
merry /brit/mas from me and the lads
shout out to the indians the aussies the kiwis
the canadians the french fags the americans the brasilian hues me caribbean mandem Edition

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slurping a nigger smoothie

NEED a poo

She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyreneman
Who just crumbles and burns

He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins

And it wears him out, it wears him out
It wears him out, it wears him

how do I be good around girls without alcohol

NEED a french qt

shout out to Dave and Lachlan


no one hit dubs so the cat name contest is still on
dubs decides

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answer the question

buy them a drink



My brother's taking over a month off work through a combination of Christmas holidays and just regular time off. Not happy about this at all, I want to stay at home alone and undisturbed.

I don't fuck with needles. I smoke it or rail china even though I know it's wasteful
grim innit

>not doing heroin

More for me then

Take the PUA pill.


good answers from sensible people

>shout out to the indians

took me until i was 20 before i was alright around girls but i'm still an awkward person so i'm not 100% alright around anyone

Reginald Cornelius-Bottomly III

having a lovely wanky time

>Being a nigger junkie
Lmao enjoy death you weak willed addict maggot

That's a fucking insulin injection, for diabetes, you fucking reet.


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fuck off

Did anyone received their Christmas presents already?

youre a dumb leftypol nigger fuck off

no thanks


ours comes from mexico they don't even see it. they need to mix vitamin c with their's just to shoot it lmao

Merry Christmas and gas the Jews

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Need you locking up

have to poo >.

for me, its princess cindi

ock foff

Think Santa forgot me


>famous grouse
again , it;s one of those drinks that makes me wonder who is buying it in significant quantities to signal to the market that there;s a demand for it/?

it's fucking SHITE

edgy potatoe farmer pretends ireland isnt part of britain

maybe if you're poor and live in america, it's all pens and pumps these days

calm it with the racism rorke, it's Winterval

why? they give some good advice. seriously
just don't go 100% on any of it and you'll be reet

Work with a guy who is 160kg

He's so fat that if he walks too much his feet split open

no that's an "insulin injector" for a shot of heroin

Wait a second...

good luck with your poo



how many percent should I go for

Got a cheeky chicken dinner lads

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you'd have a laurf and a harf if you could hear how people order famous grouse here

you want workin on, boy

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Just did a poo so big I gave it a name: Pajeet. Thinking of keeping him.

The finest things in life are injectable

thats a really baggy vagina isn't it
i told schizo to get on a diet before
depends how much of a virgin freak you are
just take bits of advice they give about body language etc

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i'm convinced a huge number of alcoholic beverages make sales due to marketing and emperor's new clothes to an extent

tell me

doxxed zoomer
prepared to get kicked out of primary school

what happened to "bongo bongo bongo I don't wanna leave the congo"?
why the fuck do niggers want to come here now

t. Addict maggot cope
Trying it? Fair enough. Becoming an addict? Weak will

why do spirits hurt my tummy

Am tired do you think it's a good idea to go to sleep?

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

Is she Irish? Never heard anyone that wasn’t Irish saying feen or fein

Shut up faggot

Top 3 christmas singles:

1. Do they Know it's Christmas ~ Band Aid 1984

2. Bing Crosby & David Bowie - "The Little Drummer Boy (Peace On Earth)"

3. The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York

instead of saying grouse, they say it more like groooose. its all I can do to contain my laughter when they order it.

what if you use it 1-2 times per month
I just wanted some to put me to sleep

the singers were white and at a time when the congo was ruled by Belgium. Life would have been pretty good.

I graduated from high school in 2017

he’s 20 going into 21

Vintage gimmick

kek i take it you are neot from norwat originally


Working class dole munchers
Russian trolls
Team sports


Royal family
Vacations in Spain
Reputable newspapers
Reality TV about working class dole munchers
Asian migrants

As simple as that.

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so why do niggers want to leave the congo now

Hi I'm from the European Union

waiting for gran to arrive

the gf (right)

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Never had sex before

How does he only have 270k followers?

fuck off geldof

>no mention in the OP
bit savage

this but with all beer
i don't see how anyone could unironically like beer

No I am, but I studied in London for three years. So I'm a pretentious asshole. lol.


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Are Yanks even human?

Never heard of immigrants from the Congo in Europe

Don’t think they do leave the Congo

I think Brexit was a pretty stupid idea.

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Drinking away my hatred for christmas

because he's been irrelevant since 1996/when he hit puberty

The family is Catholic but I will be opening any and all presents tomorrow morning
won't be participating in the impatience like the rest

i unironically like stella artois

good on you matey