What's your honest opinion on donald trump

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Fuck drumpf

Orange and dumb

Useless bourgeois cunt.

ZOG puppet kike slave jew lover

He's an idiot, much like our future president

You have my sympathy, João.

Still thousand times better than Hillary Clinton.

quintessential american

>everyone hates trump now
what happened

t. can't distinguish memes from reality

4channel happened

An arrogant jackass that succeeds when he doesn't get personally involved. However, more and more he's getting involved and fucking shit up. But he is the U.S. President this world deserves.

orange man bad

unironically cringe and gay

He's the American people's response to the controllers over stepping their bounds. Considering they've doubled down the next "Trump" is going to be even more forceful and abrasive and Americans will love him. I really think he's a moderate compared to what's to come. And I can't wait.

I wanted him to win the election, but not be the president, sadly can't have one without the other.

I like him.

This, conrad.

Orange and Bad

Somehow a bigger joke than Bush Jr. ever was

Non ironically he is one of the most stupid persons in the world
he makes reading political news fun though

my opinion?


I'd say


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who cares? he's going to win 2020 and nobody the dems throw at him will beat him, just accept it and move on, it's really nothing that crazy but people lap up what the media sells them and people love sensationalism

Mostly neutral about him, except for some incredibly retarded things he says/has said in the past, like about vaccinations.
I wanted him to win because I absolutely could not stand the arrogant attitudes of some democrats and the media.
I hoped their mistake of not taking him seriously came back to bite them in the ass, and it did.
I hope both sides will come up with better candidates in 2020, American politics seem like a divided mess to me.

He would be good for Brazil for his diplomatic mistakes with Mexico giving the chance of them picking us as a business partner instead of the US

Too bad the last two governments were to busy trying to survive corruption scandals and the next one is a USA bootlicker

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The exact same as the rest of them, but too stupid to put a pretty face on an ugly system. That’s why libs shriek about irrelevant political theatre instead of actual issues. The thing that actually concerns them is that Trump is failing to dress up America’s cancerous political/economic system in theatrical niceties.

old egoistic man

The Trump memes were briefly amusing, for a week or so. I ordered my MAGA hat but by the time I received it I never wanted to wear it publicly.
Hillary is a crook alright I don't dispute that and she was promoted by the Democractic machine so hard poor Bernie never had a snowballs chance in hell even though some of his ideas make sense for normies.
I don't want Madame President but at this point Trump is starting to be nauseating and I just wish he's impeached as soon as possible so we could all go back to normality.

Funny, dumb but in a innocent way, shouldn't be a leader but more s child entertainer

>fellow Trump supporters I sure am sick of him now
>I bought a Trump hat but heck now I'm pissed off and just want to see him impeached
>anyone else feel the same way
>shalom Goy, I happen to feel the exact same way, funny there must be a lot of people in exactly our situation as displeased former Trump supporters.

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thank you friend

tard jew puppet

What do the Japanese think of Trump?

Orange man bad

Not a fan, hopefully he collapses the divided slaves.

>orange man good

He's just mucking about

very disappointing
leftists pretended it was hitler 2.0 well I WISH
he deported like a dozen mexicans that's it
didn't do anything about niggers
said war with china is "inevitable" and didn't start ww3 at all
instead of a wall we have fence prototypes
let's not even talk about jews, the man is such a shabbos goy i bet he goes on saturday turn on the lights for his daughter's husband

disappointing AS FUCK
we wanted hitler we got fat orange retarded version of goebbels who talks shit a lot and never acts

oh yeah i forgot faggots, and cunts
i think he forbid trannies in the army ? wow great that's so radical and brave
trannies should be forbidden altogether

about cunts, again he did nothing, he didnt grab anyone by the pussy, even bill clinton had more balls
well apparently the man likes to get pissed on the face by prostitutes so it"s not very surprising

typical mutt amurican retard

everyone always did