Jow Forums
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International #992
What's wrong with Slavs?
How popular are french fries in your country, Jow Forums? How often do you eat them? What is the local name?
Best europe
Africa is the most diverse continent
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2103
1. country
Meat eating thread
What do you call this in your country?
Are Finns truly northest peoples around Eurasia?
You're walking around eastern Europe when you hear
/women/ Women thread
/v4/ + prijatelji
Is your country anti-Semitic?
I want a Siberian GF
/balt/ general
Why do developed countries refuse to reproduce?
Asians all look the sa-
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Do you consider Russians Caucasian?
Disgusting, I want to puke
Korea v. Japan
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
Which country is this character from?
What type of clothes do you wear? are your clothes chad like or incel like?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
İn what country can i find girls looking like this?
English proficiency by country
How often do you eat eggs?
** user, you are so modest, tell me something funny **
Tfw femoid dies from cancer
Why are Brazilian boys so feminine?
Which country has the most beautiful women to you?
Are Chinese students harmful to the United States?
I have a plan
Democratic people's republic of korea
50 million CHINESE TOURISTS want to visit your country next year
The Left is so obsessed with attacking President Trump. It's like a drug for them
3rd world Europe. Thoughts?
Why do Finns have gook eyes?
Hilo hispano /hisp/
Why don't Japanese people have kids anymore? Why did they stop having sex?
Why do Ameriblacks do this?
It's been 27 years
How would you keep your mutt son secret from the public ... his asking
Sverigetråden - Gävlebocken upplagan
What is your least favorite ethnicity?
Why is Japan so racist?
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why do the Spanish hates us?
You’re a cunt
Why do Japs want to kill poor whales in the era of lab grown meat...
What ethnicity is this?
The absolute madman
GTA thread
Comfiest region of the planet
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Are Meds the ultimate in terms of men?
OH NO NO NO NO wh*toids btfo. how can Jow Forums ever recover
Kids in usa are so mean
This kills the non-white
/heg/ - hittite empire general
1.youre cunt
Buy Gripen
*rustles in the bushes*
Born in Western Europe
/fr/ - Le francofil yellow
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The Latina house maid fetish was created by wh*te men to go behind white womens back and cheat on them with fertile...
Russia is weeb country now
Post ghost/creepy stories from your country
Autists are euthanized in the Netherlands and Belgium
ITT: Favorite empire your country/region/city was a part of
Which girl would you pick user
Who was the best leader of your country and why? Personally, I think FDR was the best American president...
Why is Mexico so poor and violent?
Fact: if you place a dark haired girl next to a blonde girl approximately 80 % of the time the dark haired girl looks...
Why does Japan idolize stick girls with no ass?
Ur cunt
Romanians will soon surpass Greeks in nominal gross wages, and that's a good thing
Argentina appreciation thread
Do you remember the day when you found out, that you can pull up and down the skin on your peepee?
Sverigetråden - Ensamma upplagan
Why are Italians are insulted and hated on this board...
Are Finns white?
American healthcare
Your country
Is it legal to eat dog and cat in your """country"""?
Post the best writer your country can offer, for me, it's Borges I guess
Start lurking Jow Forums more often
I wrote joke
You're a cunt
Which Latin American country would you least like to visit?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
/world of polska/
European languages
Be Spaniard
..//./? UK ?????
Another year, another chance to disappoint the world and disgrace themselves
Germans aren't really like this right?
His language doesn't have a word for the day before yesterday
Why don't fat people just eat less?
In this thread, we make fun and laugh at Italy, it's people and culture...
/2sicilie /
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Kurva anyátok
I am black and I pride myself with being downgraded and objectified to the size of my genitals like an animal that's...
Would you marry a Latina/mestiza?
U.K.’s Corbyn 4th on Wiesenthal Center’s Top 10 Anti-Semites of 2018
If your country's flag is on here - fuck you. I won't forget this, faggot
/ITA/ - il filo dell'unità
This map is wrong. Tap water in Slovakia is drinkable
I hate living in Israel, it's full lf arabs, negroes and russians
Does the average American know about Abu Gharib? What do they think of it mostly?
Why don't you have an Asian gf yet Jow Forums?
Name a more relevant latin country
How do you call this war in your country?
Best country to find a girl who looks like this ?
Did you know Panama is the richest country in Latin America?
Stop bullying us!
Blue = 1st world
Why is life so fucking hard
be european or american
/fr/ - le fil de la France
/lat/ - hilo latino
A-a-user is SO CUTE! I w-w-wanna hug and k-kiss him!
If I fail my exam I will off myself
If you spoiled firsties were to live in a shithole 3rd world cunt, what cunt would you choose?
This is marion le pen, soon to be head of Front National, the largest right wing organization in France...
I never wash my teeth
/aryan/ aka /dhalkhor/ aka /sag/
These 3 are 'pranksters' on youtube
Whiped out Native Americans
Tfw German buys a bottle of water and pours it into a cup to drink it
What does Jow Forums know about Slovenia?
How do you call homosexuals in your language and what do people of your cunt think of them?
I know it gets old but
Hanging out on this board, I've noticed that German posters really despise France...
Christ, what an ugly flag
Tfw Canadian addiction to Latin American women is true
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Sverigetråden - Muttupplagan
/skandi/ - fuck cities edition
Here, I fixed Europe once and for al
Holy '''''''Roman"""" empire
Can Swedes and Norwegians easily and accurately distinguish Finns from themselves?
Talk to white people
Beautiful language
Keep Japan pure! Stay away from Japan, gaijins! Come to Korea instead!
My grandmother says swedes and finns are very different, how come? I mean our languages are very different...
Is your country a muslim shithole?
Make Jow Forums great again
Do you want to find love in Norway?
Faces of Jow Forums
Would you rather live in
WTF Japan????????????????
Names like Tyler Hernandez and Jose Guadelupe O'hara will be quintessentially American in a few years
We need "SKILLED" immigrants as soon as possible
Dutch police girl
/fr/ - Le fil des Francs
Press F for Soviet Union
What is the best South American country to live?
Damn, Spanish girls look like THAT?
How is snu snu viewed in youre cuntree?
This is a murdered Argie girl
Healthcare of Europe
Do italians actually eat this?
Europe hate thread
Is mixing beer with fanta common in your country? Would you try it? Would you mix craft beer with a soft drink?
Chinese should be killed on sight
Is there a more beautiful written language on this entire planet?
Italy: How can this happen?
Mediterranean Unity thread
Americans can freely move to these tropical islands halfway around the world, but no one actually does...
*AU* *AU* *AU *AU* *AU* *AU*
Why are east euro countries so butthurt?
Why Aussies like fighting?
Meaningless guttural sounds
/women/ Women thread
I declare that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
Korean writing system
A perfect EU doesn't exis-
Why do hapas look like Latinos but with slightly lighter skin?
/kanakerlaken-Nest/ ehemals /deutsch/
There are people here who are over 18 and still play games
Albania - the most underappreciated country of Europe
Would you find it awkward to date someone taller/shorter than yourself?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Real shame(Africa) of Europe
Tell me interesting facts about Singapore besides that gum ban
What happens at the Germany-Poland border? How do people make use of a different wealth level between the countries?
- Salut user, comment ça va?
*oinking reaches crescendo*
Question to Japanese posters: how would you feel if I moved to your country to fuck your women and eventually start a...
What killed the European family unit?
National insults
I would cut a finger off if it meant that 5 billion people will die
Why yes, i AM danish, how did you know?
Do you support Sardinia becoming part of Switzerland?
Dear whites:
Such is life in Australia
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Based Vietnamese
So user what do you think of France and the French people?
Wish i was australian instead
I root for the red side, and you?
Failed my biology class
Why they sounds like some German/French? Czech belongs to the Slavic languages, but I can't understand a word
Circumcision is a harmless practi--
French women are beautiful
Your cunt
No culture
Stop whale hunts
Why yes indeed, America is f*rst wo-
When i go outside i feel like im in Syria
The jewish people will never fall again.Holocaust deniers deserve neither love nor happiness nor compassion...
1. Country
Do you love Japan?
Are Germans the biggest mutt in Europe?
Amerimutt general - bigot edition
Kurva anyátok
Was Brexit everything you were hoping for Brits?
/ita/ - il filo
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Am l the only one who would rather someone pats me on the head than fuck her?
In þis þred wi taip in fonetik Ingliš
Did you have anyone special to spend christmas with?
How many books do you read for a month?
Wh*Teoids can't handle spicy food
This is the modern Japanese woman. Maybe they should lay off the KFC
What cunt is the most based and redpilled?
Why do they call their country "fatherland" instead of motherland like normal people?
Press F
What will be the next new nation?
Juice: pulp or pulp-free?
Why do Whites have low intelligence?
Why u can't write Javascript(Typescript) ??
American and Japanese suffer from obesity, but African and Asian suffer from starvation
Why are people obsessed with this?
I wish there was a country who genuinely loved us
27 years since this shit is gone
Stare at Nazi ideology
Literally the only countries on earth that matter, have mattered, or will matter
Why do chinks lie to us and destroy our nature for temporary profit?
What does your country think about poland?
Is Hokkaido basically the only Asian New World colony?
No culture
Woah.... my brothers
Japan is first world
No history
Did you enjoy the Christmas?
How is Porn viewed in yor country?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Post meme songs from your cunt tree that the normies listen to
/flag/ + /extraflags/
The state of Anglo world
Why are Brazilian girls the way they are?
Smell this
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Smokers are subhuman garbage
When will they wake up to the 21st century and get rid of Lunar New Year like us?
Jow Forums Hunger Games: Countries VS. Terrorists Edition
French women are beautiful
Your cunt
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Why are Westerners so obsessed with our toilets?
Jow Forums Hunger Games: ex-states edition
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
You must be this white to post
Why Americans travel to Europe to kill themselves?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Do students call their teachers by their first name in your cunt?
/fr/ tiret le fil de la France
/deutsch/ Festtagsmenüausgabe
The average Argie girls. Thoughts?
The Germanic Sphere (excluding UK), the Anglosphere (Excluding USA)...
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Do guys in your country have cute feet?
I love russia :)
Ahahhahha americans really honor their fucking dogs like this?
Brown person moves to white country
Dry climates
Government executes gays in Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Iran
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
USA butthurt belt
Are Germans bad at conceptual logic?
Bandwidth speed
Life in the land of always winter sucks
Nordis are honorary americans
Can someone recommend me some good K-pop?
Why do brazilian academics use "unitedstatian" instead of "american" when refering to people from USA...
1. flag
The Latina house maid fetish was created by wh*te men to go behind white womens back and cheat on them with fertile...
The shame of Latin America
Please use Brazilian women for your sexual pleasure
As a Russian: I hate Russia, thoughts?
1 : ur cunt
What's your eye colour and how common is it in your country?
Post your favorite Brit person
Sverigetråden - Julmysupplagan
Why do Native male models always look like massive fags?
Would you press this button ?
Arthropods are my great passion
Why don't they unite and become a super power
Is she white?
/ita/ - il filo
Portugal left Spain right
Why yes, I am Swiss, how did you know?
This confuses the evropean
Average age of white females: 46 years
Wakes up
What are Zoomers (born late 90s onward) like in your country?
Christmas celebrations continue for the first time in Syria after years of civil war
/fr/ - le fil Français:
Does your cunt have a left wing cesspool that everyone with a brain hates?
His """country""" doesn't have school police
Why does detroit look postapocalyptic?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Ugh... what could have been
I was bullied at school
I've never met a jew. What are they like?
My sister who's living in London is getting married
Hunger Games Jow Forums version #5 for the season! Join Us
Uruguayan women are beautiful
How popular are tattoos in your country?
How does having a big penis feel like
I don't like Jesus because he was born in a different piece of land than mine
I just realized... China, which is taking resolute actions to stem violent terror attacks in Xinjiang...
The improved version : is black hair blue eyes the winning combination ?
How frowned upon is this flag in your country?
All i want for Christmas is a Nordic gf
I don't want to get stuck here
British """""""""empire"""""""""s soldiers
Lol at average Jow Forums and Jow Forums posters
What did you get for Christmas?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga kvällsupplagan
Worst Christmas ever ;-;
Can there possibly be any more disgusting and ugly phenotype and language than that of a russian?
What do you call this in your cunt?
Hunger Games Jow Forums version #4 for the Holiday Season
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Kurva anyátok
Type into google (your cunt) man and post first result you see. Pic related, first result for serbian man
Going to my recruiter today
/deutsch/ am Abend
Wshy are they always so butthurt towards us
1. Your country
Fact: if you place a dark haired girl next to a blonde girl approximately 80 % of the time the dark haired girl looks...
My only ever gf got deported but no british women take an interest in me
Worst posters
Woman drinks record amount of soy sauce!
/ita/ il filo
Why are chinese people not rapists?
1.Your cunt
Why do people try pretend there's a big cultural difference between the North and the South?
Inventor of the Phoenician alphabet, the predecessor to the Greek and thus Latin alphabet
Two Thousand Eighteen
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2102
/fr/ - Le fil Français
How true is that the northern part of Mexico is 100% european descent...
One shot at life
What do they think about each other?
America had over 1900 mass shootings since 2012
Reminder that if you don't live in the blue banana you are a subhuman
150 cm (4 foot 9 inches) Japanese girl Nako Yabuki
Do you want to find love in Israel?
These are, objectively speaking, the only countries on earth that matter
Christmas is now an official holiday in Iraq
Immigration is a human right
Im done with my country and I want to move to a latin american or spanish country where are hot latinas...
/drache/ ehemals /asb/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's your ideal boob size Jow Forums?
I hope you all had a very Phoenician and non-Arab Christmas, Jow Forums
Belarus was just given an offer they can't refuse from Russia: "we continue to supply you with cheap oil and gas but...
Why do Finns look like they have Down Syndrome?
Sverigetråden - Dalkarlarnas upplaga
Poles, the white negroes of Europe
Be cute French male
/v4/ + friends
Which US state is the most based and redpilled?
I'd like to incite discussion about how UGLY this language is
Ain't that the truth
Am I the only one here that doesn't hate women/ worship the ground on which they stand on?
Is she white in your cunt?
Why do I feel sick after sexting with a filipina transgirl?
Why is Europe such a clusterfuck
Christmas Truce
Are you all celebrate christmass today?
American Christmas
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/asb/ ehemals /deutsch/
In Europe if you call the suicide prevention hot line and threaten them by killing yourself for not having a gf...
Just phoned a random Dutch number and called him a faggot
Pour moi? c'est la France!
What would you do with 20 000€ in your bank account?
What do you want as a Christmas present?
Happy Yuletide to my Evropan brothers
I love this country
North Europe is superior to South Europe, in every single way, and there is NOTHING you can do about it
This guy (kek) calls you a subhuman
Why do you hate Japan, user?
Why are they so smug and think they are superior when they haven't achieved anything for over a century?
Tfw k*Rean
/fr/ - le fil français
I suffer on a daily basis in the first world
California, 39 million people is richer than France, 65 million people
Gf sent me this for Christmas
1.your country
Got $500 for Christmas. Should I spend it on travel and activities or on video games?
How to get banned from 4channel/Jow Forums?
Be European
There is one thing both the wh*toid roasties and as*anoid insectoids fear
Does this happen in your country?
Well? What did you get for Christmas?
/2sicilie/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Hemvändarupplagan
What's Jow Forums's favorite video games?
Name a famous scientist from Spain/Portugal
How does one make a bomb without being suspicious?
1) "Flag"
REAL Nordic "beauty"
Despite having a huge population and diaspora why does it appear that they dont have their own regularly contested...
Can I hear your accent?
1. cunt
User where do you work?
His language does not have a high language. Only vulgar commoner language
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
Sorry for letting in millions of muslims into europe
Do you love Prussia?
In Portuguese, we say "Eu estou = I am" to express how we're feeling/looking right now...
Who here is a fucking mutt
Went to kuala lampur
Merry Christmas France!
You wake up in Argentina
If you were a 169cm short "male" manlet
Any gunfags here?
Imagine a world without jews
Show where you've visited. only airports/flying over doesnt count
Do you love Korea?
What's Jow Forums age makeup?
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
I'm 18 and have never kissed a girl
Imagine the feeling
Are they 3rd world or 2nd world? (excl. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei)
Fuck the French for never settling Kergulen Islands like the Maori and British did in New Zealand...
Me? Eating grilled sandwiches
Another christmas without a cute Japanese bf
I sent her a merry Christmas message and let her know I miss her
Do i look med?
Would you buy a Huawei phone?
Are thier food culture mainly Mediterranean or Native American?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Reminder that we have 15 years until Climate Change is irreversible
Can you guys usually differentiate between hindu/muslim names of indians/pakistanis?
Why does the media hate Pewds, lads?
Slayed Foriegn Pussy Thread
Stop hating Brazil, there's no reason for that whatsoever. Love us instead like you love Japan
What are you dinking right now
Not even puppies are safe in America
/ausdrunk/ general
I was born in 1998
Hunger Games Jow Forums version #3 for the night
If you had to move to another country and you could pick any one, which one would you chose? I'd chose Japan...
I'm not racist but I cringe really hard whenever I see an interracial couple
Is white+asians the new masterrace?
Fuck flags every Jow Forums poster is my brother
When Southron meets Nordoid
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Mexican "food"
Why is New York so racist
Fuck Portugal
This nigga gonna live another year
How do you go from this
That 1 poster from ur cunt who does nothing but ruin your flag's posting power
Christmas Down Under
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
/deutsch/e weih/nachtsschicht/
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
ITT we thank Britain for spreading civilisation to backwards lands
The Dutch general is filled with foreigners (I am one of them), about 50% is foreign...
Are Brazilian girls the most beautiful girls in the world? I think so
Post a picture of the average person from your country. Pic related
How would your parents react if you brought her home?
/2sicilie /
I-i'm white
/fr/ - le fil français
What would you do if the russian armed forces were to invade your country at this very moment?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Why are you guys wasting your Christmas on 4channel?
Do you want to find love in Portugal?
Convince me why I should support a United States of Europe?
Do I look med?
Jow Forums Hunger Games #2, friendly xmas edition
American sons of bitches
We are the laughing stock of the world
US stocks collapsing
How can anyone with an IQ above 100 even like anime? The artstyle is horrific...
/Austria got nuked/ ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Post the view from your window
The shame of Europe
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship