What do you consider Eastern Europe?

what do you consider Eastern Europe?

Attached: 2002.png (779x572, 13K)

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Any European country east of Germany.


add italy. italy is balkans too.


Attached: Skærmbillede 2018-12-22 kl. 14.45.30.png (1584x1122, 393K)

good map

I don't even know only 4 or 5 flags of them.

binland and ikibey will be angery

Everything east of the Arlberg.

all these cunts except for Turkey

culturally, economically and politically distinct. I approve

good post

I disagree on Finland but everything else is true.

basically everyone bar ireland, portugal and spain

Eastern Europe = Orthodox and partially Muslim countries in the Eastern part of Europe.
Catholic and Protestant countries are not Eastern.

Attached: Eastern_Europe.png (1374x1245, 66K)

former ussr and warsaw pact countries

The religion doesn't change anything you spastic gypsy.

Attached: europe.png (1140x900, 84K)

Yes it does, snownigger.

>he actually thinks Poland isn't Eastern European
Go back to your gyppo shack and stay there, thanks.

I feel offended every time my country is assigned to the same group with Ukraine even though the civilizational, economic and political difference between us and Ukraine is much bigger than between us and Germany.

1. Open the dictionary.
2. It reads: “the part of Europe, and the countries it contains, lying in the east, esp to the east of the former Iron Curtain”.
3. Close the dictionary.


>used Latin alphabet for most of its history
>Latin as language of culture
>centuries of German influence
>Swedish and German Saxon ruling dynasties
>little to no Ottoman and Byzantine influence

I don't care what you spoiled Westernfags think, they aren't Eastern in my view. Same goes for Hungary.

>used Latin alphabet for most of its history

for all of our history to be more precise

>little to no Ottoman and Byzantine influence

but we experieced quite a lot of Russian influence which is even worse than Ottoman in terms of civilizational backwardness

And even Congress Poland was under some German influence and one of the most developed regions of the Russian Empire.

Attached: Congress-Poland-German-Famillies.jpg (500x612, 54K)

green circles are eastern europe

blacked out are variously central, south-eastern or mediterranean europe; or asia (specifically turkey, which is not european at all)

red Xes are non-countries (not sure if moldavia should be here)

moldavia and roumania could potentially be eastern, i'm tempted to say not

any orthodox country that was in the ussr is definitely eastern though

Attached: eastern europe.png (779x572, 22K)

Attached: a great big smile.jpg (4000x4000, 1.15M)

Radu how come you know so much about Poland.

Maybe because you're in fact Laszlo from Szekelyland?

No I'm a virgin nerd from Bucharest.

Attached: eurotrip[1].jpg (460x560, 49K)


eastern europe = post-commie
western europe = post-colonial

its a thing of mentality i think
most of people here dont have it

Glory to Visegrad!!!

kakastan is best stan

if its poor and in europe then its eastern europe

thanks god we are not included on that shitskin nigger list


are you aware that half of western ukraine is catholic
that rusyn are catholic

Why did burgers decide to pick on Slovaks out of all people?

this is false, a couple of greek rite catholics are hardly anywhere near "half" of ukraine, and even they are greek rites, who only joined a political and theological union with the western church

Once again Portugal confirmed for Eastern European


sorry, meant for this post

not half of entire ukraine, but western ukraine, galich and carpathians are most definetely very catholic

Thank you

this without finland

>Greek Catholicism is Catholicism

part of them arent even greek catholics but just catholics

this but Greece in light red

not ROMAN catholic, also a small region in the country, thus meaningless from the east-west point-of-view
obviously all of proper, pre-Trianon Hungary would be western :^)
still that doesn't make ukraine western

Attached: greater-hungary.jpg (551x450, 193K)

no but it makes western ukraine western
and eastern poland is somehow supposed to be borderline/eastern
give me a break

also im from what used to be western slavonia
does that make me eastern??

>Russia and Georgia europe
Yah nah

all 2,5 of them

they are more western than podolianiggers thats for sure

please take your autism medication

Based Rade.


So Finland,Greece and Austria

Whole movie was shooed in Czechia so it was probably our idea

this but finland is grey, eesti is light red and austria is red

Every russian country who isn't actually russia

why the fuck is hungry there

It's Estonia you dumb nigger.

>eastern poland is somehow supposed to be borderline/eastern
Nope, it's actually more Catholic than the western parts of the country. The "borderline" Poland you're describing is literally Ukraine.

Eastern Europe

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 10.12.54 PM.png (1296x466, 198K)


It's like Europe but the flags are cool

Belongings of the glorious ottoman empire

.... Ukraine.


Bad post
Good post

It's a good and accurate post you fucking Europoor.

Attached: YFYIbtL.jpg (456x297, 20K)

Only acceptable map.

The old Prussian (German) and Austrian (Austrian-Hungary) Empire is "Mitteleuropa" (Central Europe).
If you go further east you are in eastern Europe.
If you go too much south you are in Southern Europe.

Attached: europeirlsvg.png (986x1024, 348K)

>Australian retard wants to tell us which countries in europe exist and which don't

I consider it shit