Araps, is this picture accurate?
Araps, is this picture accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
where is Yemen baka
How dare you say that about my greatest ally. (Please help us, the Jews are destroying our nation one day at a time, please rally your Muslim homies and Zerg rush them) Hannukah I love Israel menorrah 6 billion desert eagle Adam Sandler Seinfeld fellow white people multiculturalism and that’s a good thing
ancient israel is not jew
based and goypilled
This edit is more accurate
Assyrians *are* Mesopotamians.
The artist of that image seems like a moron anyway.
other then judeans everyone else is just mutts
t. ashkenazi-mizrahi-sephardi-russian mutt
im 100% judean line of david
holy bible
Revelation Chapter 2
9 "I know your works, oppression, and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan
>tfw no kuwait bf
>ancient israel = the jewish merchant
>modern israel = the same jewish merchant
>they steal history
where is logic ? ... , this ===> is more accurate and smart
>palestine arabs
>muh land muh levante
This ain't accurate because ἄραβες are ugly
Wrong. Israel is the only real democracy in the middle east and therefore the western worlds most important ally.
Wrong. Israel is the only real demon racy in the middle east and therefore the western worlds most important idiots.
t. urk rape baby
What the fuck are Kurds
Wow nice, I like it
Please tell me there's an European one I need to see that shit
(as well as an Asian and South American one)
Based Japanese, are you the guy from "The Jews fear the Samurai"? :^}
>trusting a desert hippie to tell you who goes to hell
qatar is a son of ksa? could anyone explain me this connection? i'm history brainlet, but always thought qatar has more common with uae than ksa
None of it is supposed to make sense, my dude.
It was made by a moron.
I didn't know Arabs were brown Japs
What about Oman?
Why ancient Israel is a redhead?
King David had red hair.
my ancestors
Why is muslim anime so cute?
that's MY ancesor
don't seal ancestor please
The artist is an arab/mid east-boo, slav-boo(kinda since she makes slav themed drawing too) polish girl.
pls tell me Lebanon is a boi
>A boy
Palestine should be mix of Arab and Ancient Israel. Shouldn't it?
oh, okay...
Need ancient arabian girlfriend right now
idk if it is the same artist
>tfw when someone give the whole information but not the name which is the most important
at least give the name dude
In order of most fuckable to least fuckable
>Everyone else
Awful faces. Are some of them supposed to be girls?
Its too bad arabs are fat, big-nosed, and not as kawaii as these drawings.
Notvgonna lie, but this is pretty gay.
I really REALLY want an innocent Palestinian bf who is deeply ashamed of being gay but also loves me very much.
Oh wow that is disguting