When exactly did the northern europeans surpass the southern europeans?

I meant in the time of the ancient greeks and the romans, the southern europeans where rich and ciivlized and advanced while the ancestors of today's britush,german,dutch,scandinavian, were literal barbarians living in mud huts without even a written language.
Now the northern europeans are richer and more advanaved than the sothern eueopeans.

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17th century

12th century

they never did

>were literal barbarians
simply not true to start with

barbarians is the way how Romans used to call almost everyone up north regardless of their development level


Few instances, but a more free flow of ideas made possible by the absence of a central religious institution (Catholic church) allowed protestant countries to thrive.

17th century


you too, mongol

After Greeks lost the city on Bosporus and Italy was split in 400 million meme states
Iberians were always incompetent, so basically their peak was nothing more than hot air and did not help the South of Europe to develop

no i won't

Attached: smugpe.jpg (473x500, 42K)

around the enlightenment

Portugal stopped being a factor by the end of the 16th century because of their retarded king who got killed in Morocco, causing a succession crisis.
Spain started becoming shittier and shittier by the 17th century because of their colonial empire, which at first brought wealth but later brought stagnation (they were comfy extracting resources from latin america while other Euro countries were actually developing). Also the French absolutely shit on Spain for most of the 17th century, ending their military dominance.
Italy and Greece weren't even a thing for most of those centuries so they are not even worthy of discussing.

French, Brits, Dutch etc. all had good periods in the 17th century. And in subsequent centuries the gap only grew.

When drilling for oil became a thing.

Norway isn't the only northern european country out there uknow

shit argumentation but thanks for trying

Protestantism is pretty aligned with capitalism.

Proximity to England

By 1700 both Italy and Iberia had become irrelevant in matters of science and military. So I'd say during the 17th century

Depends on what you consider Northern: Ireland was one of the poorest places in Europe in the 19th century. Northern Italy has consistently been one of the richest regions of Europe even to this day.

England and the Netherlands started to pull away as the richest parts of Europe during the 17th century with the development of maritime trade empires. During this time the Netherlands was probably the richest country on Earth, probably assisted by the brain drains towards their country (rich people from Spanish controlled Belgium, disproportionately literate French Protestants expelled from their country). France and Germany were pretty consistently middling level in development compared to the rest of Europe. France has remained middling in development whereas Germany pulled ahead quite recently in the 20th century. Southern Italy was really fucked over by Italian unification in the 19th century and was practically a colony of the north, though it was poorer to begin with the disparity got a lot worse.

>irrelevant in science
Lmao nice cope
They were relevant scientists till the 20th century, you may think about Greece that lost on scientifical impact after Eastern Rome felt
Iberians never even were scientists, they are to lazy and non-productive

its true you belgian faggot