/New England/

SOX edition

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Nice trips

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Why do BoSox fans still have an underdog complex? You have won more World Series than anyone else this year?
>t. Royals fan
>hello darkness, my old friend

>this century
Sorry, I'm illiterate today

Um excuse me but western NY is Great Lakes and therefore /midbestern/. Common misconception but try not to make this mistake again, k sweatys?

Cuz we take pride in being rowdy and the bad guys while still be better than New York. Second is the best after all.

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You don't live in the shadow of obnoxious Cardinals fans. You do not know Little Brother Syndrome, my friend.
>I unironically miss 2015

Attached: royals-2015-alcs.jpg (820x547, 84K)

That worldseries was one big dissapointment desu.

Yinzers don't have the Inland North accent, therefore Pittsburgh cannot be a Great Lakes city. I'm sorry.

Why? We beat the Mets and redeemed ourselves after the previous year's loss to the Giants.
I waited my entire life to see the Royals win it all
Pic is from that ALCS (which was almost better, raking the Blue Jays)

That's why it's its own thing. Here is accents of the US and Canada.

Attached: AccentMapOfUSA.gif (2717x2342, 636K)

I thought that they were counting Pittsburgh as "East Great Lakes" due to the color behind the "2".

Pittsburg is like another planet my dude.

>tfw someone saves your shitty picture taken at 11pm on Thanksgiving

Lol that was you?

Yeah. It was like 8°F all day long, and windy.
Apparently LL Bean made that style/color of boot for the players on the team but not for sale to the public.

It was like 10 degrees here in CT I remember. I just miss the Maritime Canadian bro who was in the original of these threads. He even made us some memes.

Attached: NewEnglandBoomer.jpg (380x349, 72K)

Sometimes you have to take the memes into your own hands if you want the thread to thrive.

I gotta make some hot fresh shit desu. I can see these threads having an impact on anons on this board. New England superiority shall be spread far and wide!

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Springifled here. How do I get out of this shithole?

Holy shit I'm retarded.

Travel to the coasts or Vermont, everything else will be mostly the same I'm assuming.

don't die, have some blueberries

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Trips checked.

Teams in the Northeast have radio stations in the Mountain West? Who woulda thunk it! I suppose Red Sox Nation and Yankees Galaxy aren't just buzzwords.

Here in the DC burbs, I can sometimes pick up the NY flagship station at night.

new hampshire would booty blast your state