Why is New York so racist

is it ghetto mentality?

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Asians are the last people who should be complaining about diversity here. They're fucking seen as foreigners by practically everyone here and they have no connection or history to this country whatsoever. I don't blame blacks for not liking them.

Didn't they in large part build the railroads for you guys too?


why do chinks build railroads everywhere?

They're cheap and expendable.

tons of them were used in peru and northern chile for the same purpose, I guess you are right

>muh railroads
That's literally all they have to their name. They are the only significant group of people in this country who have absolutely no connection to it culturally, historically, whatever. It makes me sick thinking about how these insects are only gonna continue to grow in numbers here.

This is good because it will cuck wh*tes out of all admissions. Can't wait for schools to only be compromised of Asians, Jews, and Indians

You have never been through hell until you go to school with black students.

how long before we fucking grind them up and eat them fucking insect people

Just gonna be more dumb asians instead of smart asians

Let’s not kid ourselves

Not the ones who’ve moved here within the past 100 years, IE the vast majority.

How do we stop the *Sian menace? More specifically the ch*Nks. Japs and gooks are alright imo

This is literally what Asians in New York voted for. What are they even complaining about? They voted around 90% for the Democrat mayor Bill de Blasio. de Blasio supports removing Asians from the city's top schools. His Republican opponent Joe Lhota OPPOSED doing so, but Asians didn't vote for Lhota. They voted for de Blasio. This is literally WHAT THEY VOTED FOR. They need to shut up and quit whining.

Tbf Joe was going do to more damage to us. I basically voted for the lesser evil which is still shit.

Shut it jamal

What's the issue?

t. Zhao "Matthew" Wang

God chinks look like aliens

>"positive" racism
fucking lmao

Enforced quotas, for gender or race, are fucking stupid


Yes, poor/unsuccessful people like to drag others down.

That's not really the case.

Why is everyone letting China take over? They're literally winning. Every Chinaman who takes a seat from a domestic student is taking away the future of our nation and giving it to China.

But that's okay, because they built a railroad once.

What's the case, then? Looks like they're going to hand spots to people who didn't make the cut based on race. Is that not what the brits call "positive racism"?

it's okay because on average they are smarter than you, the very exact same reason you feel superior to nig nogs

He's Canadian mate he wont understand.

They're giving those seats to actual Americans.

Yup, they've already surpassed CHIs as the biggest immigrant group in America. They'll be in the double digits soon.

There's 1 billion of them. They have more geniuses than we have citizens.. remind me again why its our responsiblity to host them? If they're so superior then why is their country a shithole?

>japs and gooks are alright
You realize the Chinese have been here since the beginning of the states? Japanese arrived in the late 1800s and the Koreans after the 1950s

and who uses the railroads anymore?
cotton on the other hand is good shit

Ughhhh wtf why don’t I get free gibs for being dumb!

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Because NYC is rightful Jewish-South Italian lebensraum and everybody else should get the fugouttatheah

You’re a fucking idiot

How does what their ancestors did thousands of years ago have anything to do with testing standards in 2018?

>free gibs
Says the literal parasite

Fuck off Chang. Your fucking ilk look and smell like shit, you can add but you cant write, paint, sing, even make love to women.

>t. Chink

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Sweet, lets go steal all the seats at African schools. Thatd be fucking hilarious and okay because on average we're smarter

Because those other people that get the spots could be Asian, Latino, White, Black etc. Why the fuck do you two default to Balcks and browns?

Because then they tend to subvert the system and remove all the good shit that allowed them to get in. Not saying for all of them but there's a lot who came in to nations and do that.Pulling out the ladder from others so to speak.

Chinese people are so vulnerable and are a minority. We need to help them have an equal shot in this world!

>Asians are the last people who should be complaining about diversity here
Really? With no affirmative action, Asians would be 80% of STEM college students actually.

America is incredibly racist cunt.

I really doubt that.

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>With no affirmative action, Asians would be 80% of STEM college students actually.
Living near Harvard and MIT I can say that they probably already are

Is that supposed to mean something to me? That's what asians are for, designing the spacecraft that whites will use to colonize the solar system. They just need to use their own schools. We can't seat all of them and our own. There's simply too many




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Harvard is most famous due the incredibly racist policies.

Not really user.

‘The wolf of racial bias’: the admissions lawsuit rocking Harvard


>Meanwhile California, the most liberal state in union is one of the only states in the country that has laws that made affirmative action illegal
Kek, just do what CA does and select "needy" students by income instead of race. That way poor whites and asians can get in too instead of dozens of rich Jews and their black diversity admits

I am japanese-american and pay the price for my race each day in academia despite being completely assimilated

>pay the price for my race each day in academia despite being completely assimilated

You mean disproportionate representation?

>Yet, they are assigned low marks on a vague “personal rating” that takes into account things like courage, likability, kindness and having a positive personality.
>personality is vague when it comes to law

asians angry that they aren't lawyer material while blacks are still getting in because harvard is forced to meet a quota.

Japanese-Americans are disproportionately underrepresented in academia, you racist piece of shit

Hope someone curb stomps your head in soon

When you prefer one race and quote other one, that's racism. I know mutts call racism only the particular kind of that which bite black people. That's the fake diversity very usual for such fake cunt as US.

Harvard have some history by the way
>Certain private universities, most notablyHarvard, introduced policies which effectively placed a quota on the number of Jews admitted to the university. According to historianDavid Oshinsky, on writing aboutJonas Salk, "Most of the surrounding medical schools (Cornell,Columbia,Pennsylvania, andYale) had rigid quotas in place. In 1935 Yale accepted 76 applicants from a pool of 501. About 200 of those applicants were Jewish and only five got in." He notes that Dean Milton Winternitz's instructions were remarkably precise: "Never admit more than five Jews, take only two Italian Catholics, and take no blacks at all."[15]As a result, Oshinsky added, "Jonas Salkand hundreds like him" enrolled inNew York Universityinstead.[16]Physicist and Nobel laureateRichard P. Feynmanwas turned away fromColumbia Collegein the 1930s and went toMITinstead. See alsoNumerus clausus in the United States.

You actually have to trucking standout and not be a generic high achieving student. If you are a Chinese guy that lived and studied in Dominican Republic for like 12 years and speaks Spanish and lived in Georgia for the other 6 and managed too learn how to play bluegrass that would get you noticed more.

Oh cry some more.

what price is that

Not even people in California know it.
>be dirty poor
>get accepted to UCSB in computer science
>friends keep saying I got in because I'm CHI
>have to explain it was because I was dirt poor
Even my high school counselor told me I got the guaranteed in because I'm poor and not about my race.

>that's racism. I know mutts call racism only the particular kind of that which bite black people. That's the fake diversity very usual for such fake cunt as US.

It's not even racism user. Asians still are a massive population in those schools

People who preach about racial diversity in higher education don't give a shit about Asian Americans. Imagine my shock
Wasn't there an Ivy League school that was denying admissions to qualified Asian students because their "personalities" weren't "right" for the school? Was that Harvard or Stanford?

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>still are
Harvard said "look, there's still 5 Jews" in 1935 in the same voice.

They just deny it honestly. Charity admissions long ago constantly get shit (Shat?) on because people felt they were unworthy or that the value of their degree was reduced.

hyperboles make you look like a blabbering baby

That's not hyperbole, just metaphorical.

>The court documents, filed in federal court in Boston, also showed that Harvard conducted an internal investigation into its admissions policies in 2013 and found a bias against Asian-American applicants. But Harvard never made the findings public or acted on them.

I can see. Even I felt unworthy of being in for my first 3 years there. It took me too long to stop caring about it.

completely different case. Harvard actually goes out to 20 rural states and gives out letters to kids in them which is actually pretty nice of them.

Why do you keep switching between jews and asians

We are the most assimilated (and therefore lowest academically performing) while we are held to the same standards as other “asians”.

Half of Japanese-Americans are married out of race and few even speak Japanese. We’ve been here since the 1870s.

Because that's all the same thing, called systematic racism in the United States.

diversify a school usually means its going to be 90%+ black or hispanic, white families usually send their kid to some private school even if they live like minute away from it. Even after the diversification there would be budget cuts and other non-sense, with library and other amenities getting scrapped away and increasing classroom size and sharing textbooks. Even teachers are hired to teach the subjects they are not comfortable with, art teacher teaching history etc.

Oh you mean academically, I thought you meant socially

Because you're trying to spin tales.

Sorry but law is one of the disciplines that requires more than good grades bud.

>We are the most assimilated (and therefore lowest academically performing)

Nigga what? Also you do know Asians as group are broad as hell. You guys are nothing comparable to say Hmong or Flips.

asians are literally the only major group that CAN complain about diversity. they are a historically marginalized group that is completely fucked over by affirmative action because despite their high achievement they are still told they dont deserve it because niggers and spics weren't able to catch up like they were

Harvard say it requires particular skin color. Nothing special for the racist cunt US.

>they are a historically marginalized group that is completely fucked over by affirmative action

They actually benefited form it though.

>they are still told they don't deserve it because niggers and spics weren't able to catch up like they were



Lmao at overachieving Asians and getting pushed back.

Meanwhile I live from welfare and don't give a shit about being productive.

The article you linked yourself is asians talking about how they were discriminated agianst because they lacked courage, likability, kindness and having a positive personality.

Just because your parents beat you any time you stopped studying doesn't mean you will be a good lawyer, a discipline that requires you to interact and persuade people regularly. There are still many asians in harvard, just not the ones without the personal traits required

>they actually benefited from it though
>that spacing
oh, your reddit trash

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>using question marks to express yourself


nothing he said made sense. would you have preferred me to call him a retard soyboy cuck?

Lol that guy only applied to only one place, got discriminated against (he thought it would be easy) then fucking dropped out. Mindy Kaling refuses to talk to that faggot fora reason

Try using your words next time

what the fuck

ok. guess ill regress into 2015 Jow Forums slang

lol if thats the limits of your vocabulary then all power to you bud

I never assumed they'd be given to blacks or browns. An anglo-american getting a spot at a performance-based school instead of a better performing latino is still discrimination.

That chink was a retard.

>only applied to 1 place
he applied to 22 places. interviewed at 11, wait listed at 4, got into 1
with a GPA and 3.1 and a MCAT of 31
you cant do that as an asian, a white, or even a hispanic person. posing as a black guy was purely within his interests and thats a terrible thing

thats what you clearly prefer because punctuation goes beyond you. I would call you a phone poster but I dont think you are. I just think you are a retard

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>Ultimately, he told CNN he applied at 22 medical schools and interviewed at 11. He was wait-listed at four schools and got into only one.

That's not really impressive

Nah m8. Asians don't get to come into a country they are completely foreign to and complain about black natives who have been here since before the country even existed. The bitch in the OP pic didn't even come here until she was 13.

you're critiquing my punctuation with one post and calling another poster a redditor in another, don't you see your own hypocrisy?

>The bitch in the OP pic didn't even come here until she was 13.
Well fuck her then.