Do turks really believe this?

Do turks really believe this?

Attached: turks believe this.jpg (720x538, 34K)

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you mad LEHISTAN?

>italy and germany in 17th century
poorly made revisionist garbage

THAT'S what gave it away?



t. revisionist

They will believe anything Daddy Erdogan shits at them.

Avusturya when?

Attached: Was+the+movie+for+kids+or+adults+_f231acbd988053393fe5e211096ddc5b.jpg (1000x973, 97K)

Explains why Latgale is such a poor shithole lmao


Is this Turkish history book? Do they not use Arabic?

What's the problem? Outside of the Ottoman empire all that land belongs to various Turkic tribes

Not true. There were the Tatars and the Cumans who raided a lot of areas but in many cases they weren't direct vassals or even allies of the Ottoman Empire.

Why doesn't the UK already use Urdu as its official script?

Don't give our country ideas, mate. You got a loicence for those ideas?

Attached: Big Brother.png (1600x1200, 323K)

>Do they not use Arabic
Why would they? Turks conquered and ruled over Arabs, not otherwise.

Yes but you have to say prayers in Arabic for them to work, Allah only understands Arabic.


no, they believe this

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Ottomans actually used arabic writing. If you look up some ottoman documents or writing, its all in arabic.

Both had scripts taken from Persian. The Arabs have kept it and the Turks decided to leave it after the Ottoman Empire was over.

Why did they replace their cultural writing for a European one? Is the Latin alphabet superiour and much easier to be understood?

>not claiming Ukraine is a city is revisionism

But I thought turks ARE arabs?

Ataturk just wanted to reform Turkey as much as possible to be close to europe. He orderd to completly change writing to latin witds so it happend.

Because Atatürk was a nationalist who hated the Arabs, so much sohe supported Israel just out of spite.

Then you're retarded, sorry to inform you.

Almost forgot.
>their cultural writing
How the fuck is it "their"? You have to remember literacy was still abysmal when they changed it.

No they are not. Tuks originate from central asia. They were far from Arabs in terms of race.

well, we could also say that the latin alphabet is not our cultural writing since it's roman

t. arab turk
So they are mongoloids then? Even worse

Imagine one day you are using arabic to write and then all the sudden the state changes to latin. Imagine the huge setback.

Well yes, but not quite. Genetic studies show, that they are now much closer to europians. Only like 10% or less mongolian.


>Supported Israel out of spite
Everyone knows the Young Turks were a bunch of autistic kikes. Them supporting Israel is just a given

Ataturk was a still a faggot who made Winston Churchill look like a functioning member of society in comparison tho

>Ukraine was a city

What is the average IQ in Turkey again?

Attached: 1541919382695.jpg (500x364, 17K)

All turkic brothers

It's weird, but I simply can't see Atatürk as a bationalist

They're right
You are the brainlet here

>Is the Latin alphabet superiour and much easier to be understood?
Yes. Don't listen to butthurt ottoboos. Even reviving Old Turkic script is better than Ottoman script.

>Imagine one day you are using arabic to write
The problem is only a small fraction of the population could write in the fist place.

89~91 but it's probably down a few more points now since they ruined the education system even more, and it's been a few years since the Wikipedia is banned. Also the purchasing power is in the toilet, the poor majority can't feed their children healthy with proteins and nutrients like even meat (which is very overpriced because the animal industry collapsed). Children eat carb shit like pasta every time instead and become brain dead.

"Arab" and "Turk" mean two separate versions of the same thing (nationality) like male and female for human individuals, but just like male and female they can get mixed.

Cultural reasons make Persians, Turks and others mad at being called Arabs, yet Christian Arabs, Persians and Turks have been called Syrian/Syriac, Greek, etc. and no one has made issues about it to the extent you get called retarded on Jow Forums. British people have also been called Ferengi, meaning Frank i.e. Latino i.e. Roman. Jews who don't speak Hebrew at home get called Hebrews.

But Turkish and Persian nationalists have taken advantage of the fact that modern Ferengis are afraid of looking ignorant and saying Middle Eastern = Arab, so they go around correcting people and calling them retarded for saying "Arab".

They always say Persians did all the science in the Arabic golden age. Well, why did they use Arabic and live in Arab cities? Not by coincidence. The same reason Jews used Hebrew and Ferengis used Latin. Which is why they were considered Arabs even though people know Turks and Persians are separate.