How did you learn to speak English so well? Was it because of Jow Forums?

How did you learn to speak English so well? Was it because of Jow Forums?

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>Was it because of Jow Forums?
Probably not.

An old videogame with small but resilient european deathmatch community. Thank god americans couldn't play it because of the terrible ping, they can't speak english for shit.

Because i'm a English teacher.

CSGO and movies

>he's monolingual
>he's jealous that people on Jow Forums are better at English than himself

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from self learning and internet
but Jow Forums is definitely not one of the reason


Before Jow Forums I literally had no idea of english and now I literally know that the real way to sound literally native is to put literally in literally every literal situation.

I lived in Ireland for a year as a kid, even had an Irish accent when speaking English for quite a while. It's gone now though.

I am indeed jealous, which is why next spring semester I shall begin taking a German course.


Anyone can teach English in Nippon

I read Mein Kampf in English as a toddler

>he's jealous that people on Jow Forums are better at English than himself
Doubt he would be. Most foreigners have awful spoken English skills, desu.

>learn English while playing video games
Is it really possible?

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movies and self learning.

It was more the communication with other players. Mind you, not the game related paltry stuff, it was essentially a glorified chat. That went on for ~8 years.

When i was like 8 years old or something my friend showed me Runescape, a game that his brother showed him.
I really liked the game, i loved having my knight that i could go around killing dragons and skeletons, swinging swords and whatnot.
Sadly, the game was entirely in English and i really REALLY wanted to play it, so i started learning English word for word by direct translation with a dictionary

So many Nords play Runescape, especially Finns. Why is that?

This makes me very sad for some reason

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>yfw the vast majority of non english speaking flags write in english much better than english speaking flags
they have to have an interest in and put forth effort actually learn the language, meanwhile we're just born among our retarded country men

Because it is a fun game, and as a kid playing Runescape, only requiring a mouse and maybe 2-3 keys on the keyboard as controls it's easy.
A 8 year old kid can't really play WoW or Everquest or something with 30-40 keybinds.
Also membership is cheap.
Why? It was a great incentive, it was natural learning, i didn't learn English because i had to, i did it because i wanted to.

It makes me sad because I loved Runescape so much as a kid, and there are probably millions of kids that couldn't play because they were poorfags without much access to resources to learn English

>lived in America for 5+ years
>even finished college there
>most euros who have never lived in English speaking countries speak better English than I
I must be a brenlet. There's no point in life no more

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Had some Korean exchange students ask me how to say toblerone. They had pretty weak English skills also

B-but I can't really speak it. Posting here is my 100%

Should have asked them to say lullaby

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I live in a border City.
English is required for every job.

A English to [Insert Language] dictionary costs like 5 ameribucks
I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't born in rural India or Africa can afford a dictionary.
They're available at libraries too

it's a stats based and not social game
finns like those

Always think it's so weird bordering other countries and basically having to know 2 languages

Played runescape and watched fallout lets plays on youtube as a kiddo

I spend vast majority of my time watching american movies and tv shows. Also 5 years of World of Watercraft helped as well.

Jow Forums played a significant role in my English

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Toe blur ron
Lul luh bye

Am I close?

>I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't born in rural India or Africa can afford a dictionary.
And those are the lads I am sad for

School & internet.

Native English and German speaker, but I have no native speaking english friends or family to talk with, so I've started to develop a german accent while speaking english.

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World of Warbaby

me and my friends would play it on the school computers under the guise of doing "research"

I didn't. My syntax is all over the place.

German accent sounds great anyway.

Das rite

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ah, i remember those times, reading civilopedia word-by-word using dictionary, turning off dubbing in morrowind because it's so horrible, learning vocabulary through dialogues, playing 1.6 with my english-speaking hungarian bro

Toe bluh rone
Basically correct ye

still not fluently, mostly have problem with grammatic cause i'm too lazy to learning that, but i get communicative English mostly through tv series, and internet, also while i 'm working i'm using english almost all the time, also i think Jow Forums increased my level of english

I learned English on 4chin because you can’t expect french education to teach any language properly

Unironically internet and vidya
I've been here since I was 12
I've used shitposting as substitute of healthy social relations

Pokémon, 3rd generation to be exact. A lot of text there.

>ja ja, ze sauerkraut akzent
It's not great.

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the internet and realizing english classes can actually allow you to speak to a lot of people
99% of the english people know is from learning by themselves and speaking, mandatory classes only set the basics
nobody asked you cunt


Yea that's pretty close. I had a south korean professor and she said that word was the most unfair in the english language. She was kinda qt, hope she got BURGERED

Emerald is by far my favorite game in the entire series. After is Fire Red, and Platinum.

Gives you that terminator vibe. Not good when spoken by puny men, though.

Litteraly based & redpilled

1. Learned English by watching TV with subtitles and reading articles about planes on the internet when I was a kid
2. Learned good English by reading books and using English-speaking BB boards for many years.


My cousins who are Korean Americans like to check my English pronunciation by making me say the word 'plural'. Sometimes I mess it up.

All media I consume is in English. How would I not learn it?
Music is all in English except locally produced normie shit.
All movies are made in English and the voiceovers sound like shit.
All games are in English and have no translation.
All internet content is in English.
All technical information is in English.
If you don't know English you're stuck in the tiny Bulgarian pool of information and entertainment with it's halfbaked adaptations to superior English content

Maplestory and school

you're literally a faggot

Maplestory was a cool game but fuck Nexon

First board on Jow Forums was Jow Forums. It was interesting. I'm glad I learnt because of how many documents and tutorials you have in English on the Internet.

One teacher gave mw negative grades just because she didn't like me.
After one year with another teacher I gave my best. Now I train it here or it would happen like what happened with French.
No place to practice means that we'll forget it at some point

>fuck Nexon
That's why I stopped playing it, greedy fucks

you would probably know more than just the normie part of bulgarian music if you didnt stick to english so much

why would I look for fish in the puddle next to the ocean?
beside dadrock and some folk music, I've not heard anything appealing from my country, and the western dadrock is simply better

It was actually thanks to Pokemon and my obsessed dad.

me not not know english well don't know why you assume me good

Fallout and my sisters glossary from school got me started, got hooked on reading sci-fi and fantasy books later on.
>be 11
>playing Fallout
>hmmm... I wonder what does "fuckface maggot scum" means?

I wish English wasn't the dominant language. It sucks having everything in your native language. there's literally no point in learning a new language seeing as everything is in English and because of that there isn't a real reason to force me to learn a language. been trying to learn German, but I keep slacking off and putting it to the side because there's nothing force me to learn it.

>needing to learn another language just to shitpost on 4channel

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me know you English gut. stop being faggot

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are you going to be that one wehrb that seems to be in every class?

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Probably because of the Russian dubs which ranged from mediocre to simply awful for both movies and games.

Also due to the fact that I discovered Cartoon Network for the first time and wanted to watch more Hanna Barbera shit in its glory days before inevitably getting corrupted by a*ime. That said I'm not exactly what you would call the most fluent English speaker around, not that I care though.

yeah back in the day subs were awful, at least there are some quality subs

We have like thousands of local languages here
but we are forced to learn english
and soon korean
so the average flip knows like 3-4 languages if that ever happens

I heard those classes are full of cute girls. Too bad they're american

i meant dubs
>tfw i'm a fucking brainlet

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literally nice

All the high level german courses at my Uni are full of Homos
seriously, 2/3 people in a 4000 level german class are gay at my Uni

t. 4th year Int Business and German major

>movies dubbes by goblin
They're works of art!

>english classes from 3rd grade up to university
>no dubbing on movies or tv, just subtitles
>video games
>90% of music on radio etc is in English
>this helps a lot

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I'm only taking it for fun. I'm taking Intermediate Japanese I right now, but I'm getting bored of the tedious grind of Jap. Meme language

Of course its a meme language
literally no reason to learn other than to immerse yourself in the culture
unless you plan to work in japan or something

I thought I wanted to teach English there when I graduated, but doesn't seem worth it desu

unironically because of minecraft

cousins came from the uk and lived for 2 years with is,from there it was cartoons
also,never had friends so cousins were only ones i ever talked to
and its actually the reason im posting on int.

Runescape taught me

You can do better than that sensei a,i,e,o,u = an

You know, I really digged your WC3 dubs back in the day those were definitely not bad or maybe I'm remembering wrong.

my brother had atrocious english,told him to play online on xbox and now he seems like a normal english speaking person


For me it was playing Wow and CS with my friends from different countries.
Had to learn English fast. This was early 2000.
Also 4-5 English classes per week in school for 9 years.

>not social game
the social aspect is what makes this game popular

I'm an english autismo I'm not even kidding. Absolutely floored english subject through out school and college without opening a book. Everything just fucking clicks. But I suck at pretty much everything else. I want a stat reroll

I thought people from your countries learned English at an early age by default?

>and soon korean
what the fuck, why?