imagine your cultural dish not being this based
Imagine your cultural dish not being this based
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>just under a thousand years on an island
>this is their best seafood
Truly pathetic.
luv me burgers
fish n chips is very based though, a few places around here serve it
and it isn't even theirs
>The tradition in England of fish battered and fried in oil may have come from Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal.[3][2][4] Originally, Western Sephardic Jews settling in England as early as the 16th century would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to pescado frito, which is coated in flour then fried in oil.[5] Charles Dickens mentions "fried fish warehouses" in Oliver Twist (1838),[6] and in 1845 Alexis Soyer in his first edition of A Shilling cookery for the People, gives a recipe for "Fried fish, Jewish fashion", which is dipped in a batter of flour and water.[7]
we got similar one, so it's ok
Thats right goyim. Your culture is Jewish.
What is Japan if not the Britain of Asia
i really want to go to the uk and taste that. does it go well with mayo?
Better than ours. I can't believe throwing an absurd amount of shit on fries became popular
For me, it's Brown Sauce
portugese brought that over with them to japan, actually
over time japan developed a style of their own for it
Tartar is better tee bee aitch. Also, don't bother trying to find decent fish n' chips in London.
We have similar one + polenta
>Thousands of years of food evolution
>Only have fish n chips to show for it
>Barely acceptable, only because its good hangover food
>Its made by bignose tribe
Lmaoing at you.
imagine being thousands of years old and having THAT as your cultural dish... cringe
move away plebs
>that batter
>frozen chips
practically inedible
>order f&c in any civilised european country
>they serve it on a plate
>order f&c in the Un*ted K*ngdom
>they roll it up in a fucking newspaper
thx. blackpool must have the best fish n chips
its just deepfried fish and fries, pretty disappointing desu
I think similar one.
where teh fookin peas at you knob?
>fries look dry as shit
literal laxative on a platter
step aside plebs, belgian cuisine
your body, your tempke, go veege
May as well eat dog shit instead
erm no sweaty the eu doesn't let us anymore and that's why we're brexiting
Ate a lot of moules e frites but in Bretagne :^)
Nautilius on Fortune Green Road in West Hampstead will persuade you otherwise.
>general rule: best chippies in London tend to be run by Cypriots
this is god tier to be honest
the best chippies are actually in west yorkshire
>the french stealing our dishes again
not surprised
Is that octopus or onion rings? Looks tasty regardless.
Why do they call fries chips?
because they are chips of potato
they hate the french even though thats like comparing shit and piss
>our dishes
Interesting statement.
fucking wut?
we have that here too, looks identical to yours
>only Dutch people have healthy and balanced dishes
Checks out.
Man I thought it would tateta nice but i was at IKEA and I ordered one and it tastes fuvking blen man I think even paper has more taste to it
Japan also does.
That's why it comes with paper.
Ayy lmao
Potatoes were bring to Europe by us, I claim that half for Spen, you can take the cod, balcony jumper