Are they 3rd world or 2nd world? (excl. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei)

are they 3rd world or 2nd world? (excl. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei)

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Somewhere in-between

Third world with some very small sections of cities that approach 2nd or 1st world levels

This. Ive been to the Philippines, some parts are really nice. Most everything else is a shithole though.

Third world. Though I'm not sure what constitutes a second one. I heard it's any "developed" country that isn't a democracy, but that sounds like shitty propaganda.

They are SEAniggers

any country thats rich/developped enough not to be 3rd world, but not quite 1st world (think kazakhstan, turkey, thailand, fiji). i'd consider the philippines a 2nd world country (though i dont know too much)

also, whats palawan like? what are the people like?

>Not Third World
Trust me, there are far more shitty parts than those neat cities than you see.
Don't know much save for being a well protected nature zone. Also, the Underground River is there. Don't know much about the people, but it's a popular tourist site, so I'm certain they range from okay to great.

That's because you live in Tondo user

We're very 3rd world country. Please don't visit us.

Cebu actually. But even here you'd find houses near river edges that is on the verge of collapsing.

I'm going to palawan for a week next month.

You do know the meaning of "third world", right? Philippines is first world, Vietnam is second world, the rest are third world.

stfu boomer, no one cares about the dictionary meaning of third world

Niggers Tongue My Anus

Thailand is 2nd and Singapore is 1st
Thailand was 1st world by those meanings mate
longtime ally of the USA

>(excl. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei)
Yes, thank you. Our infrastructure and mass transit is the envy of the region, even Malaysia wishes they had our public transportation system, which is more comprehensive and developed than most western nations.

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Do you even know what third world means?


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We're the shitholest of the world.

Third world

2nd world from where I live.

3rd world. Only the capital cities are 1st world.

'nesia doesnt seem too bad

Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam - Third World
Thailand, Malaysia - Second World
Singapore - First World

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Singapore I would say is definitely first world. I would say the others are probably second world. Countries like Afghanistan where people literally live in mud huts and sell scrap metal for a living is true third world

I'm Thai and I consider Thailand 2nd world.

Most people are well off and live normal lives. No one is starving and shit.

I've been to Cambodia and Laos and they're definitely third world.

What the fuck are you talking about?

shitholes all of them except singapore

malaysia isn't

Both of you are third world.

2nd world is the communist world

> tfw southeast asians don't know 1st/2nd/3rd world definitions...

>excl. Thailand, Malaysia


I thought there's no such thing as second world? Because there's a huge gap between first world and third world? Correct me please.

Nevermind, I googled it.

Fucking squatters.

1st, 2nd and 3rd world are an outdated concept from the Cold War

1st world countries were the USA and their allies (France, Canada, UK etc)
2nd world countries were the USSR and their vassals (Poland, Hungary, Iran etc) and their fake allies (China)
3rd world countries were the rest of the world.

Indonesia looks surprisingly developed in terms of infrastructure, urban planning and maintenance.

The Phillipines looks third world as fuck though.

Malaysia is a first world.
Indonesia and Philippines is 3rd world.
Some big islands must have prretty neat cities, but some islands has limited resources.

but for some reason this political distinction correlates with the level of economic development

now this is the answer

Loo world

Why u angry though? What I said is truth.


people only banter when they are angry and upset.

>Banter = Angry
>Not doing it for the lulz
Hahaha, all that street shit must've gotten to you Rajesh.

Very third world.

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are you faggots retarded?
1st/2nd/3rd world has nothing to do with economics you fucking underaged spastics, its political

1st world = countries that were capitalist during the cold war
2nd world = countries that were communist during the cold war
3rd world = countries that were non-aligned

> Le ebin boo in loo maymay is banter
Nigga grow up

that looks cozy ngl

This fucking thing just LOVES to break down every other Friday evening, and during all the other peak hours imaginable. Quality mass transit, indeed.
And on that note, no, you don't exclude Thailand. Thailand is very much a third world country. We just like to pretend that we have first world problems. Look at literally any city not named Bangkok or maybe Chiangmai. That's the real Thailand, the glittering shithole of southeast Asia.

>Shitskin calling others nigger

>other peak hours imaginable
Glad to knows that those wagies got cucked during rush hour

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we often use different meaning
Why do not you acknowledge the new meaning?

> Weak bantz
Was that supposed to offend me? You have not the slightest clue what I look like.

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Tell me, my shit skinned friend. What sound does the rape wheel produce?

don't use word "we"
most japanese are not stupid like you.

To be fair, Cebu is one of the more beautiful cities in the country. Went there a few times, really made for tourists with how nice it is.

I live in Baguio and there's nothing beautiful about it anymore.

Beautiful place, naturally.

Oh...I'm very sorry
Brush up my English

Isn't it kinda ironic thay you're calling me a shitskin? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Too many pimples in the way, perhaps?

not really it also fell apart like baguio, 3hr traffic, slums and horrible zonings etc

Third as fuck.

Better yet, nuke us already. The retarded moslems are overruning many parts of the country.

Thx to our president, jockovic

We're all third world. Only the prime capital cities where tourists first step their foot into the country are first world "standard".

that is what called governing chang

>2nd world

Lmao Indians are the shittiest and ugliest people around. How bout you friend, have you looked into the mirror and wiped off the shit and smegma stuck to your face? Hahahahaha

Quick history lesson. The Philippines once led in infrastructure in SEA and arguably one of the best in Asia a long time ago. At one point this cunt was riddled with debt and recession that we had to abandon and neglect infrastructure for 30 or so years.
Those days are over now, but it would take a long time before we can get back the 3 decades of neglecting infrastructure.

Yeah, typical of filipino cities, though Cebu is undeniably a pretty nice place, as a tourist I would say so. Over here traffic is so bad, especially today, the city is filled to the brim with tourists.

don't underrate yourselves, Malaysia does feel developed, as much as I managed to see on google street view. Indonesia seems slightly poorer yet still decent. Only the Phillippines is a real Africa-tier shithole with dirt, mess, trash and poor maintenance.

>At one point this cunt was riddled with debt and recession that we had to abandon and neglect infrastructure for 30 or so years.

Maybe, I don't know what the reasons are, I just stated facts. Filipinos are hard-working people but their country is a shithole.

>Malaysia does feel developed


ok, maybe not ultra-first-world-tier developed like the Netherlands, but still I'd include it in "1,5-world".

No you are a shithole

if for you everything that is below Denmark in terms of development is a shithole then ok, I just have a different point of view and use different categories

>implying poland is a shithole

>hahaha epic bantz reply hahaha
yikes, is this what spanish rape does to you?

Mass transit only counts for Bangkok though. Even in one of the big Thai cities like Chiang Mai there are only busses, taxis or songthaews if you want to get around.

They can't be 1st world until they learn how to drive.

>undeniably a pretty nice place
not anymore maybe in the 90's it was

>At one point this cunt was riddled with debt and recession that we had to abandon and neglect infrastructure for 30 or so years.

Martial law Marcos era in the 70's and 80's turned us into a shithole.

Lmao @ Imperial Capital being f*rst world
This is Manila where Tagalogs pagpag eaters live
Tagalog is the language and ethnicity of sex slaves descendants

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Pic is a Bisayan City like Cebu
More first world than the imperial Capital of Manila

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Manila is definitely a 5th world in hell on steriods

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Looks like you triggered the butthurt bisayaball with some anti marcos truths

Pic related is thier ""1st world cities"" like cebu in the philippines.

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We are but end up being the most unproductive because no infrastructure. Literally only the capital city has trains for example since we abandoned trains 20 years ago because no money

Now that we have money the government is on a spending craze with an ambitious and huge infrastructure program to catch up with the rest of SEA and the world. Pic related though those are just the tip of the iceberg.

It would probably take many years before we would catch up.

Funny how most Americans I know here are scared shitless when driving here.

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Lmao @ Cebu being beautiful
This is Cebu where Bisayan illocano pagpag eaters live
bisaya is the language and ethnicity of sex slaves descendants.
you can also buy cheap child sexslaves there some even gives thier daughter for free. watch out for the aids and hiv tho

Attached: BisayanModernhouse.jpg (642x636, 84K)

Trains ended in the 80s beacuse of Marcos incompetence, corruption and theft


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Cebu and Davao is definetly 6th world tier shithole full of pagpag slums and child sex slavery with aids.
bisayan illocanos are lower then niggers

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poland looks nice

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He got pressed ""butthurt bantering""with the indian poster because some of his "banter" were deleted, so hilarious
try and bait him by posting ghetto bisayan raps songs

and now michlan is posting his ""muh 3D renderings""" which are actual 3D renderings not even proof of construction.

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Woah, that looks exactly like a newly-developed township in Malaysia.

>Tagalog engineering

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same because all of these "hijrah" things many of my closed friend is not that secular anymore

Because infrastrue during marcos time were corrupt debt driven and subpar in quality like what we have now with china.
form the ""Institue of technology schools"" to that subpar nukeplant

only his cronnies got some share of it example that stupid bridge in Leyte that no one really uses and the ""Vanity"" infrastructure projects in Manila were all done because his retaded wife Imelda Marcos who was a self appointed governor of Manila wanted to impress the american actress Brook Shields, that we have some kind of high tech film center and of course that was a disaster


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What's happening with the uprising of Islamists in Indonesia and Malaysia lately? I'm Malaysian and it's sad to see both of our countries going down this route.

>Bisayan engineering

beautiful city indeed

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Must've learned from Swedes

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Why the swedes when we have bisayan illocano expert bridge and emergency engineers

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