This is a murdered Argie girl

>According to FOX News Latino, 16-year-old Lucia Perez was abducted outside her school by a gang who proceeded to drug her, rape her repeatedly and sodomized her was an "unspecified object."
>The site reports that Perez died the next day at a rehab clinic after complications from bleeding out from internal injuries. Her attackers left her in front of the clinic after washing her off and putting her clothes back on.

How would you save her, Jow Forums?

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Only 3 more generations of bleaching and she would be white.

she looks 36, over the hill

Serves her right for being an argie

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Why are some people so evil?

White people are evil

This girl died from cocaine ovedose

because they are wh*Te

we reached the limit of active human souls quite some time ago. a large portion of the world goes around without a human soul, and their actions are up to human "animal" programming, without any sense of free will, shame, or empathy. they simply operate based on senses, desire, and social perception.

it's a wonder there isn't more of this shit, given the way we live

Argentina white country confirmed.

It's simple. Forbid women from going outside without a male relative.
Call me a muslim if you want, but abuses will keep happening as long as there are lonely females

shithole country event #374

Because it's good.
Pleasure is the ultimate virtue in a free society

that's something people who don't truly live say

How many hearts have you cut out of living people this week João?

She looks like Cannibal Cupcake.
Not that I know anything about her.

I do not support freedom

that's also something that people who don't truly live say


i don't care.

i wouldnt, im not police

She wasn't impaled, the prosecutor lied to the public and the family, she had consensual sex with the youngest of the accused and died of overdose.

The prosecutor did a lousy job and she might lose her license, all because she wanted to fight the patriarchy and become a fighter for the feminist cause.


in spanish, if anyone wants to read.

Dunno what I'd do but I'd do something. If I got killed, so be it. Not that I want to be here for much longer. But thats just wishful thinking and fantasies, poor girl is gone and theres nothing to be done.

I'd need a team

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So, it's just a bunch of feminists creating chaos out of nothing?

>Because it's good.

Good. The only good argie is the dead one

t. chilean spy

Dumb macaco
I'm not supporting it. I just stated what pass through their minds.
It's pleasurable, therefore it's good. Most humans think like that. TV conditioned to believe in that

The usual shit here.

Based nido knows the truth

She stuck in the 2000s

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god i wish that were me (that murdered her)

Your whole country is stuck in the 2000s (and that’s a good thing)

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Gets 2001 flashbacks..*

If she had lived past 20 she woild have been gf material

> Your whole country is stuck in the 2000s
If only. You weren't asked 5 years of experience, a degree, implicitly a masters and being under 25, references and if possible being a foreigner to apply for a shitty paying under the table job in the 2000s

I wish I could go back to the middle 2000s desu

se re regaló

Past 20 she'd have looked 35. She was a druggie

White people always do this.

2001 was culturally part of the 90s until 9/11 at least in our cunt
I imagine the 2000s in your cunt didn’t really begin until the depression ended.

Ah, I see you too read The Sopaths.

>kidnap a qt
>instead of keeping her as a slave until her stockholm syndrome kicks in, literally fuck her to death and cause her to die
Why are criminals such wasteful brainlets?

>teenager does drugs
>is therefore automatically a druggie

dude, you posted that shit like a year ago?

and Jow Forums posting old unverified shit
business as usual.

What you described is a white man's plan. We are talking about LatAm monkeys with the foresight of a goldfish.

i see the viking genes are still strong in iceland

Not being a feminist is the female equivalent of being a soiboi. Only men can be this evil.

Go back to tumblr with your issues.

And no, using our slang won't make feminazis fit in.

Yea 9/11 was a huge flag in history but for my part
I starved for like 3 months dude.
Not wanna suffer that again.

wtf how did argenzuela get that bad?

I think that the epoch change happened in 2006. Facebook killed the 90's. That was culturally more significant than "9/11" which didn't really change anything.

It's like how the 60's began with JFK getting killed and Beatles releasing With The Beatles 22/11/1963, and ended in 1973 when Allende got killed.

>Most humans think like that.
what a dumb nigger holy shit
most humans from civilized nations find such a thing disgusting and inhumane
only mentally ill """""people""""" aka sociopaths think murder and rape is a fine thing to do

>I wish I could go back to the middle 2000s desu
same, these were good times

shit taste

Not being a feminist is the female equivalent of not being a brainwashed sheep

I wouldn't

No way does she look 36.

that's the worst aspect of this board. i'm all for bants but back your shit up, faggots.

>brown people

>qt girls die every day while I'm virgin

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>sodomized her
how can you sodomized a girl? I mean, you must be a guy fucking another guy, but she's a girl, and lesbians doesn't count

Anally penetrating a girl still is sodomy.

This, sadly.

Maybe she could’ve been your gf if she was still alive.