Why do you hate Japan, user?

Why do you hate Japan, user?

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but I like it !!

ex weebs
its cringe if u know other than sushi about this cunt

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Pretentious as fuck

Do you love her?

Because Japanese are trash people that piss in elevators

Dear Japanese
Do NOT come to my country


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I want to visit Poland.

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cheering leader in a baseball stadium in japan

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many Japanese are evil
they ignore radiation


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Please do not come to Poland
You will not have good fun unless you are great at speaking English

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Those monkeys kill innocent whales

and innocent whites like you too

Says the person who kills ox, chicken, fish and other animals to eat.

those Jews kill innocent Palestine

Do Polish people speak English well?

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I'm not even white.


Perrrkele vitttu

I will put up with urine so please accept it.

they are the worst korea


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I want to move to Japan

and hopefully get a cosplay gf


The love when me with my Japan?

Please love me with my Japan!

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Dear Japan
Your tourists are better than China
so thank you
please stop being so racist though

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>please stop being so racist
only on Jow Forums

Why is she so cute? Gib qt gf

No they can't


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dumb Lithuanian scroundel

dumb Lithuanian scoundrel

Everyone under 35 speaks English, 2/3 of these have terrible accents though. The rest speak perfect English.

>perfect english

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so much money dammit ill forget to count

I couldn't care less about Japan.

One of my friends is Japanese-Brazilian and because of that I like Japan, not a weeb though.


Conan Hits The Streets Of Tokyo

Conan & Jordan Share A Kaiseki Meal

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Conan’s Japanese Etiquette Lesson

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They are evil who did not pay for their crimes yet

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Conan Rents A Family In Japan

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That is your country.
Shame on you, garbage russia below dirty Korea.

Do the japanese have an inferiority complex with Korea?

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Stop pay attention for netouyos.

Their brain are fucked up.
Normal Japanese don't pay attention for Korea.

I hate how the Japanese censor porn...

How do ''normal Japanese'' think about South Korea, and all the issues between your two countries?

What's your favorite genre of JAV?

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>annoying neighbors who do not care international pact
>keep sending here numerous kpop groups, tourists, and sex workers
>most illegal immigrants among all foreigners

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link please

Anything with huge tits like Anri and Hitomi. I would say trap porn but very few Japanese actually pass. Most look and sound like fags.

Because you guys eat live frogs and octopus and shit. Even the french kill their frogs before eating them.

>How do ''normal Japanese'' think about South Korea, and all the issues between your two countries?

Most Japanese are tired of Korean news.
to be honest,I don't want to talk about Korea thing on Jow Forums.

>implying eating things at its best condition is a bad thing

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Didn't Japan decide to ignore the ICJ(international court of justice) order in 2014 which ruled that whaling is illegal and Japan must stop doing it? And just the other day, Japan decided to withdraw from the IWC(International Whaling Commission) because they voted against Japan?

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soy-tier comment

just because a country withdraws from an international organization doesnt mean they ignore the international act tho
if Japan went to the South Pole for whaling then sure it'd be such a violation but Japan doesn't


But Japan never break international law.
Japan withdraw IWC and Japanese whaleship can't hunt whale in Antarctic anymore.

Japanese whale hunting in only happen in our own territorial waters.
what's problem?

outside IWC, just like Norway, Iceland, Russia, and Korea lol
Korea broke the bilateral pact between Japan and Korea, so we also don't need to be nice to them

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Your obsession with raw food is another (but different) issue. Humans evolved thanks to cooked protein, not raw meat.
Even so I'm willing to sacrifice those couple of seconds it takes to kill the food so I won't have it kick around in my mouth. The only ones more subhuman I can think of are chinks because they're doing webm related, but you're just a bit above.

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it's werid.

raw food culture is not only happening in Japan.
But France eating raw oyster.
Germany eating Raw meat.

But white pigs don't care about white doing it.

Hypocrite motherfuckers.

that was just a bait chap
99.99 percent of us will die without eating creatures alive, and I firmly believe it's barbarous and those who serve them should be necked. i'll never stop eating horsemeat raw tho

>But Japan never break international law.
what a joke
Japan have nuclear weapon haha

I, for one, support the Japanese right to whaling and think there's absolutely nothing wrong with raw food.

>Crime gangs make billions from Bulgaria sex slaves
>SOFIA (Reuters) - The trafficking of Bulgarian women as sex slaves brings in about 1.8 billion euros ($2.6 billion) a year for the gangs behind it, making it the country’s most profitable criminal activity, a report said on Wednesday.

I should hunt sexy Bulgarian qts

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did not open up a second front against the soviets

Bring here a german or french or whatever eating live animals and I'll call them savages too, but this was a thread about what you don't like about japan. Why are you surprised I mention it here and why do you assume that just because I call you on your shit I wouldn't do the same for them?

Even at their peak, they were entirely a Naval power. Their ability to wage ground war was fairly weak, as demonstrated in Mongolia. It was never going to happen.

You do realize they held vast swathes of land in China or Korea for several decades..?

I know but I would have appreciated the gesture. Take one for the team.

Both of which were ridiculously weak at the time

It'd have happened if there were a massive amount of petroleum in Siberia, sorry for that bro
>Northern Sakhalin
far from enough

I've never seen someone blame Germany,France for raw food culture.

You seem fucking upset.

>I've never seen someone blame Germany,France for raw food culture.
like he said this thread is specifically about what people don't like Japan and your whataboutery is such a nonsense s mh

They withdrew because they ordered them to stop whaling. How is that different for Korea to decide to withdraw from the bilateral agreement because they don't like it anymore?

>muh killing to sacrifice those couple of seconds it takes to kill
>Nicolae Vlad
>Feb. last year, attempted rape
>Feb. this year, burglared and raped 85yr old woman
>March, raped and murdered 86yr old woman
>April, burglared and raped
>August, raped and murdered 73yr old woman
>August, raped and murdered 26yr old Japanese woman

surprisingly he is still alive in jail
what a subhuman cunt

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The ICJ ordered Japan to stop whaling, and Japan decided to ignore it. This is violation of the international law. You also withdrew from the IWC because they voted what you were doing as illegal. So how is that different for Korea to withdraw from your agreement because they don't like it anymore?

No offense but i don't think any Bulgarian woman would want to have sex with a micro asian penis. Maybe if you're lucky a gupsy might agree to it.

Whaling is legal, just not in the numbers they're doing it in

they didn't withdraw it, they BROKE it. the comparison doesn't make any sense as one WITHDREW from it while the other BROKE the treaty. like i said in the previous if Japan still went to the South Pole for whaling without being in ICJ then it'd be the violation of the international pact but we don't. also I'm not the one talking about Korea

but the bilateral law is the foundation of peace treaty, so if Korea wants a war against Japan, go ahead

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Cho was a korean hero.

>they didn't withdraw it, they BROKE it. the comparison doesn't make any sense as one WITHDREW from it while the other BROKE the treaty. like i said in the previous if Japan still went to the South Pole for whaling without being in ICJ then it'd be the violation of the international pact but we don't. also I'm not the one talking about Korea
i mean IWC, not ICJ fuck

but there are many sex workers here in tokyo from your cunt desu

I don't know what are you talking about in regards to Korea. I am talking about their decision to withdraw and invalidate their most recent agreement they had with Japan. That's no different from Japan withdrawing from the IWC or choosing to ignore the ICJ orders.

There is no bilateral law. Both countries signed a treaty, which the current president of SK decided to withdraw from because it was a poor treaty and did not protect their interests. I don't see how is that different from what Japan does all the time.

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talking about your country only, you fucking jjokbari roach.

wish I had few million dollar and visit japan for prostitution

I very much doubt that. I've seen Asian hookers here though.

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>withdrawal from an international organization equates to the violation of a treaty
u wot m8
u wot m8

Xmas over in Japan and it's not religious event for us anyway, but I guess Europe is still in Xmas right? This Bulgarianon wants to appeal how his life is fucked up?

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Hey, the older ladies need some luvin' too. He's a subhuman for killing them though, I agree.

But whale hunting is not illegal.

Japan paid amount of War compensation for Korea and Korea accept it .also Japanese PM said apology.

Then what should Japan do?
I'm tired...

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