Empires fall, but China is eternal

Empires fall, but China is eternal

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India too.

Asia is so based when you consider how long its civilizations have been around.

China thinks a long time ahead but they were dumb enough to adopt shitty communism.

if china wasn't communist it would be like India now

if china wasn't communist they would've started their economic surge atleast 20 years earlier

a free and open democracy?

President Xi said they are pro-free market (with Europe, at least)

There's not a single democratic country in the world, dumb leaf. Voting doesn't mean exercising actual power.

Not that leaf but the illusion of control greases the wheels of civilization.

They dropped communism decades ago. Everyone knows "Communism with Chinese characteristics" is euphemism for state capitalism.

India can barely pass for civilisation

Based... and REDpilled

Persia too

China collapses all the time.

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a shit hole like the writing meaning

if KMT still in power then yes.

Why is Winnie the Pooh in a suit?

it shall be made whole again

It's already whole at the moment. It's time for another collapse.

Emperor Xi is coming to Portugal next week.
I'm glad his highness takes the time to visit his most steadfast and loyal servants under heaven(the Portuguese)

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I wish India was like China.
inb4 freedom of speech
yeah, whatever. It's not like my daily will be affected in any way.
>But then you won't be able to call your leaders cunts.
Who cares?

India had its time. Just become a Chinese colony.

Uh, no, it's socialism. Dialectic materialism at its best. Were Marx to live today, he would praise Xi Jinping, you ignorant right-winger.


shutup, chang

what a weird looking t-72

Yeah, where has communism gotten them other than making them one of the main world powers?

Mao set the foundation for china, while Deng went full Nazbol.

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china has lots of rises and falls
that's its strength