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International #993
Third temple when???
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Does anyone here unironically belive in God and go to church?
What do you think of Latin America? When you hear that name, do you feel anger or admiration?
Portuguese relatives come over
Whatcha gonna do on 12/31, user?
Is 2019 going to be a good year for your cunt?
In Europe it's illegal to build buildings taller than cathedral
My goal in life is to build the most prestigious neurology clinic in the Faroe Islands
Asian girls belong to swedish men. SORRY!
1. Your country
Visit friend in Seattle
The white man's seed can make black people pretty
Sverigetråden - SD-upplagan
Canadians war crimes
Refute this
Be nothing but kind to asian dudes
Muh serbian-greek friendship
Vanilla coke > pepsi max > coke > coke zero > pepsi > diet coke > pepsi lite cherry coke > vanilla pepsi max
Once I start drinking, I cannot stop
Fuck AmeriKKKa
/deutsch/ - alte miehms ausgabe
Why do Arabs do this?
Rate my all-turkish dinner frens
Do you want to find love in ESTADOS UNIDOS?
What's your country's "muh six million"?
1. your cunt
Median wealth per adult
Post your country's greatest leader
Are they just danes larping as non-scandinavians?
Anti whaling protester in Melbourne, Australia
This is America
Literally did a 180 from no immigrants allowed, to meet my Iranian wife
Do you think this is socially acceptable in your country?
The best country in europe
Korea's fertility rate is at risk
1. Country
His country dosnt have a mandatory service
Find a flaw
White people think Asian people is ugly and inferior?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Gossip Session only for Women
Do you love Finland?
Anyone else feel too good for this place? I personally do. I feel so much smarter than the other posters here...
Hey! stop throwing pepsican on Japan!
What is your favorite nordic country?
/deutsch/ Fux-Ausgabe
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
I want to fuck an asian girl, but I don't want my friends to ridicule me for it
What's your honest opinion about Calabria?
Why are they so butthurt? :D :D :D :D
His country ends with land / stan
Don't touch my WHITE and NORDIC pal: Finland
How to fix the EU and save it from disintegration?
Germany and Russia waged the most horrifying war human ever seen
Remember: socialism doesn't work
Romania was better when communist
Yes i do think Morrowind is a better game than Gothic II
They are muslims
Yare yare daze
This is a US admiral in 2018
/2sicilie/ - edizione ducato di Spoleto
One of the worst lifetime female prisoners in Finland is to be set free
My neighbor decided to walk from Argentina to Alaska
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Let's be honest, Paris looks AMAZING when it's on fire
Should we become a republic?
Oh no no no no
When I was in high school in gym class we were dancing and they made every girl pick a guy to dance with and everyone...
Why Japanese are so smart?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is the european """"union"""" useful for anything?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Japanese is superior to any other east asian countries
How does it feel to have a big benin?
France is totalitarian shithole
What's the "Dude" Of your language ?
I want to filter shitskin countries, so can you shitskins post in my thread?
How many Californian cities do you know?
We might be a garbage board but at least we're not this bad yet
/lang/ - Language Learning General
I just learned that Japanese houses don't have floor heating...
Yayoi is superior to the hairy jomon monkeys. Better skin, better intellect, cuter
1. Your cunt
Why can't they be more grateful?
Is there anything more embarrassing than Americans using the word "uni"
/ita/ il filo misterioso
What is happenings here?
Can someone explain whats the deal with those purple countires
Meanwhile in the west
What general impression does the buzzcut hair style give in your country?
Laugh at America thread
How does it feel to have only 1st world problems?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
1200 years
2 meters tall
Is it true that Asians don't have body odor?
Map thread
This is a picture of my eye. The reaction of Jow Forumsposters to it has ranged from positive to negative...
Your cunt is now a dragon ball character
Average white women
The few non ugly japanese women look like mexicans
Europeans usually use English internet?
What's the best variety of Asian gf: Korean, Japanese, Chinese, or Vietnamese?
Kurva anyátok
Want to go to Brazil for the tropical climate, bunda, and exotic adventures
Why is Germany so Poor?
Brazilians have a """""""""""""""""""music"""""""""""" genre that's called 'funk' and it's absolutely crap i dare to...
Even Indian subhumans, the people which I consider to be the subhumaniest people in the entire universe make fun of us
Her majesty’s gold piano was rescued from Sadam Hussain’s palace during the Gulf war. BBC - NEWS
Lol btfo
Would you love a Chinese girl?
Jow Forums is 60% females larping as gay virgin males
How do you say "based and redpilled" in your language?
Wow! Are American boys really like this?
Would you buy this house?
Fertility rates in EU
The C*nadian obsessed with br*wn women should be send to northeastern Brazil...
Red: States with Spanish-origin names
Why don't Chinese men rape as much as other ethnicities?
Faces of Jow Forums
Indonesia is composed of over 17000 islands
Woman dies of heroin overdose at Christmas Eve party while partygoers take video and photos. WWYD?
İ want to marry a white girl and make babies with her but im a uni dropout neet who has never worked a day in his life
/lat/ - hilo latino
Is this the average brazilian girl?
How do Black Europeans and Black Latinos feel about Black Americans?
Why are women butthole so sexy?
Your country
Why is Sweizerland called Helvetica in some languages?
How many of you are using proxies to post as different countries?
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
When will you guys admit
Shitholers 999
What was your nickname in highschool ?
What would the world be like if Europeans didn't share their technology outside of Europe nor did they colonize far...
Sverigetråden - Kampupplagan
5 million dollares but you can never have sex or mastuebate?
Thank you, Russia
1. Country
Why are jap girls so overrated on internet
Why are Germans and Russians so cute and nice on this board I just want to cuddle with them
I wrote joke
Is Paris a shithole?
When exactly did the northern europeans surpass the southern europeans?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
I can’t think of a worse area to by an incel then brazil, arengtina, Colombia or Venezuela
Why do Americans do this?!?
Your cunt
Have manlets in your country ever learned by now?
What does Jow Forums think about Kemal Atatürk?
Which country has the most well dressed people?
Your cunt
/v4/ + prijatelji
How do i snag myself a qt venezuela gf?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Do you consider yourself attractive? 0~10/10
1. Country
Does this represent your country?
German humor is highly underrated
This is Xi Jinping, the most powerful man in the world. Say something nice about him
Be American
Your cunt
This is the head of the Norwegian anti immagration party
Why is Italy so superior to everyone else?
Do you love Japan?!
Do Americans really believe the "islamic communism" meme?
How do you call him in your country? Our native name for him is 'Gonad Schrimpf'
Will Chinese people like me if I learn Chinese?
/ronny/ - ehemals /deutsch/
Why are my threads so shit no one posts in them
You have 10 Byo(Seconds) to be as Japanese as possible
Post ur fridge
Your cunt
Total number of global top 500 universities in Eastern Europe (excluding Russia): 3 (three)
I am actually turkish :)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is her etnicity?
If you were to live in Brazil where would you live and why?
Post things from your part of the world which has survived a millennium
Why is Brazil the most developed and relevant country in South America?
Why do all of them suddenly speak good English...
Sverigetråden - Gulligullan-upplagan
How do we make Wales great again?
Sverigetråden - Fredagupplagan
What's her ethnicity
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
If you were to live in the US where would you live and why?
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Your post will decides of your new home place
Swiss border expansion over the past 200 years
Someone is stalking me
/ita/ il filo serie tv dimenticata
Thoughts on americans?
/filum norvegicum/
Positivity thread
Just learned that my grandma knowingly fed me 8 month expired foie gras during christmas eve...
Tick tock, eurocucks
Do you love Brapzil?
Why do american conservatives hate cities so much...
If I fail my exam in 6 months I will kms
The shame of Europe
2018 was a good year for this board
Kurva anyátok
How is your city/hometown changed in recent years?
You may only post ITT if you live in the close proximity of the most majestic river of Europe
Faces of Jow Forums
Are you jealous of my lavish life?
The Swedish armies alone may have destroyed up to 2,000 castles, 18,000 villages, and 1,500 towns in Germany...
This perplexes the brit
Child vaccination rates
Pride of Allah
/fr/ - Le Fil Français ouibe
Where can I find women like this ?
WTF Ecuador!
Is there any truth to penis size being different depending on your race/ethnicity?
Ask a first generation russian immigrant living in america anything
I have deduced the reason behind why and how this video is cursed
Your country
Fuck this dude
1. Your cunt
How has finnland affected your country?
/detusch/ ehemals /deutsch/
How would the average white person on Jow Forums react to being called a racial slur like cracker, honky...
Press "S" to spit on the grave of their tourist industry
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
1. Cunt
What is the worst food you've ever eaten in your life?
Why are white guys with asian chicks so beta while white men with black chicks so alpha?
Are Asian American girls just as slutty as white roasties or is it a meme?
Redpill me about Belarus
/Abendschoppen/ ehemals /deutsch/
France is the WORST SHITHOLE in Europe
1. country
KARA BOGA was this year's best Jow Forums meme by far
Did any of you ever stay in a castle? like a hotel? if so where and what was it like...
Greeks are the master race
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Moroccan subhumans have already started with the constant fireworks
What is it about whites and asians that makes them more prone to become traps?
Why is Northern Europe so depressing?
1. Your clay
/fr/ - Le Fil Français qui titille
Move in to England
1. What do you think about your country subreddit?
Why are they obsessed with Brazil?
Plane lands in Japan
Your cuntree
You have 10 Sekunden to be as German as possible
How many times do you have sex in a month?
Somebody please, save us
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Has anyone else here lost a lot of their emotions?
I'm going to study in Canada
What's the final verdict on women?
Is it true that in Med and Latin American countries it is a norm to hug and kiss other people when greeting...
/ita/ - il filo
Tfw your people descent from the two most cucked races in the world (whites and native americans)
Why are European cities vertically challenged?
China, why aren't you reclaiming your rightful clay? You've had like 50yrs
I have no friends, no gf and no job
Culture Pals - /cp/
Based on the principles of national self-determination, the Kurds deserve their own state...
Beautiful nordic girls
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Go get a low level job
So I learned that this place is acting as its own country for some time with its own elected officials and everything...
Will Brits flee post-Brexit Britain?
How can you know a girl is virgin
Sverigetråden - Svenska upplagan
Which team were you, Jow Forums?
Would you date a Lebanese woman knowing that your future daughter will become a cumdumpster for whiteboys?
Do you like these islands?
Should the US intervene militarily in Venezuela?
Do Europeans really make up 15% of the U.A.E population as Wikipedia will lead you to believe?...
List of Brazilian accomplishments
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Why do women look at short men so negatively?
*cucks an entire country*
I hate women
Dude i love traveling and experiencing other cultures so much, this world and we humans are so cool!
So we can all agree that all their problems stem from the ottomans right
Did americans really do this?
Ancient peoples and their modern descendants
What do you think of Danish women?
26 and never touched a female
I just ordered a ticket to Thailand (phuket to be precise) with 2 of my bros, we stay for about 1 month
Punjabi or Maldivian? Punjabi for me
Your country
Another day, another dollar
Your country
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Communists are like parasites
I couldn't control myself and ate 3000 calories today how many days do I have to eat 1400 calories to lose the weight I...
Why are this countries constantly butthurt?
Going to russia next year to study medecine
/BALT/ - Epic Friday Edition
Israel is not a legitimate state
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
/dummer rothaariger hurensohn/ bzw. /deutsch/
Do modern French people still feel ashamed about having surrendered in both world wars?
Prepare yourselves: it is coming
Mythbusting Russia
Are you happy with your accent? Do you get jealous of native speakers?
Well this was a mistake
What the fuck is wrong with them?
America bombs sand dunes for 4 years
South Korea wants to start war against Japan
Sverigetråden - Odens upplaga
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2104
OwO what's this?
Complain thread
Why are americans like this?
This girl don't win Miss Universe Beauty contest
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Yes i do shave my armpits
Why Jow Forums is such a safe space...
Why do they keep killing themselves? And no, it's not Russian diaspora, there's less Russians than Poles in Lithuania
Why are east asians better at mathematics?
What would the world be like right now if China was democratic? Would the tension between the West and China exist?
I-I am happy to be able to talk with people from all around the world…!
Wh*Te people be like
Geez americanos ! Slow down !
All faggots need to be banned on sight. ANYTHING gay-related outside the faggotboards should result in a permanent ban...
Why do these terrorist goatfuckers suddenly decided to attack people from Latin America (especially Brazil) in every...
Owo I’m becoming Finnish
How much does it cost to get a driver's license in your country?
Friendly thread
I pledge my allegiance to the flag of the People's Republic of China
Tfw no italian gf
The smallest country you border (by total area) is now admitted into the United States of America as it's 51st state...
What nationality would you like to breed the most? For me it's hungarian women followed closely by slovenian ones heh
/women/ Women thread
Which first world European country has lots of qt Russian girls?
Only cultural influence on the world is getting people to use the word favela instead of slum
Number foreginer girls you fucked
Who is the best in foreigners' eyes?
Sand Creek massacre
Korea is just Asian Mexico change my mind
Hunger Games Jow Forums version #6 for the Holidays!
Kurva anyátok
So IKEA will be opening soon in Columbia, Peru and Chile. Redpill me on this company Jow Forums
Why are americans like this?
What are the facial and physical features of women you're most attracted by?
Estonia... *blushes*
Tfw 184cm 71kg
/ita/ - il filo
I just want a Jewish gf that looks like this. Is that too much ask for?
Which Aussie state is the best and why?
Webm thread
/lat/ - hilo latANO
I wrote joke
Is your country based and redpilled?
Massive explosion in NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask a girl questions, nothing bad
Korean and Chinese hate japanese
How do you stop being a brownoid manlet?
Where have you been? Which countries are you planning on visiting?
The Latina is the perfect woman
Has anyone ever engaged in the traveling to Latin America spring break meme ?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
The burger was literally a german invention
Are Colombians white?
Find a single flaw
How do I get an Arab girlfriend?
1. ur ethnicity
How evil is your government?
Why are white french people always excluded from new battlefield games?
Central Europe
Sverigetråden - Evangelines upplaga
It must be hard to be upside down and celebrate Christmas in the summer??? WTF...
Could She pass as a local in your country?
How is long hair on men perceived in your country?
ITT: we try to succinctly describe a nation using exactly three (3) words. I'll start
1. you country
I am a nazi
French is a Germanic language
He is Japanese
Teach me the racial slurs of your country
Your race
Please stop saying mean things about Asian males
I want to ask Americans. Did you know in your childhood that you was circumcised...
Do you love America?
Should settler colonies return land sovereignty to indigenous peoples...
If Spanishits hadn't ruined the Americans...
/fr/ - Le Fil Franco-Français
Do you love Brapzil?
Mfw I remember my atheist phase
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
New shipment arrived
/brit/ - The Anti-Semitic Edition
What are some countries that are a friend of Poland
Mfw my therapist (a woman) breaks out a chess set for the entire session and forces me to “teach her” how to play...
Why are brazilian boys so gosh darn cute?
Do you love Japan?
Are the memes about Sweden true ?
/cono skandi/
Smell this
Can you drink tap water in your country?I heard the number is small, is it true?
Post mountains from your country
Why are they so arrogant?
Would you consider your country safe?
Why are Americans so obsessed with race?
Spics are the most violent savage ugly smelly race to ever exist
His language needs letters with fancy bits attached
The pride of Allah
The shame of Africa
Only posters whose countries have won both World Wars can post ITT
The shame of Europe
What the fuck happens here?
If you got 1 million Euros (and future income is not an issue) where in Europe would you buy a house/apartment and why?
Bow down to the Italian princess, you commoner subhumans
These are Mexico's top stories, what are yours?
Me if I'll encounter v*Rg in my february trip to France
Ou va le monde?
Why are Mexican heavy parts of the US shitholes? Is it only because of Mexicans?
Sverigetråden - Vänsterfolkupplagan
Sverigetråden - /SvT/
What is Jow Forums opinion on the Libyan refugee heartthrob taking Jow Forums by a storm?
Brown mapuche shithole
Why do they have such boring and uninteresting history?
1.your cunt?
Can you pass the United States citizenship test?
You wake up in a 3º world brown shithole
*Sniffs* *Sniffs* Can you smell that, dear Americans?
/fr/ - Le fil Français
About you user? do you love Portugal?
What is the general consensus on Jow Forums regarding the country of spain?
ITT: different nationalities of girls you’ve fugged
Post cars from ur cunt
G-guys can you stop please?
I'm going to Spain in july will be staying there for about a month. Plan to visit Barcelona and Madrid...
I could never do this position with a girl because my penis is 15cm and thin
Take all of us back, Spain
Racism? no, that's just too silly for me friend
Official ancient civlizations ranking based on how interesting they are
Post situations Jow Forums posters from your country are universally humiliated by normalfag girls:
Do you like spain?
Thoughts ?
Why are the Spanish so oppressive?
Why wasn't there any white civilizations?
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
What are your thoughts on the new Spain? if you know what I mean
I am a 169cm short "male" manlet midget
Sverigetråden - Mystråden
What happens here?
0 (zero) achievements of note
Jokes thread
Parents still expect you to marry/have children/etc in your cunt
Would Mexico be better off if the French had conquered us? How different would we be today?
Help me Jow Forums. French people are coming to my town by the hundreds. I live in a small northern town...
/ita/ - il filo
Want to become Catholic or Orthodox
HALT! prove to us that you are aryan like us or you will be sent to death camp
What's your honest opinion on donald trump
Why is spain so racist...
/fr/ - Le Fil Franco-Français
Daily reminder that epididimytis is the most common cause of testicular pain...
Brazilian family
I suffer with depression in the first world which makes 10 times worse
Be me
Are women "easy" in your country?
Why are they so ignorant when it comes to their former colonies? Does something similar happen to British...
Why didn't Europeans just invade Iberia, cleanse it from Moors and repopulate it with actual Europeans?
Remind me why do you love Russia
There is no such thing as a perfect coun-
/deutsch/ am Abend
Ancient Greeks: Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Euclid, Homer, Aristophanes, Sophocles, Herodotus, Pericles
I have a feet fetish what to do?
This is a """"doctor"""" in america
Live in one, vacation in the other. What do you choose?
Touries beware
I fixed the map of Latin America. Thoughts?
Are vocaroo threads still a thing here?
Because you have nothing better to do
Why is Russia so fucking based, lads?
Rate my map
Yesterday, my mum gave me the safe sex talk and handed me some regular condoms to try on...
Living in Israel sucks, trust me. It's full of arabs in here
With the New Year approaching, how about a time to reflect on our countries this year
Why are they always so angry?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The milk sold in Algeria isn't real milk but powdered milk mixed water
I'm an American, Non Americans of Jow Forums AMA
Spanish user said he would not stay with a girl who had cancer...
Poll MENA qts v2
Sverigetråden - Dansbandsupplagan
/fr/ - Le Fil Français Révolutionnaire
What misconceptions you had about other countries?
Why are so many Europeans reverting to paganism?
Have you ever met an American?
You Americans don't really spend REAL MONEY on toilet paper to clean your ass with, do you? Just took a meaty shit...
/fug/ - /fr/ + /brit/ + /deutsch/
Don’t immigrants feel bad?
English speakers can't understand Shakespeare but Spaniards can understand Cervantes
Living in Brazil makes me depressed
ITT we summon femanons (*/▽\*)キャッ
For me, it's Gothic
"workers unite!"
1. Country
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
It's 3am you go back from night club
What's life like in Russia?
Do you want to find love in Italy?
Post your first television crush from your count
Do you support the Kurds?
/luso/ fio lusófono
Tfw you were born in Israel instead of in the USA
Total commute time by (((public transportation))): 2 hours 30 minutes
Hilo latino /lat/
How ready are you to join the modern German army?
Humans in the 21st century
I wish i was cute girl lads
Why are this countries so butthurt?
Kurva anyátok
GDP of Russia: 1.5 trillion
Fuck jews
Ancient civlizations ranked by how interesting they are
Jesus Christ
Why do Finns love metal so much?
Nikola Tesla
Do American women really fuck their sons?
Ou va le monde?
One more h*Ttite post and I am going to make Kadesh look like a fucking joke
Did you know that XXV pharaoh dynasty was black ?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
1. You're a cunt
Why don't they write a new one?
Thank you, Germany
Why is it that mountainous regions breed REAL MEN and the plains breed sissified, treacherous shemales?
Will Italy ever get over the fact they couldn't falsely imprison a beautiful and harmless soul?
How you gonna survive after the global economy collapses?
Fuck the Fucking Jap
Is this what the Average Japanese Jow Forums poster looks like?
It’s relationship of the ancient japan and ancient korea
My name ends with consonant
My last name doesn't end with -ski
One thing europoors dont seem to understand
Goodbye NATO
Italy in 2030
Why do Europeans say im not white
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What did Poland mean by this?
Cars are females!
America to BAN Huawei from their country
Culture Pals - /cp/
Protagonist of european history
Why do blacks, asians and hispanics call themselves american? americans are white
Erectile dysfunction leads to female dominance
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship