Why does Americans name their children like this?

Why does Americans name their children like this?

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her brother is Fghij

Poor daughter. I doubt she'll make it into high school.

Stupid wh*tes

Why not? She's got a head start on the alphabet

Even though it's meme tier that's actually kinda cool. I still think we should have an list of approved names.

Pronounced Fag-got.

I exhaled through my nose a bit when I read this



Because poor whites mixed with nigger culture makes white niggers.

My top names are Arthur, Ebenezer, Elizabeth Robert, Henry and Olga.

> i do whatever the fuck i want and don't you dare criticize me or act in a way where i feel upset about it!
when you cant even criticize or laugh at somebody for doing something like this it's already too late. all downhill now. hope this kid shits all over mom when they are older

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put me in the screenshot

ebenezer and olga will fucking kill themselves before they get through kindergarten, please don't do this
in fact for having such utterly awful taste you shouldn't have children at all because clearly you aren't cut out for making sound judgment

this isn't funny

Yeah and you're a cuck for not using heritage names. Olga is the more eastern version of Helga too, what are you not white or something? You can always give them a nickname as well.

Thing is middle class to rich white girls do shit like this all the time. And their more ""normal"" name choices are still just stupid.
I sincerely think the problem is women don't get checked enough. There needs to be a balance between the world stomping on you and you being perfection incarnate

I like Elizabeth and Anthony

>ok what do we baptise this kid for?
>idk man, just fuck our shit up

Why not Jebediah or Obadiah.
Why a Russian name all of the sudden? It's just as stupid as naming your kid Jessica or Anthony instead of Ekaterina or Anton.

holy fucking based

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Because I like the name. I could do Helga too but I just like Olga better.

>heritage names.
>what are you not white or something?

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I bet you have more gook in you than I Boris.

You may dream.

>muh heritage

Please be bait.

>i'm 1/197 jewish so i'm naming my kid Jehoshabeath
>if you disapprove you're a KEK

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Someone had to be the puritans that left Europe.

That's it.

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>it's pronounced jeg-shaw

Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 37K)

Should've named her snap-city

>using heritage names
Europeans don't need to do that.

>heritage names

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good argument

I think it's nice when americans use heritage names. America is a young nation and its culture is far from as deeply rooted as ours; I understand why they'd search for a place that gives them that feeling of belonging. Even if you've never been, knowing your roots is comforting.

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You don't use European names? You don't use your great grandparents names for the new generation? My family in general names after ancestors. Lots of Roberts and Richards etc...
Some people in the South tack on which generation it is too. Richard the 3rd for example.
I think it's an Anglo thing.

Most heritage names here are just anglicized biblical names

It's the most remarkable name I've ever seen

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[Maternal grandparent's first name] [Paternal grandparent's first name] [Father's family name]

Hearty chuckle

Off topic, can someone explain me a concept of a middle name?
Do you call a person both ways or people usually tell you which one they like more?
How does that work?

Hahaha literally jigaboo tier for a name

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Practically in the modern anglo world, it's sort of a spare in case you decide you don't want to use your first name and also helps to identify you as an individual.
Culturally people with angloceltic backgrounds will use multiple names to honour relatives in both parents' families.
I went to a private Anglican school and I was one of those weird kids who only had one middle name.

You vastly overstate the value of Europe when it comes to these names, autist-senpai. Most of these names are rooted in transliterated Biblical names, not native "European" names.
>culture is far from as deeply rooted as ours
Your culture is about as deeply rooted as a puddle. No, old building and the occasional festival with a bit of LARPing fun isn't a deep connection to the way the people in the region used to live. Face it: your culture is one of consumption and modern convenience; made in China and marketed by Americans.

This European arrogance is really fucking ridiculous.


I'm naming my future wifes son Qwerty

>2 middle names

Odd I thought that was more of a Spaniard thing