How come East Asian countries don't have a big drug problem like they do in the western world?

How come East Asian countries don't have a big drug problem like they do in the western world?

Attached: japan_antidrugs_poster.jpg (450x600, 215K)

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>Alcohol and cigarettes aren't drugs

Attached: vO7lRZ7[1].png (621x702, 56K)

Caffeine is technically a drug and they drink tea every day.

Duterte just murders them

> irish education

Attached: canton-china-opium-den_a-G-2476540-0.jpg (473x355, 35K)

East and South east Asia learn so much from the experience that the Chinks get from opium. Drugs are bad and make you dumb and weak.

but we do have the problem because of gaijin drug dealers in japan

If it wasn't for gommunism China would be a worse haven for drug abuse than current day Ohio.

>dude weed is bad but working 14 hours then getting shitface drunk with your co-workers for another 2 hours, having constant alcohol-fueled insomnia and vomiting in the morning just before work is a-okay

fucking koreans man

No, just Japan.
SE Asia is awash in drugs on the same level as South America.
Japan doesn't have a drug problem because of social attitudes towards respecting authority. Very few people in Japan act like dickheads because of this.
Also when shit gets bad, they just kill themselves

we have higher caffeine tolerance, no?

You realize China does not accurately record, nor make public any of it’s drug use/crime/murder statistics, right? There’s a reason they try to cultivate their image abroad as “clean” and “efficient” when in reality it’s Moldova-tier.

It makes more sense to sell drugs to American

enjoying a big doink atm.
God i love NA

Based Koreans

>East Asia
British education...

Drug policies there are actually strict and enforced, "war on drugs" failed because they were half-assed about it.

I've been to China and I didn't see any of that. I was in a city bigger than Melbourne, yet I see druggies everywhere in this shithole (MELBZ)

t. Pothead

Strong social condemnation. Read what happened to the former drummer of Her Name in Blood. A joint killed his career and social life.

North Korea apparently has lots of meth addicts


Jesus christ.

How can I hire Koreans for my work?

They export fentanyl and "synthetic marijuana" to our junkies here.

Jewish influence isn't that strong there.

Are you serious? Outside of maybe Korea/Japan drugs are a rampart problem in Asia (Particularly SEA). Its just a different drug culture to the west so it is not as relateable. From what people have told me weed is not very common and generally bad quality, but uppers (particularly meth) and ketamine/opiates are pretty common. I think all drugs are seen as taboo as oppose to the west where we view different drugs seperately (weed and coke is socially acceptable but meth/heroin is not).

Most of the drugs here and in the AUS come from Asia, particularly precursors for Meth from east asia. Hence why like Asia we have a large meth problem but relativly low street opiates/coke.

>weed and coke is socially acceptable

no jews

Yes, especially in Australia. Ask me how I know your a incel.

drug gaysex...

Attached: 1542976437529.jpg (401x401, 22K)

>Socially acceptable

Yeah nuh

I have good friends who have used a range of psychedelics, I know a lot of people who use cannabis, I know a couple of people who are regular cocaine users, and I have a few acquaintances who are or have been addicted to methamphetamine and heroin.
Cocaine-users are reviled. Methamphetamine and heroin users are especially reviled. Use of psychedelics is frowned upon. Even cannabis use is considered socially unacceptable and is certainly not something about which to talk openly, even though it is common.

Too soulless for nihilism

it is still psychoactive you chink

I guess it depends on your social circles. I think coke is maybe a slightly older demographic than the average person here, but in middle class urban centres what do you think people do on a friday/saturday?

They probably send them to work camps or prison.

They literally just kill drug users.