Board is getting slower every day

>Board is getting slower every day
>"Racist" and "xenophobic" posts removed instantly

Yep, it's been nice knowing you, Jow Forums.

Hiro, I hope you get nuked along with your shitty island.

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fuck off polak subhuman be racist somewhere else

Good. This is an advertiser friendly site. Go back to your shithole Jow Forums if you want to be toxic

Uhm sweaty, this is 4channel. If you want to get back to racism and sexism so much, why don't you go back to Jow Forums?


Go back your retard site Jow Forums or Reddit.

>>"Racist" and "xenophobic" posts removed instantly

fuck off 4ch*Nner

Cucked West

kys ivan

Im literally shaking rn. PLEASE just go back to Jow Forums you fascist pig

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>"Racist" and "xenophobic" posts removed instantly
Absolutely B&Rp

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get used to it wh*Tey


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Tbh that was an incredibly retarded idea
4ch = Jow Forums
Every board is Jow Forums
You will always see this posts


Go back to Jow Forums you polish blockhead

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fuck off third world

the less third worlders on this board, the more the quality is enhanced, good riddance


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ITT: mad poopbois

Hmm this is 4channel sir, there is no place for racism or homophobia here

>Criticise Russian attack war on Ukraine
REEEEEEEEEE gtfo russorealist
t. Calzones

>Make a Finns are Mongolid cunt eyes thread
>etc. similar threads
Totally okay, bro.
t. Calzones

Well, the russians got KC like that too and that's when it went to shit.

kys dindu faggot