How does it feel to have only 1st world problems?

How does it feel to have only 1st world problems?

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a bit like this

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Do first worlders on Jow Forums think of nothing else other than gfs and ""depression""?

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just about
we hardly worry about things like food for the next day because minimum wage pays for most essential needs unless you're living somewhere expensive, but then it would be your fault for not moving somewhere else

For many people in the 1st world today it seems like people are getting cocky, they believe that they can do this, they can do that.... You will have eternal resistance, people cannot be stomped into the ground, people will fight back, fuck your fucking banks, your legalistic legitimisation of the bankster heist will not do, people will FIGHT BACK!! People will fight back, every day, every night NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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wage-slave and politics

It depends. Are you a robot kind of wage slave?

You also have welfare that panders to the NEETs
Also you care about non senical things like "SJWs" and "LGBT rights" and perceive it as a 'problem' because you have no other problems unlike my 3rdie cunt

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wish i knew, wish i knew

That's why many 7-8/10 young pinoy married to 3/10 Japanese.

and it's win win.

Are there 8/10 japanese women willing to get 7-8/10 filipino men?

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firstworlders grew weak and know nothing about real struggling

I'm not wage slave but it's one of problems we've held here.

First worlders (especially developed) ones are complacent and are ambivalent about how hard life could be
if they only knew

>having a job is a problem
At least you have job
Or better yet, a properly paying job

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It's very boring

over 35 years old independent Japanese women would marry with anyone.

this looks comfy

How about 20-30 yr old japanese cuties at least 7-8/10?

Living in 3rd world is not comfy at all


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We are out of touch with the process of actualizing our physical and mental potential for the purpose of achieving physical necessities. Psychologically it's something very natural to us for survival, when all threats are removed there's a void remaining. When there is no threat of failure, are you really achieving a goal? The average person attempts to fill it by memorizing dumb shit like sports statistics and it's not quite the same.

If i had to guess, it's probably because young japanese women are too busy studying or working to be interested in getting married.

But like said, over >35 years old
they will start to get desperate because they
will be almost reaching the end of their fertility

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Well, do a lot of japanese women work, though?

That is true. 1st worlders have achieved the comforts in life that they are left to find meaning in their lives.

There is no optimism to be better, no happiness in achievement for many of them (especially on Jow Forums). There is only fear and worry about them losing their comforts in life.
In contrast people here are optimistic, they're happy with simple yet mundane things, they are excited for the future. They are not afraid to lose things because they know what it feels like to have little to none.

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Replace complacent with arrogant. You quite literally have uni students who believe that the world would be a better place if everyone tackled the exact same social issues they discuss, the sjws stuff you were mentioning earlier, over actually improving conditions of the 3rd world. Had to explain to some white girl that going out alone as a white girl in the Philippines could easily be more dangerous than in the US and her only response was to call me a self hating asian.

Yes. Most of them do. Or they are studying.

>During the 21st century, Japanese women are working in higher proportions than the United States's working female population.[3]

>Women are often found in part time or temporary jobs. 77% of these jobs were filled by women in 2012[5]

Nevertheless, in recent years the numbers of women who work has increased: in 2014, women made up 42.7% of the labour force of Japan.[24]

Wait, you're Asian?
Also, it's complacent and arrogant. Firsties standards are very very different from ours.

Now I want a 7-8/10 Japanese girl. I'm a manlet though, sad.

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I guess you thirdies should realise that even if most of your problems were resolved you'd just have a new cache of things to annoy you and hence still wouldnt be happy

Feels okay living across the street from a bunch of drug dens. The gangbangers, peddlers, and assorted crooks don't bother me too much since the hood likes me and my apartment is a shitheap. A burglar broke into my place once and got tetanus, apparently he got ran out from Chicago. I've been playing Smash Ultimate with some of the strawberry hoes. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die if I don't move out within two years though.

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I don't know if this is present in other third world countries, but here in Brazil we have something called "Jeitinho Brasileiro".
It's how we operate and can be applied to almost everything in our lives, from politics to our lifestyle.
Because of this, Brazilians can sometimes be called "streetsmart" or as better understood:
>Some people see it as a typically Brazilian method of social navigation, but people forget to mention that this expression also comes from the necessity associated to a lack of resources and help. Most Brazilians have to be creative and invent new simpler ways to do things they need, as living.
>One way to understand jeitinho is as a recurso de esperteza, which means a resource used by espertos — savvy, cunning, or sly individuals who use common sense and prior knowledge, as well as naturally gifted intelligence in their thought processes. It implies that a person is "street-smart", but not necessarily "book-smart."
We're always dumbstruck when seeing foreigners act their lives like using their cellphones in the public or leaving their houses unlocked.
Must be nice to live worry-free in those countries.

It's comfy but sometimes easy to look like a prick if you complain which everyone does regardless of how shitty their surroundings are in absolute terms
This is the main reason why anglo tourists come off as arseholes when they're in the developing world, because they're in a five star hotel that costs ten times a local's annual wages per night and they complain that they didn't get five pillows on their bed when they arrived

Its a massage parlor.

Good, i'm into mature

Living in Third world makes us alert and on our toes at all times especially outside.
Get careless in a second and the BAM!
You just got shot by 2 dudes in a motorcycle.

shit desu, I hate having a cold

I agree, but I am already in the life of first world

but honestly third world is better if you're into 13 year olds

Typical Muslim

Yeah, better to have problems like "depression" or "muh LGBT rights", right?

I've been living in those conditions for 26 years, as long as you aren't complacent and keep yourself under alert you'll be fine.

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>being savvy or cunning to save money and limited resources
I think that's a common third world attitude.

We're always dumbstruck when seeing foreigners act their lives like using their cellphones in the public or leaving their houses unlocked.
I think that's a common first world standard. Though I still use my cellphones in public, just keep a close eye on people who look like snatchers.
When I went to Japan, I was shocked they would just leave their shit like bikes and other important stuff while they go somewhere else. If I were in my cunt those beligings would have been stolen in a span of 5 minutes. That's what you get for being careless.

>leaving their houses unlocked
no one does that here except maybe in the most rural villages

Why do I see African children on TV smiling all the time then?

I think cities don't do that, but in general I see people just leave their belongings in public places. Its like they're waiting for people to steal it.

> I see people just leave their belongings in public places
people do that here all the time, as long as theres no blacks around nothing ever goes missing

Where do you live?

>as long as theres no blacks around nothing ever goes missing
I think it's more of poor people rather than blacks. Meaning your place is a typical firstie place.
If that happened here it would been stolen in a few minutes

Because ignorance and being less fortunate makes you realize how simple things make you happy, user.
How about you? What makes you happy?

>How about you? What makes you happy?

playing vidyas

Anglo tourists come off as arseholes in first world countries too(if spain counts as first world)

Anglo tourists are even bigger assholes in 3rdies though

I'm an American living in flipland right now
OP is lying, Philippinos aren't totally 3rd world, while the capital city is total shit the provinces are pretty comfy


physical suffering is usually worse, but mental suffering is still very real. Some people even kill themselves. Imagine how much you must suffer to fucking kill yourself.

>how much you must suffer
How do firsties suffer though?
We suffer from starvation, malnutrition, shitty environment, stuck in traffic 5 hrs a day, no job, no money, left to die ( no welfare), war, rebellion and terrorism, muslim insurgents, no healthcare, no luxiorious phones, 1mbps internet, etc

How about you? ""depression""?

oh fuck off. if you think some amerifat retard living on $500 autismbux in the middle of fucking texas or something, considering suicide every day is better off than a normal phillipino grinding $200/mo but having a healthy social life than you're only fooling yourself. Sure, the majority of first worlders are better off, but mental illness and mental suffering are as real as hunger. usually not as bad, but pretty fucking bad nonetheless.

at least you can have wild jungle sex desu

>you're a permanent debt-slave from cost of college
>college degrees are mostly worthless in terms of finding meaningful employment, but you're even worse off without one
>a simple house costs millions of dollars so you have to keep renting at one or two thousand dollars per month
>go to the grocery store and only see foreign faces that you couldn't converse with if you tried; no sense of community
>most local women are fundamentally damaged by the direction culture has taken in recent years; extremely difficult for you to find a wife, impossible for many
>you couldn't afford to raise a child, let alone children, even if your girlfriend/wife's first impulse wasn't to get an abortion
>religion is mostly dead; no guiding sense of morality or where to find meaning in life
>routine terrorist attacks; country becoming less secure every day
>government incrementally rolling back individual liberties, such as search/seizure provisions as well as creeping firearm confiscation
>the media talking heads that have come to replace the priest class are constantly screeching about crisis after crisis in the fickle news cycle, leaving everyone constantly agitated
There's more, but generally speaking while we do not face the same material struggle, we are instead dealing with a severe spiritual crisis. People are living lives without meaning, they are unable or sometimes unwilling to start a family, we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death

yes of course

Worse than having tangible third world problems whose cause is fixable. First world problems are more abstract and existential in nature with no obvious solution.

My problems aren't exclusive to the first world. My gf is breaking up with me and I love her so much. Just want to die

Tell me about some of the 3rd world problems you face

You know what's a third world problem?
Lack of wheels.

comfy as fuck in the province

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we face no problems in the provinces, its perfect

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Oh please, your "depression" is a meme. Do you know what happens to actual people here who have real mental sickness? They are chained or jailed to contain their crazy and left to die because no money to treat them or buy ridiculously expensive medicine. Their children are also left to die.

The guy in Texas in Greece is getting autismbux and his depression prigonates from lazyness and a capacity for suicide because of asinine reasons.

Firsties are so naive and clueless

Everyone owns a cellphone here. Even the begging romanians on the street. Why would he steal yours? No one wants to buy a used phone.

>these are somehow considered problems
Like I've said, when you run out of problems you start thinking of asinine things as 'problems'

lol, im going to continue being sad about not being able to afford my cigars and watches while you continue complaining away in your zinc hut. theres nothing you can do about it.

if my parents didnt choose to come here i would be screaming "TAHOOO" rn

Because they want at least one smartphone, even a crappy one, for they use popular apps like Zap Zap (disgusting popular slang for WhatsApp), Feice (another popular slang, this time for Facebook) and Instagram (at least they slang this correctly).
When they find a better cellphone or buy with robbed money, they abandon and give to another person, normally for their relatives.

>No one wants to buy a used phone.

>Druggies stealing metal parts ,copper and stuff inside recycling bin for weed and meth money.
>Nearby school face attacks by monkey horde breaking windows.
>There's a jobless indian dude who wanders around the city randomly while drunk.
>A monitor lizard ate my goldfish.
>Termites ate my kitchen cabinet door.
>Its hard to find nice bakeries, cheese and brussels sprouts except in major cities
My pain is greater than yours.

99% of the thirdies on here are the 1% international school ellite with no right to complain

I'm not saying you don't, just curious.

Don't worry, we'll be 3rd world soon.

>>We're always dumbstruck when seeing foreigners act their lives like using their cellphones in the public
>I think that's a common first world standard
It's common standard everywhere except Brazil, which is uniquely sh*t.
You're concerned about snatchers? In Brazil you'd be concerned about nasty people getting wind of the fact that you have a smartphone on your person.

I get it that you thirdies have it worse than us on average but that doesn’t mean we can’t face problems too for instance this Christmas my mom overcooked the foie gras, dumb bitch

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Rape her

>romanian flag

When will this meme stop?

Do you want to get raped, too?

How many of your problems wouldn't exist if people were not acting like subhuman ?

Yes we are better people thus we have created better countries and now we can set the bar higher for our own societies than you can. It’s pretty telling that you would try to make fun of that instead of striving for it. It almost seems like you are proud of living like a dirty animal

>created better countries
If we werent fucked in the ass by Marcos and 20 typhoons a day couple it with earthquakes and America shitting on is we would be 1st world
But I dont dwell on it

N-no. p-please keep y-your village rapist away from m-me

>tfw USA tried to do to us what they did to you
>they got btfo by based De Gaulle

>20 typhoons a day

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Snatchers, rapists, murderers kidnappers, asassains on motorbikes who could shoot you at any time, the usual for 3rd worlders, Brazil just has it worse

I dont think they got buried in so much debt and financial recessions that it screwed us over for 30 years

Sure it’s someone else’s fault of course

I mean the whole
>let me help you
>lol you're my colony now
the eternal american should be nuked

We don't put a space between the quotation mark and the word that follows, or put a space between the last word and the closing quotation mark, you know?


I’ll do what I like because I’m first world gentleman and you’re favela baboon

I don't know man, in my experience most of third world (India, China, SEA, Turkey, former USSR) is very safe. Maybe Philippines is a bit on the dangerous side (not sure), but Brazil is just something on another plane of reality.

>first world

Who's the eternal american?

Nah most of the country is "safe", in 3rd world standards of course, as long as you don't act like a retard flouting all your phones and expensive stuff everywhere, you're fine.

idk, politicians burgers in general

>B-but Brazil


You've watched City Of God and think that the whole country is like Rio de Janeiro. To be quite honest, as long as you stay away from big cities, it's relatively safe. Most criminals steal to affor their drug addiction and that's a lot more common in Rio and Sao Paulo.

You're an Illiterate, that's what you are.

sexpat pls stop making shit up. We've been experiencing this shit all our lives. You've been living here for like what, 3-5yrs?

I wouldn't know~

Define 3/10.

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>tfw you just need to not be a total loser to make your family proud in 3rd world

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That's absolutely true, what I say. You just take this for granted because you've grown accustomed to it. But in reality this is terrible and it shouldn't happen. You can't get robbed at gunpoint or assaulted by hobos in SEA, in India, in China or in Russia. You can walk in every neighbourhood after the dawn in Russia (even though Russia on the whole is about as poor as Brazil). You can talk on your phone on any street in Russia. You don't need barbed wire, lattices and three doors in your home in Russia. There is no word for "arrastão" in Russian. There are no neighbourhoods where you can't go for fear of being shot on the spot. This is not normal, stop defending this.

Depression is a worldwide problem

How many favelados speak English and spend their time shitposting on Jow Forums? Thirdies here will always be the most well off in their cunts