What are Chinese GFs like?

What are Chinese GFs like?

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Better than white gfs

more demanding than white gfs


Mercantilism and rudeness.

like this

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chinks are so beta yuck

Why are Asian females considently better looking than thier male counterparts?

Vastly better than vile western women.

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I want a gf like that and I wanna be abused lmao

She's Uyghur.

Who is it? I only know Dilraba Dilmurat. Is this her?

As someone who recently spent the last 4 months living with my chinese gf in China, they are ridiculous.
They think the percentage of your paycheck that you spend on them is how much you care about them. They are also extremely clingy cause of how accepted cheating is for men. But they do all the cooking and cleaning without question so that's cool.

They don't shave their cunt

Same with here


What's with the bindi?

She doesn't look Arab

They wore bindis in the Tang dynasty

Southeast Asians wore it before colonial times

so beijing girls are sluts?


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I heard that if you have a sex with a Chinese girl they assume marriage and feel very attached. And if you leave them they chase after you and send you suicide threats. Creepy

Plz plz don't kidnap her chairman Xi.

I wear she is loyal to the Communist party (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

they do
to this day the tought that two chinese qts killed themselves because they couldn't resist living without my dick still gets me hard instantly

fuck chinks



i think she is gülnazar

That's how it should be in a civilized society. I know you americans are degenerate jew worshippers who just fuck around like shlomo told you but please don't expect every other society to be equally lowlife.

Shit, I have a Chinise girl who's interested in me and asked me to be her bf.
What do?

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>face id
Couldn't she just look at it herself?

Isn't prostitution legal in Germany?

That would suck haha!!!

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Honestly just really rude and demanding, they actually think it is cute to nag and insult you all the time. Plus they demand money and worthless consumer products all the time, and they have no manners and act like pigs so you can't take them anywhere.

Who shooped it from "white cum" to that?

Pic gives me severe PTSD. Chinese girls will act fucking crazy and ballistic and then they're shocked like this when you tell them you're done. Honestly astounds me. Chinese men must be regularly putting themselves through some crap for women to think they can get away with doing it.


Chinese "men" are really passive and beta. I knew a guy who gave up thousands of dollars (and he wasn't rich) to his gf, who was always a demanding bitch to him. They never even had sex either. He was some poor FOB so I suppose he didn't know any better.

The girl you posted isn't Chinese. She's Uighur.

I would kill for a gf like that

virgin freak

Guys want to feel needed

Oh fuck off, go die in a pit you repulsive burger. Women are not cum dumpsters. Stop talking shit about compassionate people who are tired of your nigger behavior.

Not everyone's into your femdom fetishes, Heinrich.

lol seething chink or yellow fever, don't know which is more pathetic

I actually respect compassionate and loyal women. How does it feel to live the animal-like life of a kike slave? Your mind has been jewed.
pic fucking related

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They aren't, but enjoy your fantasy. Some psycho bitch is the last thing you want, I actually wish one upon you.

can you wish one upon me too

I won't race-mix but thanks. Go live your casual sex life until you're too old to start a functioning family. Maybe then you will see what a waste it all was.

This thread has been invaded, by MAGA

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I hope you get the evil Chinese gf of your dreams, amigo. May she abuse you for all eternity.

no, thats KOREAN women,

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It’s a country of a trillion people so there’s different kinds obviously
The ones that go for western guys obviously are more interested in the foreigner aspect, and have made an effort to learn English and seek out a foreign bf so you’ll mostly hear experiences about those kind of girls (live in the city, college educated, materialistic)


op's picture is dilraba
gulnazar looks picture related

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damn she cute

I only know what TW GFs are like

Well what about anal?

wh-what do chinese gfs smell like?

bad enough that they usually shower before going out, resulting in a temporary smell of shampoo for the first few hours out with them

wh-what about when the shampoo smell wears off?

My friend has a chink gf from a rich family. She is needy, demanding, and gives up the first sign of resistance. She seriously quit her job because someone yelled at her once.

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