you people bring out new editions every year,meaning you edit the bible regularly,meaning its not the word of God anymore but the word of man
Muslim Thread
Why did allah curse me to be a fat fuck? I couldn't even fit on the plane to Syria to fight. Me on the right and my boyfriend on the left.
Alhamdulillah im fine.
Really anxious for the day of judgement.
nothing really in this world compares to what we could get in the next
all religion is the word of man dummy. it's just the culture that said religion inspires that is important and yours is shite
The quran is also the word of man
What has Christianity inspired you to do? Christianity tore apart Germany, with one of the bloodiest wars in Europe. Shia Sunni deaths do not compare to Protestant Catholic deaths.
Very cool
Assalamualaikum brother
No, instead you're walking around with bombs strapped to your chest blowing people up.
I hate fags and jews, but heard that wh*te converts aren't treated well.