>american healthcare
American healthcare
Why would someone go to the emergency room if all they needed was ice and a bandage?
Thats fucked the bill is so high. But why did she go to the hospital for that? The price should be a deterrent for dumbdumbs
Because the dumb bitch probably thought he booboo would kill her so she called an ambulance or told doctors she was dying and made them run all the tests they could.
The bill is for the wages of the staff, not the bandaid
Capitalism strikes again.
is she not insured?
something tells me this doesnt happen very often and is probably just an admin error
ACAB BLM fellow comrade, we should nationalise healthcare and every other industry then prices would be far, far lower and even free. Why should I have to pay for services I use? someone else should!!!
it's called insurance nigger
this is why people trying to be fit. haha.
It is not an error
To try to be generous, may for something like a possible head injury and the bill is for checking that out, but a clickbait headline just reports what her final treatment was.
Meanwhile I went to the hospital for a broken leg, smashed knee and had multiple surgeries. Cost me around 25 dollars for the vending machine outside and parking space when I went back for a check up.
So medical staff in the US earn $7k an hour?
>tfw dodged a bullet at life and was born in europe instead of Los Estados Unidos
It also costs you a little bit every time you pay taxes and you've already paid the actual amount of your treatment plus the amount of all other Swedes too. You probably end up paying the same as non-free healthcare countries in the end
why don't you faggots actually read the article instead of forming an opinion based on a clickbait headline like a bunch of low iq, low attention span idiots?
t.american using vpn
not clicking the link btw jajajajaj
doesn't change anything about this racket
An ambulance ride in America costs more than a gram of coke in Australia and New Zealand combined x10
>You probably end up paying the same as non-free healthcare countries in the end
This is not true at all, Americans pay way, waaay more for their shitty healthcare than any first world nation does.
I wish I could be the manager of a hospital in the US.
Sure, getting sued would suck but if you'd just do it smartly and make sure the trial goes on for as long as possible many would simply drop the lawsuit since they don't have the money
Another Euros think we ever actually pay the billed amount.
Yeah, don't forget the tip
So if the article wasn't made she would have been charged the full amount
this lmao
i had a kidney stone and my bill was 6 thousand called them up and only ended up paying 500 dollars.
>be american
>have to bargain with your bullet wounds and kidney failures
The article makes it worse though
>paying 500 to remove a kidney stone
> "One kidney stone removal, that would be $6000 sir"
>"Best I can do is $500"
it was more like they were being sneaky with my insurance
no it was for the IV and pain killers they injected they didnt remove anything, if they did it probably wouldve been 20k
>it was for the IV and the pain medication
>they didn't even do anything
Bravo America
no they really didn't.
i was in agony and they made me give them my insurance and go through a list of my history before they gave me pain killers in my IV like i was a begging dog. then sent me to a scanner to see what the problem was.
after that i fell asleep for 30 min and they woke me up and gave me my prescriptions and made me leave.
i was 19 and was still on my moms insurance and she got a bill for 6k the next day.
>it's another 'american makes an outlandishly bad and stupid post just so he can blog about his life to people' episode
I wasn't referencing America because I know they burn money on healthcare. But the fact is that unless you need chronic expensive treatment you will probably end up "in the red" at the end of your life compared to someone who just paid for what they needed. The term "free healthcare" is so misleading
it was 5 years ago and it was more about getting information about our healthcare across, or was that too many words for your last few braincells from huffing gas all day?
Pretty cheap considering doctor's hourly wages.
>be retarded
>hit head
>bohoo i need a doctor now bohoo
>get billed
Wish we had same system in Finland and no poor people assistance, would cleanse gene pool off commies and alcoholics p fast.
You are not supposed to remove all kidney stones surgically. Most fall out on their own with pain medication and waiting.
at least you get something out of it compared to military spending which will leave you completely in the red all for the sake of making a tank that will never be driven because they make more of them than there are crews because the economy would crash if northrop grumman had to stop production for one fucking day
>it's another 'abo/chang thinks he's funny and witty' episode
>unless you need chronic expensive treatment
Everyone needs this at one point in their lives. Just wait until you are old enough.
Fine so you contributed like 60-70 grand in health taxes over your life and at the end you need treatment that will cost maybe 20 grand until you die. It's not free.
How the fuck would you know what do you need? There are specially trained people for stuff like that.
>americans will actually try to defend this while the rest of the world laughs
>20 grand until you die.
Of course it's not free, but it's a fucking right. Your roads are not free, yet you need them. Police isn't free, and you are not going to personally pay them every single time something happens. You are not going to pay firefighters if your house ever burns down. Quit it with the mental retardation.
You mean socialism.
>haven't contributed nothing because neet
>already been operated 4x times and got various drugs for FREE
You have a right to healthcare in general but not any healthcare for any period and at any cost. Just like the cops won't rush to you in under 10 minutes with two SWAT teams if you call them, because public resources need to be managed.
Actually they will they regularly send SWAT teams to weed raids(lol) or twitch streamers(kek)
imagine putting medical treatment behind a paywall and making a profitable industry out of what futurists 100 years ago envisioned to be a widely accessable thing that would've been one of the prime components of futuristic Utopian civilisations
>mfw this cunts hyperbole is reality for me
I love american health insurance because it means retards who don't know how to manage their money and are too stupid to buy insurance get fucked
dawinism at its finest
>gets cancer
>insurance plan in line of text #434324 in paragraph 341 says you're not covered by plan
lmaoing so hard at you right now
good, if you're so retarded that you would buy a plan like that then you deserve to die of cancer
>he missed the part where cancer is separated into 5 gorillion categories and sub categories based on multiple criteria and a bunch of them aren't covered
keep paying for healthcare, my little bro got an extremely rare birth eye condition that forced him to wear glasses treated for absolutely free while you cope with your insurance costs by calling it a Darwinist system.
the tip of their foreskin?
*reads the plan and doesn't miss that part*
wow, that was hard
You can't use a vpn on Jow Forums
*doesn't pay money for anything*
*don't have to read jackshit*
*get treated for free*
Stay mad
>for free
lmao'ing at your 4th grade understanding of economics
>would cleanse gene pool off commies and alcoholics p fast
yeah because it clearly has achieved that in countries with expensive healthcare. for example the US is well known to be a beacon of outstanding genetic quality because of this.
it is
t. $590 billion in military spending (15% of the federal budget). Keep coughing those taxes and healthcare prices, mcmutt.
>be American
>have in-game DLC
t. thinks he gets his healthcare for free
shan't be reading anymore of your uneducated posts
Price of freedom kid
If you have a doctor and multiple nurses working overnight shift those wages add up, especially with hospital overhead
>dodged a bullet
I just recovered from Pneumonia.
While I could go to a free clinic, I went to a paid one for better service and no wait lines.
That amounted to $70 in service.
And also about $40 more in prescription antibiotics.
dont listen to him its a good post
i would have been terrified if i were you, it just seems wrong forcing someone to give insurance before actually giving them treatment in an emergency
why do americans think that public healthcare = gommunism ? its just a service like the cops or ambulances. it should at least cover young people imo
>S.A. military spending 30% of budget 10% of GDP
>U.S.A military spending 8.8% of budget 3.1% of GDP
>still don't pay taxes outside of only a 5% VAT tax
>still got free healthcare and education
cope more
Jesus christ... having to leave a $1100 tip for a bandage. That's just the price of freedom
>be American
>have medical insurance
>still pay a fuckload of money for a simple procedure
>something tells me this doesnt happen very often and is probably just an admin error
this happens every day. Jow Forums exaggerates a lot of shit about america but our healthcare system is even more fucked up than the banter suggests.
You mean feudalism.
>yeah you gotta buy that insurance goy!
While I worked in the ed most patients didn't actually need to be there except for the exceptionally fat and/or the exceptionally old but billing is still ridiculous. Also many were white junkies who were trying to get dilaudid or poor blacks trying to get a free pregnancy test.
>The reason healthcare is expensive in USA is because the government controls it, not because of muh free market.
Do americans really believe the State isn't involved in healthcare in Europe?
No, socialism. Obamacare and other government programs have pushed the cost of healthcare up. You can't even put hospitals on a tender anymore, thanks to government regulation.
It's socialism, through and through.
There's some merit to the argument. Some american government policies do force people to take private insurance, which ironically drives up prices. It's complicated. These people live in the fantasy that if their government did not intervene at all the prices would stabilize and everyone could afford insurance through private companies, instead of demanding universal coverage.
It's of course bullshit since no private company is going to offer insurance to poor and unhealthy people without being forced to by the government, it would be the same as car insurance companies insuring the cars of penniless alcoholics with a history of car crashes.
fucking lol
>it would be the same as car insurance companies insuring the cars of penniless alcoholics with a history of car crashes.
Raises the question why would anyone want penniless alcoholics that have a history of car crashes to have an insurance. Or a car, for that matter.
It is at it should be, to be honest. You're wasting the time of the hospital workers, doesn't matter what the cure ends up being. Of course they charge you a lot more because the ones that usually end up paying it are insurance companies not individuals, same reason that martin shrkeli hiked the price of his drugs up, but that has nothing to do with healthcare.