
finally caught one, lads

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being obsessed with black people is a mental illness

What is your favourite Billy Joel song and why is it "Goodnight Saigon"?


Janman won't like this one bit

Racism manifests solely in the immature and the mentally subnormal.


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My mate Mike knows all the words to that song.
Miss Mike.

Utterly absurd.

vile yiddish creature with a sing song vioce

*cough* abnormal *cough*

why does nobody here post about pokemon

because most of us aren't children

honestly? fuck naruto.

Jeeves, pass the elephant gun. We've got a big one here

100% the case, children and retards, it's impossible for a person with a functional adult brain to be racist.

never got into that stuff when i was younger

Kill it tho

your mom

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racism is literally just common sense

Just completed a PENG wank

I'm a Gen 3 man myself
Haven't played any of the 3DS games except Alpha Sapphire

Back when I were a young fella I had a video recorder and taped one ever episode of Pokémon.
It was the episode where the Electabuz gang was fighting the Scyther gang. Remember it being in kind of a wooden town. Think they might have painted it.

Why is there naked negro man cuffed in sofa?

walking home smashed after a night out with old grammar school chums

comfy feeling

northerners won't know this feel

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Ah it was episode 42... the answer to everything

the absolute madman let a kaffer inside his house

he raped op's mom

alri beto

extremely idiotic post

im 28 and i remember vividly wanking over misty and the female one from team rocket as one of my first wanks when i was like 11. jessica was it? also made my parents buy me hundreds of pounds worth of pokemon cards and played the actual game like once. also wanked to chun li on street fighter 2 for sega. the legs did it for me

just had a big think about what im doing with my life and the results were astounding

>i will never be a lotr fan in the early 2000s online in the lotr forums when the movies were coming out

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posting from my phone lmao hoekom?

You're gonna get groomed by Pakis lad


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