Do you have any notable criminals in your family? My uncle Roger Khan used to be Guyana's Pablo Escobar before he got locked up.
Do you have any notable criminals in your family...
One of my ancestors is Edward Oxford.
my grand grand dad stole few pieces of bread and got locked up for 7 years (thanks to Stalin)
Other grand dad almost got to jail for being taken by nazis to concentration camp
My paternal grandmothers nephew was a useless drunk who stabbed and killed another useless drunk. Went to prison for it.
My great granfather went to prison because he tried to rob a bank with an old ass musket that didn’t work. After getting out he was accused of murdering a priest with an axe but was found not guilty even though he had previously admitted he did it
No, my ancestors were all good boys
My grandpa ran shady businesses in Stockholm and when the local news paper came to confront him he dressed up as a janitor and pretended to be someone else.
My grandpa and his close frens hunted indios who got into his farm but by that time it was not ilegal so...
I think it was barbaric ofc
>russian justice system
My great great great great grandfather on my mother's side was a Portuguese pirate
although not family I share a surname with an american mass murderer
My grand grandpa was a conscript in WW2 for France, he raped and pillaged through Italy.
They eventually court martial'd him and executed him via a firing squad, perhaps I have some Italian relatives
my family voted pasok
Andrew Kehoe
based, he was an interesting read
More like the opposite, nearly everyone in my immediate family is either law enforcement or a lawyer. Except for me of course since I am a failure
I have like 3 relatives who got locked up for drug stuff. All on my maternal grandmas side
My grandpa was pretty closely tied with Boston's Irish mob. I'm not sure about the full story, and both he and my father were always really cagey when asked about it, but he at the very least went to jail on mob-related robbery and assault charges.
hi interpol
My uncle was in jail for few years, nobody in the family want to talk about it and I don't know what he did. I suspect he tried to rape a woman but I'm not sure.
>Do you have any notable criminals in your family?
Yes, but I'm not telling you shit.
My grand (couple of times) dad was a brother of a Russian revolutionary Stepan Khalturin who was involved in the assasination of Alexander II
Not really.
My grand father used to smuggle iron and steal from Paraguay, and in process he shoot some negros that once tried to raid his caravan camp.
Also, there is some mass Indian mass graves in my family farm. But indian raids where a problem back 100 years when they settle here.
Also, all this bull shit about ghost in Indian cemetery, it's all made up.
My uncle did 8 years for things he did in the war.
Serb or Bosniak?
based and mickpilled