İ want the Kingdom of Spain to annex Turkey so i can be under her rule.
İ want the Kingdom of Spain to annex Turkey so i can be under her rule
I want King Philip to make good on his title of King of Jerusalem and retake it in the name of the Catholic Church and the Holy Father from the Jews.
go back to pol
What was Jow Forums about what I said? The Jews own Jerusalem, that's a fact. Just saying "Jews" isn't some Jow Forums sperg-out, you moron.
the savoia bitch still doesn't accept me on instagram.
savoia exile best day of my life
shes a roastie anyway fuck her
i demand a loli threesome now
t-they arent for lewd!!!
I'd rather fuck the Queen, desu, she's a MILF. Let's get some Anglo-Spanish cooperation and friendship going.
would you want Leonor to rule UK?
When he said "threesome", he meant 2 lolis and 1 MILF.
BASED turk royalty pedo
look at her and Leonor. you will see why one is legit Princess and the other is just an instagram thottie
based and rojopilled
>Pleb angry at royalty for not responding his friend request on instagram
We came a long way
She accepted me, but she doesn't have many photos and she looks like a common thot in most of them
>she accepted me
What is special about this chick? She looks like a fish
Not sure what you're trying to communicate.
Apparently she has like kinda famous ancestors, that makes autists fall in love with her.
grand daughter of the former king of italy, so she is a princess
>right: SOUL
So instagram thot with muh heritage, got it
I don’t see why anyone should care about so-called royalty in this day and age
I desperately want to fuck this bitch
Take the unironic absolute monarchy pill
Cute princesses you got there Spain.
Based and Prussiapilled.
Simply move to Spain?
I want them to play with my benis
Fuck no i dont want more niggers in my country
>not taking the husbando prince pill
He could have at least gotten that suit fitted.
So i could get a loli princess if Germany would become a Monarchy again ??
Germany will become a Caliphate in 2 or 3 generations and then you can be a pedophile, but only if you are muslim
>german girl
>looks like a man
Every fucking time kek
But he’s a moor just like you
You people are obsessing on this bitch who only has 1580 followers.
Girls at my school have more
agree with you fren, shes not even a princess.
I do
Girl in the left looks perfectly aware of all the shit in the world yet doesn't give a fuck.
what do you mean?