OH NO NO NO NO wh*toids btfo. how can Jow Forums ever recover
OH NO NO NO NO wh*toids btfo. how can Jow Forums ever recover
Why can’t we get some Assyrian male/Hittite female porn these days
>porn involving a girl (female)
How is this /int related?
You are a literal cuck if you fund some guy to fuck a porn star.
>look for amwf porn
>there is none
>you have to pay actual money for people to have sex
Why is AMWF so popular now?
What is this Hittite shit I'm suddenly seeing everywhere?
Don't they realize that more AMWF will just mean that more Asian girls who would have married Asians end up with Whites? This is just going to accelerate hapa ethnogenesis.
You tell us, Yoshi.
Why are Asian men so pathetic?
They got the ethnicity wrong
Ledditors man
Why are white women like this??!!?!?
Because r/asianmasculinity posters
Are Asian American guys this insecure?
Or it's just those Ledittors?
hello, hello!! most famous amwf here!!!
jesus loves you!!!!!!
>Go to a porn site
>Find out an AMWF porn
>Rate is always 10%~50%
wh*toid """men""" get butthurt LOL
You shouldn't be watching porn in the first place user.
Fuck off gooks and redditors
Even if I hate Jow Forums, this is one of the most pathetic things someone can do. What are they trying to accomplish with that? that the only way for one of those fucks to fuck a white woman is by paying her?
I hope my sister marries a kpop star and he gives me free tickets to shows desu
Nah. Just R*dditors being pathetic gene waste
Yeah they probably could have done better, but if they succeeded in their objective, fuck it.
>having to create it because it doesnt exist
all bants aside, they actually achieved their goal. They set a goal, crowd funded that goal, figured out the actors and logistics, and produced a 10 minute movie
We recognise that AMWF, like WMAF before it, is merely a distraction from the true greatest pairing that is AMWM.
Search your heart, Toshi, and then abandon the vile witch for the heartfelt embrace of MEN
To break the stereotype and change perception, film production is only one component. We need to expose as much people as possible to these images in order to actually change the perception, and this part depends upon all of us. So post these "resources" on your tumblr, your pornhub account, other subreddits, other forums, other adult sites, etc. Reuploading this movie on other porn sites is ok. Asianschlong will never claim copyright and take it down.
Remember to not troll or brag, unless you are trying to create drama to get more press (this is encouraged). We don't need to get unnecessary hate. Promoting AM as sexually competent shouldn't be made more controversial than it should be. There is no real value in "triggering the whiteys" except self gratification.
Asianschlong will send out the guide to Asian American porn production today for everyone who donated $100 and above. If you donated that much and didn't receive the guide, please PM me. There were many donors and we might miss a few.
We can do another crowdfunding pretty soon, if there are enough interests. Hopefully this time, the release could be faster. Somebody complained this time that it is AMWF, and it is "reverse white worship". I disagree, especially since WMAF porno to AMWF porno is literally 100000:1, how can we be "white worshipping" when we are just trying to balance this out? However, next time I think it makes sense to have it AMAF, due to the nature of this sub. Also, there has been almost ZERO Asian American man on woman action ever in regular porn, so we would be breaking new territory here on Jow Forumsaznidentity.
They literally have to pay a white women to have sex with an asian guy.
it's a shitty forced meme
>they paid for a single video to be made
>meanwhile tens of thousands of videos of the opposite exist
>Redditors share their wives with asians to trigger people, just because they like to use the word nigger a lot.
Wow, this is epic.
I guess I was a fool to expect otherwise. Thanks though.
Lmao triggering pol is easy as fuck, just post a picture of a black guy along some banter and you'll easily get 300 replies
I hope so.
I've checked r/hapas and r/aznidentity, and I can't believe how pathetic and insecure these guys are.
I know where some of them are coming from as I'm also an Asian who lived in the West for some time,
but they take it too far.
They are just so fucking crazy and pathetic.
Hey I’m one of the backers, under another account, but I finally had the chance to watch the vid in full and thought I’d add a couple of quick comments. This project is really important, and big thanks to cleanslate again for having led all this.
The video needs to spend longer time on the foreplay. The vid needs more time spent on the girl blowing the guy, and, this is important, have the guy go down on the girl for awhile too, before the girl blows the dude. Foreplay is hella important, for both real life and for these AVs, to get the girl way more in the mood. And also important to finger the girl throughout the whole video time to time, and this is the good stuff, when the girl’s rubbing herself as well, that shit’s hot.
The camera filming should be done from a further distance away from the action if possible, and with more still cameras, as opposed to the in-motion camera work that was mostly used for this video. The camera’s gotta be still; let the talents do their thing and for the viewers to see it in full, I felt like I was watching a documentary or something because the camera kept moving so much. And the positions too, don’t need anything crazy, just need the good solid ones to last for a longer time.
If possible, try to have much more lighting, naturally through the windows. A bigger hotel room could definitely help in that regard, and a house would obviously be ideal.
Guess I’ve done the dirty and watched enough porn in my lifetime lmao. I think this project is really important, and I’d really like to see it continue to expand and succeed, and I most definitely backed it, not from this account though. And I definitely agree that the next video I’d like to see, and more in general, is some good AMAF vids among AsianAms. Slate and the male talent and to the others that oversaw this project, I hope these comments help, big thanks to you guys for taking this project on.
>they got the ugliest white girl too
Oh no no no no
Well, if we could fund more AMWF or AMBF or AMLF, but I think it is time to switch things up a bit.
Yes, there is AMAF, but that's almost all produced by Japan and that adult industry culture fucked us all. I mean, if you have AMAF porno that always sounds like the AF is getting raped or the context is harassment, molestation, etc., while WMAF porn always seem like the AF is enjoying herself, is it a question why AF acts so sexually aggressive towards WM, while conservative towards AM?
When AF is growing up and discovering her sexual preference, she will go online and watch porn. No doubt about it. What do you think will happen, if everytime she sees AMAF, she sees the woman suffering, while everytime she sees WMAF, she sees the woman enjoying herself?
And AMAF in Japanese porn way too often have out of shape, average dick, sexually incompetent guys. What do you think will happen toAF's sexual preference, if they see watch AMAF sex, it is ugly incompetent men with average dicks, while they switch over to WMAF and it is good looking, competent men with big dicks?
So we have to produce AMAF porn alternative to Japanese adult industry to address these issue. Asian American is not Japanese. Culturally different. Maybe we even look different due to different diet and lifestyle. The last Asian American male on female action was produced like 13 years ago, by en.wikipedia.org
Also, there are almost no English speaking porn where AM on AF action, which is crazy, considering how many Asians speak English.
>I'm also an Asian
You are a wh*toid, David-Kun.
Whites and asians belong together to create a race of superior and beautiful hafus.
>the reddit spacing is real
Hue, do you mind in ask your wife to post her tits here when she finish jamal?
who is the guy? he's hot and he has a nice dick
Is this an actual, serious concern of these people? Like, at least I can pretend the idiots on here are just being ironic/contentious for its own sake, but this comes across as something these guys really worry about.
your mom
from how popular korean guys are on interpals, id think amwf is pretty common.
This is how to unite Asia as one
just the internet casualties, the likes of whom browse places like 4channel and read it. most are just normal people living day-to-day. the same goes for every other -american.
Why only white women? Why not black women?
I try to deny but Jow Forums is right, all races are jealous of white people.
>only way they could get AMWF porn was by crowdfunding it and giving it a political angle
Pretty pathetic. Though there was this one Asian guy in American productions and there's some JAVs that have white girls, though they almost always get review bombed by butthurt whites who are fine with blacks though.
>asian redditors gather together give their own money so that one asian guy will fuck a woman
so this is the power of the bugman
I'm a WF, any AM here want to try some of that? :D ;)
You too, AM Reddit lurkers! Pic is for you. S/O to r/asianmasculinity and r/aznidentity
Rare fag
They paid porn actors to make a video, they didn't share their wives.
the Asian guy in the video did, at least he let her be filmed naked on camera and distributed to the world for what, $3000?
The virgin chink vs the nigger chad
Virgin chink: has to fund a interracial porn movie themselves so they can self insert as the male lead
The chad nigger: literally has to do nothing. Hordes of Cucked white men literally pay for the porn where black men fuck the white women
I'm a white girl and think it's disgusting that in the midst of all racebaiting it's always the white women caught in the middle like we're some sort of prize.
Pretty disgusting if you ask me I have no idea the obsession nom-whites have with our race.
AMWM when?
The joke is, you will never be with a white woman
>I'm a white girl and think it's disgusting that in the midst of all racebaiting it's always the white women caught in the middle like we're some sort of prize.
As a white man I'm glad we can agree on this point. White women are in fact no prize at all and I would gladly forgo them for a qt Hittite gf.
>Californian education
yeah thats kind of the point
race is real unforunately
Wait what? I should be jealous that a pornstar fucks someone that looks different to me? Holy shit!
We are the prettiest girls, thats why
but i don't care
But white girls are the prize. There are entire forums with thousands of people of all races discussing every single day how to gain the attention of white girls, which races do best with white girls, etc.
The world revolves around white girls, wars have been started for white girls.
what kind of bragging is this?
when we finally meet up in bedok next june/july
seriously I cant give it a name. It looks like humble bragging but its not.
There are no girls on 4chinnel, stop larping
yeah there are; they just aren't girls you want to fuck because they're either fat, ugly, psychopathic or all three.
Asians boys are the saddest most butthurt creatures I have ever seen.
trust me we'll have a blast
Why would anyone give a shit? Blacked is more offensive to Jow Forumstards and there is a ton of porn where white guys fuck the brains out of Asian women. I dont see how this would bother anyone.
It's just one American poster here who has a mental illness.
cringe but redpilled
You deserve that (you) from that brazilian. That was very refined, enjoy the deserved ego boost lol.
Are you talking about the other gay poster or is that a proposal
proposal, u down?
This no one gives a shit about asians.
I only flirt with boys and guys online I've never done anything irl
People go on internet hate way too deep. They actually spend their money in this kind of crap, just to piss someone they'll never meet off.
Jesus H. Christ, humans are retarded.
same so really we're a perfect match
why Jow Forums asians are just gay and never do these types of things
They literally paid for a girl to fuck her boyfriend something she probably does all the time. Meanwhile you probably couldn't watch all of the WMAF porn in your lifetime. They are literally a new level of omega males.
b..but you don't even know what I look like
(I don't mind about looks, more about personality)
I..if you're really coming to Singapore...we should get a coffee sometime...
Turns out it's her boyfriend. So they just paid a camgirl to fuck her boyfriend on camera for once. It's a new level of pathetic.
is reddit for winners or losers?
I hate this so fucking much.
>have WMAF fetish
>search xvideos/xhamster for "white asian fuck"
>bunch of AMWF fucking shit
>boner is kill
Some faggot spamming threads on Jow Forums and /his/ and maybe other boards (mods dont do shit as always), call me paranoid but I start to see some pattern on the spam of shitty content, like is being for other reason than the sake of just trolling
Mostly losers, political extremists and THOTs. Occasionally something interesting is on it.
nor you i, once again making us a perfect match;)
changi is but a ticket away my friend
for americans
Yeah I noticed the flags change but it's the same retarded shit.
I don't know the answer to your question, but that guy in your pic is my type.
What do you plan to do on your holiday here?
He probably plans to fuck you in the arse and you probably want that too
Both of y’all need the bullet