Your cunt

your cunt
your new years resolution
>to get below 130kg

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Good luck, losing weight is actually fairly easy once you get yourself in the right mindset.

Keeping it off and keeping that mindset is very difficult however.

i've lost over 30 lbs since july so i'm pretty confident i can do it before summer. the thing i'm more worried about is loose skin once i get to my final goal weight


>get a job
>get below 165 lbs/75 kg (currently at 202 lbs/92 kg, yes I am a manlet fuck off)
I’ll be going into this year quite motivated since I’ve lost 80 pounds (36 kg) since last December.

leave this place and get a job

why exactly does australia have such shit internet?

>to find a purpose in my pathetic lonely life

He doesn't speak for all of us. I have loads of 4k content

>to quit smoking
wish me luck guys

get my drivers license already
go to Uni and be good at it
move out from home

>Become someone's bf

As long as i pass 3/4 finals im happy

get above 130 lbs (6')

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move to america and spread syphilis to cute american boys

Because Telstra doesn't maintain the copper network properly & the Liberals still want to use the copper that's falling apart to deliver internet.

>Keeping it off is very difficult however.
That's because you have to deal with the underlying problem, ie your life.
That's why fat camps don't work. You can get the kids to lose weight but then they go back to their homes and eat them back, because their parents are still stuffing or neglecting them, they're still trying to cope with something etc.

Although I'm not fat I could lose 5-10 kg, but I know I'll get them back again when I lose my job again few months down the line. Simply not worth it until my life is fixed.

get a gf/bf

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Finally escape this shithole, get a fwb or GF and try to stop the neet life

Hike the Pacific Crest trail

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get a job
move out and start living by myself

Is this in Canada user? Can you tell us a bit more about it?

Find some sort of happiness.

get a gf

get a 3rd gf

Acquire bf

>get married
>have 5 kids

i wanna do that too someday
when will you start? and will you hike it completely or just in part?
it's in the US, along the Rockies
from the mexican border all the way up to the canadian border
stunning nature

1. Lose weight
2. Learn to cook
3. Learn to drive
4. Maybe crypto and study more

>Maybe crypto
Now's not the time to do it, bitcoin's dead. The crypto fad is coming to an end.

I already have a spot reserved, starting April 14th in Campo and planning on hiking the entire trail

Also I don't believe the trail goes into the Rockies, it's more so the Sierra and Cascades

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>spot reserved
how do you mean? you don't have to book anything to hike there do you?
anyway have fun and good luck on the way

You have to reserve a start date if you begin at the southern terminus, you don't have to reserve for anything else

Gain 15kg

what's the point?

i bet it's to keep hikers somewhat dispersed

Get a gf or at least ask a girl out

Precisely this, the popularity of thru hiking is rising quickly, a few thousand people attempt the PCT a year and while most don't make it out of California they still try to disperse them to limit damage to the trail.


this got some tinder matches but ignored them all

That's it?

I lost 30 lbs since October. Get good faggot

we can't all be perfect like you

Git gudder at drawing and making music so I can make the passion project I've had in my head for years
Go from 5K to 10K runs

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to get a girlfriend. I could lie to myself and say that 2019 is my year, but I've been saying that since 2014.

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as others itt have said it's keeping it off that's the real struggle for most people
quit drinking soda guys and quit it permanently, not just while losing the weight

post ur man tits

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to lose virginity, but might do it this year. If not its an escort year 2019

Yeah, soda is poison.

I don't drink it anymore. Only on rare occasions, but even then I drink only a little.

It's literal poison to your body. The taste is not worth the damage it does.

What do you do to survive? How do you have an internet connection?

what's so dangerous about soda?
I don't drink it too much btw, just curious

>get above 200kg

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Here's two good videos that help explain why soda is dangerous.

There was one other really good video that I watched before, but I can't find it now. It had information about caramel coloring used in coke and other dark sodas linked to carcinogens.

it's just a ton of empty sugar for no good reason
many fat people, especially in America, get like 800 calories a day from the garbage
the ubiquity of sugary drinks is one of the leading causes of the obesity epidemic

based and BLOATpilled

New zealand

Work on my intense anger, get back into kickboxing and meditation, keep my psycho wife from fucking with my equilibrium
>i just want my soul back

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>lose my v-card
>maybe, quit my current job and find a new better one
>maybe get a motorcycle license
>get better at guitar
>be comfy

Get to 68 kg
76kg 177cm here

post ur man tits

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not that thicc

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get below 300lbs
130kg sounds very lightweight

read 50 books