Move in to England

>move in to England
>hear a knock on door
>open them
"Bob's your uncle, there you are! You must be the new chap around here! Oh my, my, my! I see you ain't bog standard bloke. I'm quite chuffed to be honest. You seem like quite a cheeky bastard hehe. Anyway, I live house next door. So give me a tinkle on the blower when you wanna come over for a proper chinwag. I can show ya some nice and cozy areas around here hehehe."

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what the fuck is wrong with you? why would anyone talk like that? kys

qt says holla fo dat hallal cock meat anyday
close door
pray on mat again

*hides boner*
Yeah, sure.

I don't know why anyone would say "yippy kay-yay" or "in tarnation" but you don't see us complain.

I want to sniff her arsehole and footpussy

Looks like that's America. Most likely Michigan

how to get qt muslim gf like her?

>I can show ya some nice and cozy areas around here hehehe
Is she talking about SEX?

>his friends don't say yippy Kay yay and tarnation when at the pub
Yankee scum

>bobs your uncle
>bog standard
>chin wag

the amount of british buzzword

no pure girls like that don't even learn what that is until they're 25

nigga wtf

why wouldnt you report him and warn people... fucking retard dude.

I didnt know what the fuck it was the posts were too obscure so curiousity got the best of me

is hard candy. dont open this shit.

Any chances we fuck without marriage or your 10 brothers trying to kill me?

What is hard candy?

and that's all she wrote

Hard core porn, le benis in bagina :D

raw cheese pizza
lad, dont click it

Good ole Dearborn and Hamtramck