smokers are subhuman garbage
Smokers are subhuman garbage
t virgin vegan
What a qt, too bad she's probably a massive thot
>not smoking a cigarette
Hahhahaha. What a loser.
those tits are fucking abominable. not sure how anyone can stand those hemispherical bolt ons, they don't look the slightest bit like a real tit
It's a girl (male)
>No, I do not smoke. Secondhand smoke is bad for people and the environment, think of the children!
Smoking cigarettes is a pretty cucked activity desu. Unless your tobacco is locally grown.
Thats why I vape
I like smoking cigarettes sometimes
>Better, more effective ways to take nicotine
>Decide to burn that shit
Granted, nicotine smoke isn't that bad as it disperses relatively quickly, but don't pretend your habit is in any way convenient. You just have a little pyromania, and that's nothing special.
People with the nerve to smoke skunk indoors deserve a good slap, mind. That scent sticks to absolutely everything, it drifts up and down, and no-one enjoys waking up at odd hours ridiculously hungry because their roommate can't open a window.
You must be new here...
Lurk moar.
calm down italy
Don't think they can do that
Nicotine is great, but cigs are shit, so are vapes. Enjoy the vegetable glycerin building up in your bronchioles.
What are the thoughts on iqos? Way better in terms of second hand smoke, four times in fact.
Do you have a study to back that up
Yep. They should raise the taxes on them by like 1000% more
Lordosis level: over 900000
completely agree
its self mutilation dude, not much different from trannies cutting their dick off.
I wouldn't draw that comparison
Need a smoke brehs
Her @ is @lynarita or something along tgbose lines