Ancient Roman's were white

Ancient Roman's were white

Attached: 4jvqshh0zg521.jpg (960x640, 75K)

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Ancient Romans looked like modern day Brits

roman woman from 110 AD (colourised)

Attached: taylor-swift-2016-crop-1523640728-640x427.jpg (639x427, 72K)

Attached: 1532808860398.png (2034x1216, 3.39M)

Attached: 1540007415730.png (1000x562, 437K)

>ancestors of european civilisation
>not white

so black

Rome at its greatest extent spanned three continents and was basically a multicultural utopia

whats with Alexandrian egyptians?

Attached: rome.jpg (1300x924, 141K)

the concept of whiteness is a historically contingent, there was no idea of a coherent white populous like righties try and claim today


They look incel

wtf I'm roman now!

What's with the ayyy lmao eyes? Were the romans actual aliens?

Attached: caracalla.jpg (819x566, 304K)

Alpines are Mongoloids

>The origin of the Alpine race was variously identified. Ripley argued that it migrated from Central Asia during the Neolithic revolution, splitting the Nordic and Mediterranean populations. It was also identified as descending from the Celts residing in Central Europe in Neolithic times.[4] The Alpine race is mainly distinguished by its cranial measurements, such as high cephalic index.

Attached: Alpinid_profile.png (261x356, 71K)

No they wuz black we wuz Romans wh*toid.

tell me something i don't know

Lmao that face is Anglo as fuck

Unironically how I imagine him by his statue



Attached: image.jpg (312x472, 45K)

The pic is like a portrait of my father I shit you not. I must be Alpine even if it's not a surprise since most of my family is from Savoy since at least the XVIth century (we did our genealogy)

me on the bottom row second column

ancient romans are literally the same as modern italians

Caracella was half arab half punic