Imagine your cultural dish not being this based

imagine your cultural dish not being this based

Attached: web-fish-chips.jpg (968x681, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>just under a thousand years on an island
>this is their best seafood
Truly pathetic.

luv me burgers
fish n chips is very based though, a few places around here serve it

and it isn't even theirs
>The tradition in England of fish battered and fried in oil may have come from Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal.[3][2][4] Originally, Western Sephardic Jews settling in England as early as the 16th century would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to pescado frito, which is coated in flour then fried in oil.[5] Charles Dickens mentions "fried fish warehouses" in Oliver Twist (1838),[6] and in 1845 Alexis Soyer in his first edition of A Shilling cookery for the People, gives a recipe for "Fried fish, Jewish fashion", which is dipped in a batter of flour and water.[7]


Attached: moo.png (912x866, 1.14M)

we got similar one, so it's ok

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Thats right goyim. Your culture is Jewish.

What is Japan if not the Britain of Asia

i really want to go to the uk and taste that. does it go well with mayo?

Better than ours. I can't believe throwing an absurd amount of shit on fries became popular

For me, it's Brown Sauce

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portugese brought that over with them to japan, actually

over time japan developed a style of their own for it

Tartar is better tee bee aitch. Also, don't bother trying to find decent fish n' chips in London.


We have similar one + polenta

Attached: calamari.jpg (1420x1893, 345K)

>Thousands of years of food evolution
>Only have fish n chips to show for it
>Barely acceptable, only because its good hangover food
>Its made by bignose tribe
Lmaoing at you.

imagine being thousands of years old and having THAT as your cultural dish... cringe

move away plebs

Attached: Receita-de-sopa-da-pedra.jpg (2048x1152, 273K)

>that batter
>frozen chips
practically inedible

>order f&c in any civilised european country
>they serve it on a plate
>order f&c in the Un*ted K*ngdom
>they roll it up in a fucking newspaper

Attached: friedfuckingfish.png (1920x1013, 3.33M)

thx. blackpool must have the best fish n chips

its just deepfried fish and fries, pretty disappointing desu


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I think similar one.

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where teh fookin peas at you knob?

>fries look dry as shit
literal laxative on a platter

step aside plebs, belgian cuisine

Attached: moulesfrites.jpg (1600x1191, 589K)

your body, your tempke, go veege

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May as well eat dog shit instead

erm no sweaty the eu doesn't let us anymore and that's why we're brexiting

Ate a lot of moules e frites but in Bretagne :^)

Nautilius on Fortune Green Road in West Hampstead will persuade you otherwise.

>general rule: best chippies in London tend to be run by Cypriots

this is god tier to be honest

the best chippies are actually in west yorkshire

>the french stealing our dishes again
not surprised

Is that octopus or onion rings? Looks tasty regardless.

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Why do they call fries chips?

because they are chips of potato

they hate the french even though thats like comparing shit and piss

>our dishes
Interesting statement.

fucking wut?

we have that here too, looks identical to yours

>only Dutch people have healthy and balanced dishes
Checks out.

Man I thought it would tateta nice but i was at IKEA and I ordered one and it tastes fuvking blen man I think even paper has more taste to it

Japan also does.

That's why it comes with paper.

Ayy lmao

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Potatoes were bring to Europe by us, I claim that half for Spen, you can take the cod, balcony jumper