Jow Forums
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International #990
Why do americans eat half-cooked meat ?
What do these countries have in common?
I don't have any friends and the last time I hanged out with someone was 1 year ago
Blind date tomorrow and I know I'm gonna fuck it up
Why are they so humble?
What's your country's family?
Ty portugal! ^_^
Germans, what do your girls think about blacks?
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Why yes, I am 100% Syrian. How could you tell?
How is it possible that Greece...
Spain has the worst brain drain in Western Europe
1. Your massive meaty pouch
/balk/ - Balkan General
I wish i had friends
I've never worked in my life and i'm 25 years old hahahahaha
Why is she acting so weird after telling me she loves me what more does she want?
1. your cunt
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Those crafty germans
I regret leaving Korea to chase my ex GF
Oslo city has the best public transport system in Europe
*invents your religion*
Sverigetråden - "Snart är det jul"-upplagan
What race is this?
Stop! Look out of your window and take a picture of what you see!
What is your opinion on China's desire to de-Islamify the world?
Do you love Germany?
Why do so many white males come to Japan?
What do you consider Eastern Europe?
The chancellor of Austria is 31 years old
Say anything about Antiquity in East Asia
Is it bad that I support and care about Syrian refugees, but I hate the open borders approach to the crisis...
My height is 176cm, and you?
/deutsch/ Schinderhannes Ausgabe
15 year old Korean girl (born 2003)
Why the anti-Ukrainian sentiment on this site? Russian propaganda?
Don't come to Spain or would get robbed
Guess The Country Thread
Why do Americans drive with the windows down ?
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I want to live in the Amazon rain forest
I just want someone to love, someone to spend time with, someone to always be there for me
Leave us alone
1. Cunt
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
1. your cunt
Who would win in your country
What is your favourite thing about China?
How did Turks get so good at diplomacy?
Japanese thread/日本語スレッド
How old is too old
Raise a glass to the Nethlernads thread
1. Your cunt
Japanese Christmas
When Americans try to act smart
1 : ur cunt
What cunts have u been to?
Why do they look like Andeans?
/Mashriq/ + /Maghreb/ ≈ /MENA/
What French people actually think about him?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Do Americans regret genociding an entire continent?
Are Moroccans even human?
What do you think of this map?
Do you LOVE cheese?
/2sicilie/ - il filo
Very toxic people with amputated empathy
American posts = filler posts
Cmon, comparing Mexico and Colombia, or Argentina and Venezuela is like comparing Switzerland with Spain...
Tfw this is the most beautiful board
I think we can all agree that the English language is absolutely dogshit
Kurva anyátok
Do you love Japan?
What is it like having a black gf?
Why do Germans shit on a little shelf?
He is the most famous Swede, say something nice about him
Whats the point of existing with a small penis?
What happened to the Trade War?
/ita/ il filo
Is it true that people in [Country] [do/don't] [thing]?
If you had to marry a girl from a certain state in the US what state would it be?
Why can not the world be more erotic and can not stay peaceful?
/fr/ - le francofil
Instead of Italy and Canada, Korea will be in the G7
Good morning, Jow Forums!
Can you imagine a world without racists?
Visit a """civilized""" country
Does this happen often in youre country??
Why are wh*Toids so inconstant
Why are Russians so bad?
Go outside
Why is it considered anti-Semitic to criticise this country?
/Fuck Marry Kill/Edition
Georgians call their dad "mama" and mom "deda"
Why is American Christmas music so much worse than in other countries?
1. your country
I'm going on vacation to Turkey next month. What can I expect?
Why westerners bully others like greeting?
Sexchange day
Be uncircumcised in America, can't get laid
Have you ever been to Florida, USA? If so, did you like it?
/sino/ 中文串
How would you like to have a friend from New Zealand?
I wanna travel to Japan
This board became shit when everybody started being anti white
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
WTF Latvians look like this?
1. you're cunt
This beaf of asian steack has 50 years
Are you ready pigskin??
Be American
How true is this image?
Fuck wh*Te """"people""""
Amerilards think that Einstein and Tesla were American
Subscribe to a youtuber
Honestly, i want Jow Forums to be all white
The great debate
Niggers wogs spics towelheads and gooks come to russia
I can't believe there are places that still have the death penalty, that's barbaric!
In what way has germany influenced your life?
Be Danish
What non-white people think of white people??
D*Gs hate thread
Do you love Japan?
Can you tell the difference between China(PRC) and Taiwan(ROC)?
Portugal, are you prepared for a new right wing, proud and warlike era?
Do you love chimpanzees?
Guess what meat is this?
Has America intervening in other countries affairs ever actually yielded positive results for that country?
Sverigetråden - Bögfilterupplagan
ITT We say nice things about Pakistan
/luso/ fio lusófono
Which of these two is the real cultural leader of South-America?
Could my skin color pass as a local in your country?
Is there anymore retarded than having non-phonemic orthography?
Can I hear your accent?
Excuse me
What do you think of Japanese boys?
/2sicilie/ - il filo
The british empire wasn't evil
Why do they get much angery when you say they aren't different from each other?
What do you do on a traditional Christmas Day in your country?
No soul
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Hilo latino /lat/
No culture
Chicano appreciation thread
/JPwomen/ Japanese Thread - 日本_8
Why are the deaths of hot white girls so disproportionately loathed in media coverage?
Where is this beautiful city?
/deutsch/ Gemütliche Nachtschicht
For me? It's the B-1b lancer supersonic strategic bomber
Why is this board so racist, we non-whites are people too you know
When an angloid savage tries to speak my elite civilized language
My country good, your country bad!
Will it be good?
Any Albertabros around? I'm thinking about moving to Edmonton (from Nova Scotia). Convince me for or against
Ok so I was thinking about getting one of these but I am notnsure if I should
Is this a real uniform??? Wtf is wrong with Russia
You are cunt tree
1. Your country
ITT We say nice things about India
You're on a doomer nightwalk in your dystopian-looking Western country full of Third World immigrants and this girl...
Vote republican
This shit is funny as fuck
K-KARA-AH B-BOGA, w-we comin' f-for you wh*To-oooouh N-not so haaaaard-d~
Ur cunt
Sverigetråden - Bögar är äckliga
Sverigetråden - Bögarnas upplaga
Your country
Why does Iceland have such a low population?
Finnish woman are the most beautiful in the world
Spain is the #1 olive oil producer in the world...
/lang/ - Language Learning Genera
Beautiful blond girls with blue eyes who make children with extra european blood, can we talk or it's taboo ?
Drinking thread
What's the safest place to hide when WW3 breaks out?
/ita/ il filo
Rate my window view lads
Ur cunt
/fr/ - Le Fil Français de la France Française
Which MENA country offers the best gf material ?
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity
Merry Christmas from Mars
Has a foreign girl
Post your hair
Your country
Friendly reminder that Rioplatense Spanish is the only acceptable type of Spanish besides Castilian Spanish
How can we fix the incel problem?
Is this normal in your cunt?
This drinking song could literally have become our national anthem:
Do you love him?
1. Country
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Be average Spanish man
How black is France? And how long has it been black?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
/gg/ Gaeilge General
I have a really b&r grandma. Do you have anything like my grandma in your family?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Oh hello user, would you like to get into our modest house and enjoy some couscous and green tea ?
"Hey user your sister home?"
Ok, america
Which one is better and why?
Anyone else played this game as a kid?
Not a fan of the racism on this board
Why do white people love donuts
Jow Forums built my character
What is your fetish, Jow Forums
Do you want to find love in Sweden?
Has anyone else noticed that Spanish flags on Jow Forums are very pro-Islam, pro-Arab...
Mamma Mia, weeza da noodle police! You wanna make-a da noodles...
/v4/ + friends
What are Chinese GFs like?
Your socialist? but what about vuvuzela!
Tfw you'll never live in a cute German town, acquire a German gf and eat Bratwurst every day
It happened again
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - Le Fil Franco-Français
Poles eat carps for Christmas. Of all the fishes they could choose from, a fucking carp
I'm not American
The REAL greatest french enemy, without them Europe would be called France since centuries
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
I am 19 and I will be home alone for a week first time
How do I assimilate into Europe and marry a European woman?
Hey why europeans and muslims hate each other
*stares at you in Phoenician*
ITT:post your ancestors
Do you love fish?
Tfw 18 yo kissless virgin
Would you marry and interbreed with a Colombian girl?
Just a reminder that early christianity was politheistic and pagan...
/2sicilie / BRATZ
My music is German. My paintings are Italian. My sculptures are Greek. My literature is French
Why is this board full of communists and pedophiles?
Me? Don't mind me, just wrapping a Christmas gift here
Just isn't the same without you xx
What are some countries
İs Turkey considered more dangerous than Morocco in your country?
One chance at life
Whom do you hate more?
*gets defeated by the Anglo*
Moving to the US should be a human right
Are you watching the WALL fundraiser?
Ur cunt
Driver's license costs 3500 euro in Norway
/deutsch/ Volldampf Edition
İ want the Kingdom of Spain to annex Turkey so i can be under her rule
The machine is still a prototype and it allows users to kill themselves with the push of a button...
People with blue eyes scare me a lot, they look so souless and evil
Anyone here speaks japanese?
French Tunisian girl
How did Europeans forget that Muslims have been our enemies since the day Islam was created?
Musik from your cunt
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Girls laugh at me so Hitler should have won WW2
/hell/ νήμα Ελληνιkό
Cubans are healthier and have better healthcare than americans
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Why some italians have blue eyes?
Italians: Da vinci, Caravaggio, Rome, Renaissance, FIAT, Ferrarri etc
Stop Calling Rossiya "Russia" it's rude and harsh
You may not want to hear it but Trump is rescinding the scope of US empire more than Obama ever did. In fact...
Separation of church and state
Rate the States
Why germans are so fucking ugly?
/deutsch/ Erbswurst Gedenkausgabe
Red pill me about my ancesters
Which part of England should I go if I want to learn upperclass aristocratic English?
1,400,000,000 people. Just think about it
This was our attempt at a revolution
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Are lower class Brits even human?
Let's do this one
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Watching a YouTube video related to science or engineering
This would be GOAT if gayreeks werent so debnters, shitalians werent so corrupt, asspains so lazy...
China is officially richer than Serbia now
Post some junk food from ur cunt
Why do girls do this? What was the dumb cunt trying to achieve?
Do you love Italy?
Tfw no american gf
Do americans really do this?
Do South African Whites generally understand Bantu languages as well? What is the language used to communicate in say...
Baltic Thread
1. Your cunt
British girls are criminally underrated
Korean immigrant in Japan being assaulted by far right delinquents. Is this sort of violence common in Japan?
Post your city's weather
1.Your cock
Be hungarian
The people from the highlighted countries don't have any problems in life
Wish Italians occupied Slovenia and assimilated slovenians, just as Germany did it to Sorbs
Araps, is this picture accurate?
Choose your favorite Japanese girls
Why yes, I am a Spanish exchange student, and this is my first time ever on a bike. How could you possibly tell...
/Mashriq/ + /Maghreb/ ≈ /MENA/
Why are Jow Forumscels such grotesque creatures?
Your country
/ita/ il filo
*blocks your path*
Sverigestormen - 2dupplagan
Do you support the pan-Slavic union?
*influences your culture*
American healthcare
Why is this board so shit during australian hours but so good during euro hours
Why don't white roasties wear cute dresses and skirts like Japanese women do?
When did you realize you weren't exactly normal?
/deutsch/ Mittagsausgabe
Do you have any notable criminals in your family...
How am I supposed to tell their people apart??
Do you cycle, Jow Forums?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2099
Finally a Norwegian worth something
/JPwomen/ Japanese Thread - 日本_10
Does polyamory occur in your country? what are your thoughts on this phenomenon?
I have to break up with my girlfriend because she can't have kids
White male patriarchy and islamophobia is actually the viol--GLAAARGH GRLAARGHLE MOM EEEUUUGHLL *shits pants* GLUAAARGH...
Is this common in your country?
Human life is inherently valuable
Japan to resume commercial slaughter of whales
No history
1. Your country
Culutral Exchange Thread
Ouais je déteste baragouiner anglais, comment connais-tu ça ?
We are all descendants of Noah
I'm taking my first shit at work right now
The truth hurts, frenchs?
That turkish girl living in germany with a german husband who posts on Jow Forums and hates turks
Pagan costumes worn at winter celebration in Europe
Beep boop! I’m going to say this feared n-word because I fight oppression! I’m not from Reddit! Reddit frog is...
/lang/ - Language Learning General
How do people from Israel sees the world? How are the internal politics in Israel? What's going on there?
Mutts have finally redeemed themselves
Do you like the British flag?
Culture Pals - /cp/
How do they feel about being American colonies?
Rise Portuguese people
Chicago litteraly means "i shart" in italian
Prove to me that globalization is bad
Why has the memes on int died out...
Holy Molly, Mattis was the last fuse in the system. After removing him...
15-year old girl was in boy's hockey team!
/v4/ + kosmosol
And that's how it's supposed to be
Is it worth moving to Finland? Can you get by with only knowing swedish & english...
Kurva anyátok
What goes on in there?
Why do mutts care so much about visiting the eiffel tower?
Does anybody remember when western video games used to be fun?
Why are Asians so Westernized?
How do they feel about being American colonies?
Your cunt
Is prostitution in the U.S. a result of lack of welfare?
Does she have a boyfriend ?
I luv u jesus
Average Japanese posters
Do u know every 7 years there's a new europe worth of people on earth?
What type of insects are common in your region?
How do Greek Orthodox people say "merry Christmas and happy new year's" to each other?
How does it feel to have only 1st world problems?
Thank you mexico
"Mad Dog" Mathis Quit
/sino/ 中文串
Look outside
I just landed in Seattle and holyshit there are so many White people wtf. I feel uncomfortable
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Man drowns in cold and dark waters in Finland before Christmas
Who do you prefer: oval faced women or circle faced women?
/lat/ - hilo latino
My ban expired!
Your Cunt according to your people
Did your country ever have a humiliating war with a smaller country?
Is Salvadoran food popular in your area, Jow Forums...
I am afraid of americans
What region of the world produces the worst liveleak videos?
I have this in the top of my asscrack, unironically
What do the Spanish speaking parts of Latin America think about Brazil? Do they hate each other...
What do the people of your country think about e-sports?
Why do Americans say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas?
Why are South Americans so pro-nazi?
ITT This isn't even my final form
As a child, I never listened to my immigrant parents asking me to learn their language. However, as I grow older...
Why don't americans say "Merry Christmas"?
Let's have one of these threads
Your cunt
I worship them
What are indigena girls like?
American chocolate is superior
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
I hate women because I don’t get laid and I dont get laid because I hate women. How do I break the cycle?
What cultural impact have your country had on Jow Forums?
Did your cunt ever have a literal traitor who served a foreign leader in Rome lead your cunt?
Why are thirdies so desensitized to gore and violence?
Did you guys know Lil Xan is proudly Mexican?
Why is Rape so common in the Balkans?
Come to Argentina and fuck our women...
I made a mistake bros I became friends with a suicidal girl I'm afraid I can't ever stop talking to her now or she'll...
Just glass the whole country. Just fucking nuke them from orbit
I liek asian posters
The allure of the slavic woman
Why cant people from this region seem to mind their business?
Does Jow Forums like asian gurlz?
Why are Latin Americans so prone to random violence?
Can Volga Tatars be white?
Why is an American middle-aged man a stomach like a pregnant woman?
/völkisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Whomp Whomp
There’s a house party at Jow Forums
Is this how the world sees us?
"Please come to the US and fuck our white girls. They are free sex as long as you have a European accent"
Does you're mom accept her age?
/New England/
Would France accept becoming a Brazilian protectorate?
What country is he from?
Diversity doesn't wor-
Americans pay to go to church
Give me one good reason why you don't have a foreign gf
How do I teach myself to program/code?
Scandi girls are Goddesses
How is this called in your country
Ancient Roman's were white
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Wh*Tes in this country unironically believe this
/JPwomen/ Japanese Thread - 日本
Your country
I like guys that dress like girls but that doesn't make me a homo
Midwest hate thread. Post mean things about cheese eaters who talk like Canadians
Based incestuous Cletus
His country doesnt have 5G connection
What does pork taste like?
/v4/ + friends
How do you say "god" in your language?
1. Your country
How can we stop the asian century?
Ur cunt
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht - Looten und Leveln
Fun fact:
Your cunt
What is the worst part of your country
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
What's the purpose of this website?
3 Japanese women kidnap you with the intention of using you as a sex toy
Could these guys pass as locals in your country?
Do you love germany?
Sverigetråden - Muttupplagan
Countries i like: denmark, norway, netherlands, england, switzerland, austria, czech republic, italy, france, portugal...
*stares at you in Swedish*
/lat/ - hilo latino
Need info on rent in Czech Republic
Why are wh*tes so weak?
Reminder that this happened
Your country
Watching a Spanish expat in japan streaming shit
This is a 10 in France
/deutsch/ Enge Ausgabe
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Namibia? It's in Africa right? It must to be a shitho---
Latinos call Homer Simpson "Homero"
1 your cunt
American boy is forced to do fortnite dances as punishment
Finnish ”parenting”
You are all just poltards in denial
*indicts your president*
Wake up
Which country has the manliest men?
Yes, I am a 12 years old Slav kid
This man is one of the most famous brazilian channers, he used to post in chans from brazil
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
You wake up in Madrid, Spain
Why not Nordic?
/ita/ - il filo artistico e francofono
So, Jow Forums, could I pass for one of your own kin?
Sverigetråden - en fin tråd
/fr/ - Le francofil comique
/cum/+/in/= Canada USA Mexico India
Am I the only actual black person on Jow Forums?
I'm Mexican but can't speak Spanish
What are your plans for christmas, user?
*blocks your airport*
Why do arabs pretend they like black people once they are in europe?
My oneitis is gone forever and I am drinking
Thoughts on Israel?
I'm a PhD candidate and I wasted 2 crucial months fending off racist attacks from idiots on the internet...
9 times out of 10, a typical German is:
Tfw no MENA gf to celebrate Christmas with
Do you love winter?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Aren't they AFRICANS ?
Post winter pics from your country
Where were you when we actually won?
Your cunt
Ywn live in a pagan world where no islam or christianity and every civilization has its own beliefs and rituals
Tinder around the world
Is Chinese food the best in the world?
If you hate your country post here
Republic or Monarchy?
/malerbrudi/ ehemals /deutsch/
France or Germany
What would you do if Alex Jones started chasing you accusing you of intellectual dishonesty?
Sverigetråden - God jul!
Here's your Middle-Eastern culture movie, bro
1. Your cunt
Latinx is a gender-neutral term sometimes used in lieu of Latino or Latina (referencing Latin American cultural or...
Post your Recommended
Ur cunt
They are nordic
1. Your cooter
Why the fuck do Japanese take their shoes off at the entrance in anime? Is it autism? Do they do it in real life?
/ita/ - il filo
Los Estados Unidos
Christmas tree
How do I get a girlfriend like this?
What do Belgian girls think of Turkish men?
How old are you?
Culture Pals /cp/
Wh*Tey cuisine
I like Portugal. Portugal seems like a nice place
This place is absolutely garbabe and it drains my soul...
Why are *Nglos so poor ?
Why is London so much better than your city?
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Should I switch from Japanese to Chinese?
Sverigetråden - Gunnars upplaga
Walk into class late
/mena/ - wh*Tes btfo edition
You got 2 nukes. Drop them wisely
Explain yourselves, germs
I worship them
Could i pass as a local in your country?
I only saw snow 3 times in my life. I want more snow. I only get cold and rain
Is your country a cat- or dog-country?
Diversity is our strength
Southern italy > northern italy
Arrogant Germany
Why are Asian women such whores?
Which staple food is best?
Guess the specific ethnic group
What do you think will be the best country to live in in 30 years?
You can only post here if your country is on this list
/snowlet/ general
This thing will kill us all
I'm a proud Bosniak who survived Srebrenica as a young kid, but my father and older brother were killed...
Imagine all the nations of Europe living under one federation
/fr/ - Le Fil Français de la France Française
Why is there a persistant stereotype that France is becoming less French every single year?
Anons, we have a problem:
What is the least Christian (in spirit) nation in Europe...
It will collapse anytime soon!!!!
Kära Dansker och Nordmenn
Who /kissless/ here? I'm 26
/MK/ - Macedon General
Why yes I'm kot. How did you know?
Is he wrong?
Fetuses aren't people
Did you know that in the UK right now...
Sverigetråden - Strul-upplagan
Your city don't have a river crossing through it
/2sicilie/ - il filo
Your country
I am permabanned , so I post from metro WiFi ;(
Did anyone notice how the japanese kiss in porn videos?
Do you agree?
Your country
Why are terrorists always ugly ?
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Post a picture of your chin to prove you aren't a chinlet subhuman
Is your count infested with poles?
Why dont you speak danish?
Australians celebrate christmas in summer
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship