeps mouth shut and gobbles up all the benefits
>something bongs don't like happens
we should reintroduce a visa regime for you fucks, it'll take you right back to the trading block days. i'd like to see how much you'd like having to run around from embassy to embassy submitting visa applications half a year in advance
>we should reintroduce a visa regime for you fucks, it'll take you right back to the trading block days. i'd like to see how much you'd like having to run around from embassy to embassy submitting visa applications half a year in advance
That's not what he meant when he said trading block!
Yep. Aaaaaaaaaaany day now.
Ah so he meant those types of trading blocks where you get full freedom to travel, live and work around all the member states with no restrictions whatsoever. The ones with all of the nice things, but no obligations or any nasty stuff like that
Silly me.
All of Europe is rightful German clay.
Why is the German obsessed with world domination?
You're the ones who start attack wars without any reason and murder and steal.
Russia is the one chimping out right now and they are the nasty people.
Turks are the root of everything, not Germans.
Everyone but us seems willing to let them.
USSR and Russia are countries, so are the ROC and the PRC; the EU is not and hopefully never will be.
>the EU is not
Yet. That's the whole point of Germany wanting France to hand over their UN seat, to legitimatise the EU as a country. And ever since the UK left, France and Germany have been pushing hard to make the EU a country.