Despite having a huge population and diaspora why does it appear that they dont have their own regularly contested general?
Even on hilo they are not the dominating group
Despite having a huge population and diaspora why does it appear that they dont have their own regularly contested...
I never hang around pol generals, the people posting there are cancerous as fuck
thay are too normie to be on this site
what a compliment
They are giga normies
Generals are all cancer, this board would be about a billion percent better without them. Ban generals
>spaniards don't work
>don't waste time on 4ch but spend it meaningfully
why are they so based?
Spaniards are too good for this shithole
Their diaspora is well likedhence why they have fewer mental issues and not end up here. CHIs, Turks, and the like are not. That's why they are here.
Hilos are shit tier Taringa posts
They fear us
Every single spanish poster is busy LARPing as Jorge
Spain is a turbonormie country
You're assuming two things:
1) we have a large enough autistic population to make a difference on 4channel
2) people here speak English fluently enough to spend their time on 4channel
These are two very bold claims.
they are all on forocoches or whatever the site is called
why don't Spaniards speak English?
Language education has always been crap here, and our native language is so spread around the world that people believe foreigners should learn *our* language instead. Speaking fluent English with good pronunciation is regarded as arrogant at best and pandering to British/American imperialism at worst.
In bilingual regions, efforts are made at teaching Spanish and the local language. Foreign languages are as neglected as in the rest of the country.
based and redpilled
apparently French think similarly
problem is that only really 3rd world nations speak your languages
to communicate with developed peoples you should learn English
why would anyone want to communicate with Germans
>Polish reading comprehension