Would you rather live in

Would you rather live in

Milan - Italy

Madrid - Spain


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I'd rather live where she lives

bth are shitholes with continental climate and no sea but id go for Madrid at least there isnt smog





Madrid probably. Milan is a nice city but kind of depressing

Wherever I can make money quicker to move to a first world white country like America or UK.

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so milan


Which has the hottest girls?

milan if you like chinese

Milan is ugly and polluted

I have lived in both and I can safely say Madrid is without a doubt the superior city

>better climate (less smog, Milan is a polluted wasteland)
>people actually spend time outside of their homes
>WAY better transportation
>no assholes every two steps
>no fashion brainlets everywhere
>no competittive as fuck dog eat dog wagecuck mentality
>no feeling that you're going to get robbed if you walk in the wrong neighborhood
>tons of parks

etc., I could go on.
sadly I live in Milan again now and I cannot wait to get the fuck out.

I'd rather live in Hattusa

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Are you Italian or Spanish? Is there any big city in Italy that can compete with Madrid?


I dunno, of a comparable size I'd say Rome has a lot of pros but I have never lived there so can't really say.

Do businesses close down between 12-15pm in Milan?

only few shops, in Madrid everything is closed at that time

Yes that's why I asked, it annoyed me when I was in Madrid. Also didn't really like their city center and food. Milan it is then.

>Madrid at least there isnt smog

not really comparable to Milan, like at all, Milan is one of the worst places in Europe for air pollution

I would rather live in a country without Italians and Spaniards.

this sounds so funny to me like trying to be smug about it but living in steppe wasteland, province of nowhere, like okay bro, good for you lmao.

Death to Israel it is then


Rome, Naples

anything I even settle for shithole town in Extremadura or Naples. Amsterdam wasn't built to live in



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ive never seen milan but madrid is comfy and i always enjoyed visiting


lol no

this, full of chinese qts in Milan.

>people who are into chinks



Milan but then I'd move to Bergamo

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>I'd rather live
bold of yuo to assume things about me.

I already live in Madrid nigger,give me another option

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