The people from the highlighted countries don't have any problems in life
The people from the highlighted countries don't have any problems in life
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not including japan, germany, sweden
>Includes ireland
japan has legit problems with work time and overcrowding
germany and sweden have problems with immigrants, sweden much more
ive got problems theyre just not very prominent
Immigrants being an actual problem is a Jow Forums meme. Still first world countries.
The Dutch and the Dane have a problem because they live in the blandest, most boring country of the world
>japan has legit problems with work time
>This is what the average macacao believes
Why don’t the French want to work
Very similar to my perfect world map
Canada may be the best country in the new world, but that's not saying much.
what problems do we exactly have?
no Jow Forums boogeyman schizoshit
what do you MEAN?
Not trying to be rude here but Germany has had many more terror attacks than us, we have only had one. They also had that mass-rape thing on New Year's Eve in Cologne. I think that they are at least on the same level as us.
My ps4 broke
I stubbed my toe on the coffee table when I came though.
It was pretty troubling.
I'm just glad we're on the map 2bh.
>and overcrowding
>when I came though.
When I came home.
I also made a mistake on a website, thats pretty rough.
Life is hard.
Not sure what happens in germany, but in sweden you guys have an epic gangwar/general n-behvior suburbs in the biggest cities
so many to count, no healthcare, extremely judgmental society, police state, violence etc
go check tokyo metro shit
>germany and sweden have problems with immigrants, sweden much more
Jow Forums memes and sensationalist media desu
I have a problem with no gf fuck you brazil
Canada and Australia both housing cost issues in some areas.
Canada can compete with any country in the world. We are top 10 at basically everything good
Sweden has much worse immigrants than us though. You guys have Somalis, Eritreans and such. They are the worst of the worst.
rioting and old buildings arent culture, jamal
B-b-but I'm depressed and I have a drug problem of some degree?
>healthcare, extremely judgmental society, police state, violence etc
The vast majority of us arent affected by any of those except for judgemental society and that's a sickness in all of the west.
All highly developed countries and plenty of thirdies have housing cost problems in certain areas.
I face extreme racism on 4channel every single day. I am suffering and don’t know if I can take it anymore
These countries all require you slave away in the workplace for many years. Countries that don't have any problems in life are pacific islands where all you have to do is lie on the beach drinking from coconuts. Well tsunamis are a risk of course but they are infrequent so they're still better than the working life
The majority are impacted by them though.
Canada and Australia have entire housing areas that are solely owned by Chinese investors. As you said most countries have expensive areas but most of them are to due to a lot of people wanting to live there and not because of foreign investors.
fixed map
>no healthcare
we do have healthcare just not nationally, im not paying for pablo and 7 kids
>extremely judgmental society
is that considered bad in your shithole?
>police state
don't be brown
good people don't live in the city, where all the violence is. it's contained
thank u, next!
I don't know much about those SA countries but you literally get decapitated if you are a white female in a northern African country.
yeah, according to this working paper
how's that relevant?
Just 2 days ago I read about terrorist attack in university campus in sweden
At least there's never a dull day in Brazil/Flipland/Mexico.
People get shot or murdered or raped and people go "meh".
But right now there's some kid getting bullied and the video is everywhere on facebook and the news for some reason, the entire nation is angry and somehow this single bully ended up becoming public enemy #1 and united my very divided nation. Weird desu
>good people don't live in the city, where all the violence is. it's contained
>he thinks 1st world countries have violence in their cities
cities always have more crime than other areas, its just that americans will give literally anyone over 18 a gun with no requirements or even gun safety tests to pass
"working" in those charts roughly means being employed
i.e. giving your time for the fulfilment of the desires of a capital owner
i.e. the ultimate form of cuckoldry
We spend way too much time seducing your wives to be cucks ourselves.
>looks at flag
>he thinks im going to read his post
>Only cultural phenomenons in this world :
>maple syrup
not gonna lie, your arguments are pretty good, maybe some misinformation about japan has been spread, it's so strong tho
im mostly speaking from a western male perspective, thats why i painted north africa like that
either way if you travel with a man or stick to cities you're pretty safe. just dont go alone in mysterious roads and without any males
>dodges the question looking at my flag as if it meant anything
did you know spain has one of the best healthcare and lower homicide rates in the world? maybe thats why you dislike my flag, its the polar opposite of your "1st world" murderous shithole
this is why i can't take Jow Forumsfags seriously, you probably never left your state, let alone your country you fat dumb stereotype american
Apparently this bully is getting bullied and Pacquiao challenged this kid to a smackdown lmao
Our spokesman for the United Nations says we should beat this kid's ass
It's not that simple.
interesting concept, but no
At least you have access to drugs you crying capitalist pig
Neither are weed, prostitutes or Anne Frank's house
>no mountains at all, not even a hill
>no forests, countryside forever demolished for agriculture
>swamps, flat fields and ugly cities everywhere
>ugly/average people, you guys might be tall but all the dutchmen and women I saw all had weird faces, the germans were much prettier somehow
>ugliest language in Europe, sounds like german but spoken by retarded peasants.
>protestantism, ie: bug mentality
>water in every northern city, leaving a disgusting smell
You guys are doing good, but I'd rather kms than live in the Netherlands, even Belgium was way better
>maybe some misinformation about japan has been spread
the meme that Japan's has unsufferable working conditions and overtime (compared to other developed countries) basically comes from the fact that it was true , but that was decades ago, maybe it's not that now as in some European countries, but also not what some people make it out to be.
Time to update your old stereotypes about Japan!
its was more of a mass sexual harrasment thing than actual rape. and it didnt happen again since then.
>germany and sweden have problems with immigrants
>Netherlands doesn't
>Austria doesn't
>Denmark doesn't
>Norway doesn't
>Switzerland doesn't
uneducated as fuck
Finland is a real fucking shithole. Always dark and cold, people are autistic retards and really racist even though they are nothing but subhuman mongoloids, everyone is poor, all buildings are commieblocks, food is literal shit etc. You should wipe this country off of that list
More like understated. Japan loves to hide shit that they find destroys their reputation as grpgious Nippon. The video even says that chances are Japanese dont report overtime work and are unpaid
but Japan's still not that low as what the statistics may appear because some of the decline since the mid-1990's is due to the decline in working-population in Japan
Finland also and almost whole west.
virgins don't exist in the 3rd world
And loneliness, depression and obesity are nation diseases.
>More like understated, Japan loves to hide shit that they find destroys their reputation as grpgious Nippon
any source on that? the source on working time doesn't come from the Japanese goverment anyways, and why would they fake it? it's not like the OECD or any international organization or NGO gives a prize to the country with the most or least working time
>overtime work and are unpaid
the graph I posted includes already paid and unpaid overtime, and also adjust for time not worked because of leaves, strikes, etc.
Folk metal
You're an idiot
That's true, though I think we both have legislation in place to curb foreign real estate investment now. I know BC, where most of the Chinese housing bubble has occurred, now very heavily taxes them on new purchases.
you're the worst poster on this board
I've actually started to include Germany on a lot of my lists because they consistently rank highly on more and more metrics
I am not paying for ahmed and his 9 kids either.
our national healthcare works like any other health insurance. only difference is its mandatory to have one and the goverment runs a very cheap low cost insurance that only offers the most neccessary stuff. its not like the public insurance runs a deficit either they have money left over. they also have huge barganing power for lower prices with health care providers.
if you want something better private insurance is still a thing and you can just switch, no double pay. the only "free" money part is that the goverment pays for your insurance if you are on welfare.
really the only thing wrong the american system is that you cover part of the costs with medicare and medicaid. it just gives incentive to squeeze people dry for that unlimited goverment money. the rest of the population is just caught in between. best approach would be to just scrap medicare and medicaid and open state run low cost bottom of the barrel insurances. after prices calmed down again you can even privatize them and the whole spook is over.
Is that GDP per capita? I think median income is better, having a super wealthy elite doesn't really say anything good about the country. Best to look at median household/personal income, cost of living, tax rates, and economic mobility. Canada outperforms Germany on all of those except maybe cost of living, which won't be substantially different between them.
Are you a yank? You seem to have a real problem with Canada and that's usually only typical of Americans.
Every word of this is both wrong and retarded. You already pay more for Pablo and his 7 kids than I do for Chang and his 7 family members (though you get much less for your dollar).
Your incarceration and police killing rate of just whites, is hundreds of times higher than our's.
noone pays for changs lol, they actually get jobs
germany doesnt have a super wealthy elite though. income inequality has gotten worse but we are still pretty good in an international comparision. canada actually ranks worse than us.
Holy shit I didn't know it was that bad.
Seriously though, why are we continuously labeled as a xenophobic, racist country by the international media (there were a lot of articles in the UK and germany after the latest election), when those states won't even take in such a high amount of immigrants?
to sum it up canada is slightly worse than germany in income inequality, gdp per capita, unemployment and has higher cost of living but has much lower taxes and I couldnt find any recent data on economic mobility but the last I found canada was slightly better.
I'm not saying it does, I just said GDP per capita isn't a great metric by itself. And again, I have started to include Germany more often because they are consistently performing very well.
Even if all of that is true, money is not the only way we measure the quality of a country. This isn't a list of the wealthiest nations, it's the all around best nations. Canada scores top 10 at basically everything good. What you will find is that the Nordics, the Benelux states, Switzerland, Australia, NZ, Canada, and increasingly Germany (maybe Austria) all consistently score in or near the top 10 of everything good, just swapping spots with one another. At that point you can't really pick a "best" country, just the one that has the weather, scenery, language, sports, etc. that you personally like best and that will be the "best country in the world" to live in.
Norway has virtually no video game industry, and that is my only desired profession. That's a massive problem.
No it's not a meme. Swedish children can't go to school without being harassed, beaten and humiliated. Swedish hospitals doesn't work anymore (people literally die in the waiting rooms) and the police doesn't solve any crimes short of the most violent ones. Meanwhile taxes are higher than ever to fund the refugee parasites. We're also the country with the most violent crime (shootings, murders, rapes, violent assaults, robberies etc) in Europe.
I have no idea why we're considered a 1st world country anymore.
I am not saying canada is bad. you simply should have included us in the non shit nation club.
ok this is fake
video games dont need an industry. all it needs is a handfull of people and an idea for a good game (wich people often think they have, but seldom do). fucking poles and turks can do it.
Doesn't matter. It'd be better for the world if wh*te scum are killed off anyway.
Jesus will you end this cringey shit meme. We get it, Jow Forums isn't le Jow Forums, it's okay, you don't have to pretend
>Swedish hospitals doesn't work anymore (people literally die in the waiting rooms)
That's something that I'm only willing to believe with a source. Care to provide one?
This is low IQ post. Typical shitskin.
No they arent. Most Americans have healthcare, police state is a meme that affects a small percentage of the population (usually actual criminals) and most violence in the U.S. is focused in cities. Hell most shootings (which you also have) are suicides or domestic violence here.
I wish I was from Quebec
>good people don't live in the city, where all the violence is. it's contained
Places like NYC have growing non-scumbag areas and actually a decent crime rate. It would be better if we cleaned up the shitholes though.
>why would they fake it
Because itll make Abe amd their cunt look bad
It not a secret that the Japanese media sides with Abe and that they dont report scathing scandals or bad news in general, or end up sugarcoating statistics
Only the left wing media uncover amd report scandals in the govt for example
>Most Americans have healthcare
Most Americans are grossly overpaying for healthcare while still having higher rates of almost every disease both chronic and acute, higher rates of medical malpractice, worse infant and maternal mortality rates, and a lower life expectancy by years. Plus, medical debt is still the leading cause of bankruptcy in America.
>police state is a meme that affects a small percentage of the population (usually actual criminals)
You have the highest incarceration rate in human history, you are the only western nation that still has the death penalty, you have ridiculous prison sentences based on baseball rules, your rate of police killings is hundreds of times higher than any other western nation (even among just whites), your government and even corporations are world infamous for spying on their own people, you have cops in most high schools and a large amount of middle and even elementarty schools, and your police are increasingly militarised with insane shit like armoured personnel carriers and a 1700% increase over 10 years in SWAT raids.
>and most violence in the U.S. is focused in cities.
81% of Americans live in cities, and we all have cities, just none as fucked as many of yours.
>Hell most shootings (which you also have) are suicides or domestic violence here.
It doesn't matter why they happen, and we do have stats that remove suicide, in all cases Americans are, on average, disproportionately more likely to be the victim of a shooting than other western nations, often several times higher. .
Dutch grills in 'dam were hot af when I went there though. Most qts / m2 I' ve ever seen
We had to invent new problems for ourselves, we call them "anxiety" and "clinical depression."
Pic unrelated.
>Because itll make Abe amd their cunt look bad
>It not a secret that the Japanese media sides with Abe and that they dont report scathing scandals or bad news in general, or end up sugarcoating statistics
they don't, Abe doesn't have inordinately high approving rate, it's actually very low, and anyways decline of Japan's working hours started decades ago, shit like what happened to Ghosn recently (but with Japanese executives) is very common in Japanese media
>or end up sugarcoating statistics
again, any source on that? Japanese statistics are just if not more reliable as other developed countries, I haven't heard anything like that from agencies like WHO or the UN for example, just from the Anglo media
and as I said, Japanese working hours are very probably a little overstated, see this working paper by Ashley Wardi, María Belén Zinnii and Pascal Mariannai (all non-Japanese) which was mainly funded by ONS (UK)