
Noel Baba edition

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>tfw Santa is actually kara boga bbc warrior

cCc Merry Christmas cCc

Turks didn’t even live there when he was alive

>European """"Union""""

prove it

based schizo

why is there 2 thread

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merry christmas fellas

>ywn be visited by turkic santa and be gifted boots and baklava
also merry christmas

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now this would be nice.

Merry Christ-Mass

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Merry Christmas, humans and balkan slavs

happy holidays goys

10+ days too early for christmas

All my shoes are turkish. They are very lasting and has a nice simple design.

Merry Christmas to Balkan people

Also non-Balkan people too

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>Koročun or Kračun was a pagan Slavic holiday. It was considered the day when the Black God and other spirits associated with decay and darkness were most potent. The first recorded usage of the term was in 1143, when the author of the Novgorod First Chronicle referred to the winter solstice as "Koročun".

Happy Korochun, lads.

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cCc based cCc

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oops wrong pic


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lmao britshits pay money for this journalism

Christmas report: I did not get into arguments with anyone from the family yesterday and we got happily drunk together. Now we are preparing a turkey with sour cabbage. Preparing to start drinking again.

>getting drunk with family
never did and will never ever do that in my life


>eating a turkey
what are you Rodopčan?

you wot m8

Morning Balkanoids

Based Bulgar
He should've used cCc ç cCc instead

Bulgarian intellectual.

For you, it's rodop4an.

I know, faggot 2bit mamaligar. I am just wondering how we has that on his keyboard.

Maybe he's a Sırp??

Why couldn't I have been born to a western nation and get paid to write cringy crap like this, lmao

>St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra of Lycea was in fact a Turk Karaboga 500 years before Turks arrived! See how this happened!

I know that you know, bugare tatare. As for the mystery, he is prolly makedonski jugosloven with b1lgarski paso6.

You can do these:




Sometimes I wonder why I have 4 and 6 on my keyboard as well, but I simply do.

What's the point again?

it's not, I just find it unpleasant and don't want my mother to see me shitfaced

>not getting shitfaced with uncle vanya and going to whores together

>tfw all your neighbours think you have imperial ambitions and are ultra careful with anything you do even though you're no different from them at this point
The point is to wind the Greex up agains us...

All I want is a wholesome slav gf for crimbo

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The reason why shiptars keep their women locked in their house, because they can't control them once they are outside in the world.

We need more shqipreses out in the world walking freely

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That loox awfully Latino m8...

daily reminder only subhumans drink alc*hol

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She is one of those southern med slavs I think

Just say Greek, man

That's an Ukrainian, one of the more mixed ones.

Orthodox Turk* cCc

>The point is to wind the Greex up agains us...



1500 airspace violations in 11 months (corroborated by the International Civil Aviation Organization) is definitely not a sign of aggression now huh

Friendly visits are agressive violations apparently...
But can you judge them? We love our komşular and miss them

It's some traditional Macedonian or Bulgarian iirc

The name of the photographer is on the pic, she's an Ukrainian.

>subom bea
>ubărmen fumează
chil ior self, Bucur

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>Friendly visits are agressive violations apparently..

you don't go to your friends house armed with a shotgun and neither entering someone else's airspace with armed jets is friendly.

You should know, we don't hate Turks, we hate your governments.

Well, fair point.

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smokers and alcoholics both get the bullet
go get drunk and cry more about the government disgusting scum, real WHITE romanains don't drink or do drugs/smoke

The photographer's ethnicity might not be the same with the girl's ethnicity.

Santa is pure blooded georgian

She seems to work exclusively with Ukrainians:


>10 nautical miles (18.5 km; 11.5 mi): Greece, Turkey (note: This is in dispute. Turkey claims 6 mi for Greece in the Aegean)

>Turkish Gov. will eventually ask them to give them our islands
>meanwhile they roam around our seas, disregarding every rule



The Russians do the same shit here in the Black Sea.

Ayy lmao i spotted the subhuman communist.

>ladna kobieta
Bardzo dobrze.

Russia is the equivalent of Turkey for Eastern Europe and Asia

Any of those islands for sale?

Happy Buzm!

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Had there not been an Aegean Sea, there wouldn't have been any disputes.

Also, I can't enter that website for some reason. :/

I don't know, ask Greex.
We only have like 2-3 islands...

Is this something good or bad...

>real WHITE romanains

such as pic rel?

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Turkey is based. Gave rights to all minorities in Rumelia, kept balkanlar savages from killing each other and had good relations with Eflak.

>Also, I can't enter that website for some reason. :/

Erdogan doesn't want you visit your NATO ally's Ministry of Defence site now, does he

better than this disgusting college generation of either skinny hipster alcoholics or unironic gipsies, there is no hope unless a war culls half of the population and leaves only the fit and strong alive

There is no need for that Andrei. Half the population will emigrate while the gypsies will simply outbreed the idiots who actually chose to stay in Romania. While i understand the dislike for reddit tier fuccbois, alcohol is the staple pillar of our existence.

t. Poltărdescu

>Turkey is based
>[Ottoman memes]

Λουk, Γρις χαζ ιτς αις kαβήρντ μπάι Γιούροπ, Ράσια ην Γιού Αις Έι... Γιού λοτ αρ λιτεράλι δι μοστ λάιkτ ην πρέιστ kαντρί ιν Μπαλkανλάρ...

We should have let the turks turn is into muslims, our people is too primitive and dumb to abstain from basic pleasures which turns us into no more than animals, I've been to Africa and there is not big of a difference between us and them except the skin tone.
Atleast Islam would've prohibited us from drinking like the subhumans we are now.

Turkey is heir of Ottoman Empire. Ataturk is son of Shaytan and probably Jew as well. Osman and Enver, not Kemal and Republic, ok? Insh'Allah.


Stop using American English. It's called university. Secondly, to be a "skinny hipster" is better than a fat slob with pretentions to strength, considering himself manly just because he is wide from all the fat pork he eats. Being an overweight manlet screams toxic masculinity and rudimentary judgments.

Dwell in your machismo dreams and imagine nuclear wars, but you can't deny these folks are rural or suburban subhumans who are only the dross of the society.

Also, statistically, those "hipsters" tend to have less of an alcohol culture than fat pork eating wife beaters from a ramshackle commieblock.

Did your alcoholic father beat you or something?

>Γρις χαζ ιτς αις kαβήρντ μπάι Γιούροπ
>he thinks europe is gonna help us in case of war

l m a o
they won't :)

>toxic masculinity
Pune-ți ștreangul de gât, pizdă.

>toxic masculinity
Ai de pula mea....

those traditional fat peasants are better humans than 90% of the animals I am surrounded by in university, there is no hope for our country. Hope I can learn russian and move to Chechnya before it's too late. Islam was our only hope and we failed that, christianity is too weak to keep the animal in our cultural soul in check and as a result we get this filthy society.

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Fă Doamne din românași vreo 100 de-arcadași.

>χι θινξ Γιούροπ ιζ γkόιγγ τη λετ ένιυαν τατς Γkριξ, δη φαύντηρ οβ δέιρ σιβιλαϊζέισον, λετ αλον ηλάβιγγ τ*Ρξ σπρεντ θέιρ μπαλζ

>toxic masculinity

If you wouldn't fall for such easy baits and see more than mere semantics it could be doable to talk to you. Otherwise, yeah, "soros controlled opposition", "build a wall", "diez rezist", "death to gypsies" and whatever words whet you up. It's Christmas, we have to be nice to each other, "based self improving bro".

Why do people even romanticise the lifestyle of the literal leftovers of the society? Rural life has never been a dream. I'm not talking about having your crops and garden, but living in a rural society not independent from unquestioned traditions which are followed suit "only because the custom says so" and being subject to the gossip of kerchief wearing 50 years old fat blobs who get a beating from their husbands on the regular.

The engine which keeps those people there and drags them down not to reach for a better life is alcoholism and domestic violence. Hatred gives birth to hatred and life there is about fear, not love, not even respect. Family for them is a pyramidal organisation of submission, where a kid grows beaten by his mom which in turn is beaten by his dad. And he in turn beats the fucking dog.

You are just a city boy like me, but unlike me you have got these wild delusions of a dream life among 70 iq people, being taken in by the fact they are white and "traditional".

So what is the alternative? I've lived in the countryside too and you're right, there are many alcoholics and gipsies there as well but are they really worse than the pseudo-american culture we're trying to adopt in our cities? the average city romanain is a disgusting skinny fat slob who has maybe 1 child if he gets lucky and spends his day wage-slaving, playing videogames, drinking and crying about the government. In university it's even worse, I am at one of the best ones in the country and I never expected to see blue haired feminists and fat male feminists here in Romania yet now I seem to be surrounded by them.
I'd rather live in a shitty islamic village with a traditional family than either in our countryside or in our cities. Maybe a war or something will change this if enough of the scum dies off

>toblerone chocolate officially certifies itself as halal
the tonibleron meme has become a reality

Mi se rupe mie de nașterea jidovului Ieșua din Palestina.

Pulimea de la țară are nevoie doar de un bici pe spinare ca să-și facă treaba, în timp ce pizdele orășene cu ifose europeniste de-al de tine îs o molimă culturală. Țăranul e un animal, hipstărul îi un om degenerat.

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>fat male feminists

Also Merry Christmas to all


>albanians finally able to take a joke
that's a sign of civilization

*Garda de fier intensifies*
Wake up from whatever daydream you have bogdan. Our existence is, and was at the whim of whoever is strong currently.
WW1 we got a good deal.
Second one we got a bad deal.
Cold war was limbo. Now we are slowly crawling towards something, i don't know what tho. Stop thinking yourself as a Romanian and your life will get better. If you have a family focus on that, even a pet. Because thinking about this carcass of a country is just depressing

>Stop thinking yourself as a Romanian

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It's a divergence of perspective you'd understand if you lived in a more uncivilised environment where subhumans threaten you on the streets when doing menial stuff such as buying yourself milk and bread.

The underclass is a threat to integrity, the underclass teenagers are rowdy and pick on people just for fun, they are boorish and harass girls just for fun, while the European atomised society is an example we have to strive towards. No sexual harrassment, no fear of letting your kid play outside in a safe environment, no violence whatsoever.

I hate leftist and liberal (anarchist) extremists as well, but I'm safer around them than around underclass with stunted emotional development because of chronical violence in their homes.

>bulgarian minimum wage to become 560 lev (286 euro) from January 1st 2019

they only pick on weak targets and it's normal male nature to do that, maybe if you went to a gym and didn't look like the skinnyfat average city hipster the gipsy kids wouldn't bully you or your fat girlfriend