You wake up

You wake up.
This is now Scandinavia.
You cannot change it in any way.
Your thoughts?

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I want me a Icelandic woman.

We got ten times better neighbors overnight

i mean dose it really change anything? like climatically? beside Denmark being more irrelevant

Where's me fookin' Ingerland m8

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Alas, no icelandic woman wants an American man

england belongs to the danes

Does it mean we get the oil?

And norwegians.

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No, you are still restricted to coalburning.

norway belongs to the danes too anyway

Gonna do a 23&Me test


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I guess I now want to move to Sweden instead of Norway. I'd be happy to live in any scandi cunt but if I get to be picky I want to live by fjords.

mine unironically came back large part skandi

I like Vinland Saga

Do the niggers also move to what used to be norway?

Betcha Irish too

jeg tuller med deg min venn (^:

>you cannot change anything.
No, Norway would have to find a way to deal with it.
We've been through worse desu

We also have lots of niggers but we train them to not bite while the Swedes keep them on them on the loose to do whatever

Can I get a German woman then?

I hope Laki finishes the job in this version of Scandinavia

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>willingly giving your genes to the plutocrats
Shamefur dispray.

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I'm sorry.
For what it's worth I would welcome all Icelanders and Faroese with open arms into new Norway!

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duolingo gutt

Betcha they're also a Irish too also

hello thanks for these very based and redpilled posts friend

Hold det gående!

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Jens-Christian Sörensen, dansk turist i 20-årene...

>giving up home and hearth for the mainland
No thanks

I'll move to Surtsey

>Drinks oil
Any problems faggot?

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Hey, that's great, Truls.
*gobbles meatball*

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No just cringe how my countrymen worship Iceland and Faroese for no other reason that they used to be Norwegian and are ethnically so. It's embarrasing.

During our entire existence we have been the based good guys

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Betcha you got some Irish in you too!

>it's embarrassing
Give me a fucking break. Sure, yes, but it's not like we're the only cunts to do embarrassing stuff

Mick, I...

There's a reason why we have the highest birthrate in Europe

>tfw I've been asked if I'm irish
the slaves won in the end

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In the sagas, icelanders often refer to Norwegians as "Austmenn", east-men (Referring to the fact that Norway is east of Iceland).
Is it common today at all to refer to us as the "east"?
Also, what does "nossari/norsari" mean?

Well they're both meme countries so I think it's nice for Norwegians to have an arm around them.

Stop trashing them! Bully!

Yeah ez.

Nah don't think I've ever heard anyone use that term nowadays
norsari is just term for norðmaður, you guys

Good job, you did it again.

You're making everyone cringe hard, stop for your own good.
Alright, good to know.

Whatever lol go on with your autism

No wait I want Orange women now!

Thanks for not @'ing me faggot, I wouldn't have expected your sorry ass to do me a favour.

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looks way more like a dong with the norwegian flag lmao

I'm not really sure why but for some reason it kind of does.
