What killed the European family unit?

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The long nosed tribe

unironically: Juden

Stop blaming us goy European values ended when the Romans invaded

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collectivist Asian countries still have strong family values.

are you implying anythings wrong in that pic? are you gay or something

People wanting to do things for themselves

Jewish people.

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>lets blame the Jews for our degeneracy lol

theres nothing wrong with group incest

Emancipation of women.

caused by Jewish people

>Emancipation of women.
Not judging, but that's the reason.

i want her to sit on my face

your dad didnt stop it.

Europeans (other than Italians) never had family values, they traditionally beat their children or sold them or used them as slaves, they only had them as result of sex, and they killed their parents when they got old, family love doesn't exist in European culture. You can still see it in how Americans kick out their children once they turn 18 and barely keep contact with them.

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[spoiler]united states of america

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Hitler and Stalin

Unironically liberalism which became strong in the 70s as a counter movement against the traditional culture that still persisted after WW2. First religion was forgotten, then nationalism and now family relations are falling apart as well.
All of this for 'muh freedom to be a hedonist whenever I want'.

T-thank you Jews

>religion and nationalism
>forgotten in america


sorry, I didn't read properly and thought the OP said america

Setting niggers free

Funny to think there are butthurt posters posting mutt memes that have Yank dna in their veins because their gran got gangbanged by YANK BVLLS during war time.

Their depression gene

Not all, some did but some held on to the very end. Until (((modernity))) after WWII.

This. Thank ALLAH we are not *Uropeens

The real answer is capitalism, but you won't hear it here

Yes, this is a big part of it.

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This is the correct answer.

American religiosity is largely superficial.

hey, don't insult ants, they're based

Capitalism existed before this happened therefore it cannot be the cause.
It was the emancipation of women.

You see it everywhere troughout history. A group gets freedom and cant handle it.

modern technology has led to individualism and made most of people selfish so that they don't really care about their relatives but showing your ass doesn't hurt anyone, only sexually frustrated people care about that

Pretty much this.

Cultural Marxism

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baby boomers who grew up during the 60s counter culture (which really only exploded in the 70s) are in positions of power

America is the only relevant European country.

>something can't evolve to become the problem
Once again we learned nothing.

Urbanization, technological progress and capitalism. Smaller households became economically viable, transition to secondary and tertiary sectors often demanded people to move out and then there's the whole manufactured culture advocating for more individualistic living and more consumption. In Traditional families there's a great degree of economic cooperation, while capitalism seeks profit and only profit and thus destruction of family which is an obstacle for profit.

>before this happened
Nuclear families became a thing along with capitalism.

Nuclear families are good.
You know how you can tell its a good thing?
Anti-Whites want it gone.

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>tHe EcOnOmIc SyStEm Is WhY wAmAn AcT lIkE mOnKeYs
sure buddy

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The emanicipation of women, caused mainly by jewish bolsheviks.

Comedy attacking the church, which is why the left is now cracking down on what comedians can make jokes about.

While the traditional family units slowly dies out in Western Europe, it's still going strong in post soviet countries.

suffragette movement

>Nuclear families are good.
Bullshit, traditional family is the best. Do you have sour relationships with your parents or are you too lazy to take care of them once they grow old? Don't you like sharing the burdens of life with your cousins, uncles and aunts?

>Anti-Whites want it gone.
Dafuq is "anti-whites"?

>you have to be GAY to not see your sister in her thong in a family photo

wtf I thought they were just stereotypes wtf is wrong with denmark

Family unity is not profitable

Unironically just destined to not exist. The entire few thousand years-long tangent of monogamy and conservatism in human history was actually never supposed to happen because this is not what humans are truly like deep down inside, which I'm sure you already know after the 865th "women are subhuman whores" thread and I'm sure you'd know the moment you stop deluding yourself and realize that you've masturbated to a few thousand different porn clips, which you'd fuck irl as well if you only had the chance. I can keep going and write a few maxed posts of an essay on evolutionary psychology and why this was simply uninevitable and that the same thing would've happened in Hitler's victorious Germany the moment social media came out, but it's really tiresome and I just cba wasting my time like that

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This. Capitalism killed the true family unit, the extended family, and replaced it initially with a mutilated facsimile of it with the nuclear family. Afterwards it determined that lonely individuals spend more and opted for that instead.

redpilled and based

>thousand years-long tangent of monogamy
Yeah, nah. The whole concept of the nuclear family isn't that old - maybe about 300 years. So for the longest time in human history, the 'family unit' that you speak of did simply not exist in that form. You could call it a passing fad.

The nuclear family is a post ww2 invention dreamed up by real estate moguls, city planners, GM/GE and the Ford motor vehicle company.

The story of family and shit is a market thing based on economical interest and nothing more now.

Family unit is an extension to monogamy and falls under the same category, and monogamy in humans has been present only for the last two and a half thousand years. That's the "european family unit" that he's talking about, the "nuclear family" that you're referring to, the americanized version of it, is basically this

In America maybe, but in Europe, it cropped up with the advent of the industrial revolution when the nuclear family became an option financially.

wtf do you think nuclear family means?

it’s the opposite. Not only that, Europe still has extended families in most countries.

>monogamy in humans has been present only for the last two and a half thousand years.
And what was before?

Wow, really, is this all you have?

Pretty accurate but black youth was also affected by it, every underclass populations around the world.
Gangsta Rap was a CIA weapon.

Star Wars

I'll have you know I'm whiter than you Muhammad
also that picture is just to show on what plain anti-whites fight your culture.

hmm but you are wrong.

A. It is literally promoted forcefully by Jews.
B. Technology, sharing of ideas AND sharing of degeneracy.
C. Materialism and resources. The west is rich in these two, so they are easily able to provide material comforts and carnal comforts for their people, hence their degeneracy.
D. Lack of strong culture, cultural faith and taboos.

literally thats it. The "family unit" was the most sustainable way to live back then for reproduction and carrying on of genes.

if these can be placated/accommodated for, then you won't see it get as bad as today.

Not quite. The extended family also opts in to include close friends and their children. Both gaulic, germanic and ancient romans routinely adopted the children of widows or close but poor friends as their own children and gave them their family surnames to set them up as heirs. That practice was especially common amongst unmarried childless patrician men in the Roman republic and empire.

What is present in all other primates and about to become the norm for humans again - harems

This is the inevitable rotten fruits of what we call ""civilization"". As a culture becomes morally bankrupt, decadent, multicultural, and city-centered. Read Oswald Spengler.

It happened in Greece. It happened in Rome. It happened in China. It will never stop until humanity learns our lesson.

wow did you really not say shit and got mocked for it and now dont understand that you were being mocked?

That's no contradiction - the presence of one does not mean the lack of the other. I'm just reciting the fact that the 'nuclear family' in Europe appeared around the time of the industrial revolution.

>thinks acting like monkeys is the crux of the issue
You're not worth my time.

Bonobos don't have harems.

>muh jews

Like others said, non-mediterraneans never had proper family ties to begin with, and they don't now. Northern europeans in general, especially continentals, are ant-like in mentality, they work for the state and what their overlords tell them to work towards, their families are just an extension of that. It's why english people are docile, and why germanics defer to whatever their master tells them at the time, whether that's the extermination of the lesser races or full-on multiculturalism and refugee acceptance today. The ant-like germanic will follow that doctrine regardless of the cost, until he is stopped by circumstances or others. This conformism is also why these countries are the most functional of all however. It just comes with a cost.

That's the other extreme, matriarchy, but for all other apes where the general template of a patriarchy but with the females still retaining the power of applying filters for their preferences applies, harems form.


>sure thing ahmed

Pretty much every human development from farming, industrialition, infomation revolution or whatever the fuck we're calling what happens now leads to more individualism and the function's of the extended family being taken over by the market and state
Which isnt nesasarilly bad since it's good we have police instead of families counter assassinating each other and occasional mobs as a justice system

unironically equality
family unit can only exist when women are oppressed

The downfall of European culture started with the industrial revolution and the advent of hyper-capitalism.

Not living in your own shit, next level wage slaving just to eat and dying at 40 after burying 15 kids is pretty good have to say though

That pretty much is the logical conclusion of capitalism though.

I think this is the logical conclusion of capitalism because everybody consuming so much us the basis for all our wealth. And union's are a godsend as well

It's the basis of one guy's wealth while everyone else becomes comparatively poorer.

Nothing. The concept of family adapted to capitalism and industrialism. Women entering the workforce, doubling production, GDP and gaining financial freedom. Urbanisation is also part of it along with a culture of selfishness, individualism.

I'm not saying it's good or bad, I'm just saying that the Industrial Revolution was pretty much the turning point if you start looking at movements such as labor rights (which are also closely linked to women's rights) or metrics such as Church attendance. And then Late Capitalism is pretty much the logical conclusion of post-industrial society.

There are undoubtedly a whole slew of things which are better now than they were prior to the Industrial Revolution. However, I don't think we're in any position yet to really say if overall it's been beneficial or not, as already we're struggling greatly with overpopulation, climate change and socio-cultural degradation. In fact, your reflex to automatically deflect to short-term individual well-being rather than long-term collective well-being is partly a direct sign of post-industrial society (though also a side-effect of the Enlightenment).

Based and cuckpilled


women and g-d.

When the industrial revolution spread into society beginning with the education system. When we were expected to fit into society as menial workers, being content with the soulless mass produced goods.
>(((modernity))) after WWII
This. The americanization of Europe really took a hold after the war, with the money from the Marshal plan.

This continues today, people are being driven from their homes across half the world to become consumers of western products. It's not humanity driving initiatives like UN's refugee plan as the humane thing to do would be to let people live in peace. It's money, fatter profits for the global companies who need more and more consumers to sell their goods.

We don't need a family, just interconnected screens.
We don't need survival skills, just gibs and an app to order stuff.

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Such a square ass, so sorry

>it's a western europeans did something degenerate so they blame the jews episode
didn't see that one in a while
>being so fucking stupid you admit other nation can manipulate you into extinction

Capitalism killed the village community in favour of the nuclear family. Then it killed the nuclear family in favour of complete atomization of the individual from society. It’s a two pronged attack. Capitalism promotes rampant individualism that disintegrates social bonds (like the family) while also subjecting people to alienation from themselves and their fellow human, which makes it harder to form meaningful relationships. It’s no surprise that socialist countries had very strong family and neighbour/community bonds.

americans, american money, and american "culture".

Based and redpilled Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Who the fuck cares, society should exist solely for its people, but the people shouldnt exist solely for their society.