/balk/ - Balkan General


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So I did it. I had anal sex for the first time ever and it was GREAT! You can't beat the feeling of having your prostate massaged by a hot rod repeatedly and then having your insides filled up to the brim with cum. Anyways my ass itches very much now and I was wondering if anusbey could reccomend me a cream that helps with itchy anuses.

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First for cuntries with no Summer have dogshit cuisine.

do you have hot guys like him in your cunts, balk?

Is running a meme? 10 minutes of jogging burn less than 100 calories, what a fucking joke.

pls tell her to not to that belle thing

and that she would look even qter with my dick in her face

My gf called Pepe "Mister Pesho" because she forgot his name

But she actually looks cute when she does it, while Belle whatever looks like a creepy disgusting slag covered in makeup.

Post face of gf and does she have cute friends

I fuck your albanian mother in the pussy and impregnate her.

Here's his gf

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Im not albanian you schizo piece of shit

Im macedonian

Death and suffering to serbs and serbia

look at professional runners they all look like miserable skeletons(except blacks of course) with veins bulging on their skinny legs running is a meme for women and obese queers who are afraid of any weights
know one personally every time I tell him to get a diet and go to gym he tells me that he running is very good and he already lost like 10kg although he looks the same

Suck gypsy dick kosovar subhuman I will impregnate your mother and sisters with my serbian cum.

no, she looks qute before she starts doing it

Serbs are pathetic pieces of shits who destroy lifes and cause issues and bad things to humanity

Serbs need to be eradicated from the planet earth


vid related, the serbian interstellar empire destroying planet illyria where all shqips and shqip mutts have been quaranteened.

Also im not kosovar you serbian subhuman you stink dirty serb go die a painful death you serbian asshole shit son of a whore


The problem is that running is basically useless if you're not already in shape. Like today I ran as much as I could and later figured out that I burned less than 100 calories total. Fuck running and people who recommend it.

yeah, capsaizin cream for puritus ani. but i don't think its sold, deffinately do not buy the one for arthritis, it's something that a doctor has to prescribe and a farmacy to prepare for you.
also wash with hot water and avoid toilet paper, also don't rub

Sprinting is great for muscle building, explosiveness and testosterone boost.
Marathons are great for your body disintegrating itself, premature aging from Cortisol overproduction and fastened joint wear-out.

Exterminatus of shqips.

Also if you are to visit a dermatologist, beware of d-r Razvigor Darlenski, from Tokuda (Acibadem). I visited him and wanted him to look on my butt boil, but he refused to do so and just told me "You are not for me" and send me to a surgeon. The hot lady on the reception refused to give me back my 50 levs, thou.

But retard serbs have low wages shitty countty that has been bombed serbs habe been removed from alot of places and your country is shit

Next time serbshits dont plan for attacks on macedonians and ideas to cause hate between macedonians and albanians

Serbshits you have lost all battles and wars in your histories

If you sell your daughter to an american negro maybe they'll throw you a bone. You subhuman incestoid.

Sashko is Albanian, remember this next time you talk to him



Am I the only sane poster with this flag here?

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You're probably a newfag.

>muh Kosovo he Srbija
>meanwhile there are barely any Serbs left in Kosovo
Cringe, honestly.
It is very likely.

Fulgrim is sane and wise

How do I get greek citizenship?

By coming here for 9 consecutive years

>tfw i want to have sex with girls
wtf is this normal

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>ctrl+f "rash" (a)
>only results are "(t)rash"



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Why is that bugar on ex-yu reselling anal creams?

Have you jacked off today, /balk/?

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No, I'm not going to fap at all this year

piss myself laughing every time when LARPERS get called out for their bullshit even on the anonymous dick milking forum

i wait till around past midnight

t. larper

No, it's scientifically proven that not fapping at all is much healthier for your prostate ,and also it gives you magical attraction powers. Women can feel a nofapper and are genetically attracted to them instantly.

i am just looking for suppliers

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>falling for the nofap meme
C'mon man, you can do better than this.

Yes, same for nopissers and noshitters, you should try it

Also forgot to mention that when you stop fapping, you regrow hair like wolverine. Oh and the gym gainz are 30% faster cos you don't lose that protein. You lose so much protein from fapping is unbelievable. Some ppl go so far as to collect their wet dream cum and fry and eat it to not lose the gainz, but I don't go THAT far.

3 months into nofap

I want to go to heaven

Have you tried nopoo? (no shampoo) Stopping showering is a real head-turner.

You can't, you're Romanian.

I know Jesus has forgiven me

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Why are they all so calm tho

you're not the only one who watches bestgore

Im macedonian not albanian

Look at this madlad. This is the calmest guy ever.

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this is what drugs do to you


Always wondered if that video is fake, but that hole in his face looks real enough.

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i was more interested in that shit above his head that moves every 10-15 seconds
is that a parrot or something

I just sold my last cream to some dutch turk named çakmak. I still have a buyer from Canada, but no stock to provide him with...

Fuck off LARPER.
Provide proof or FUCK OFF.

stop posting dead people, you disgusting tranny-lover magyar

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i can do that too

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we should all pay reparations to greeks for the evils our ancestors did to them

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uuum... what?!

>in 1351 byzantine emperor john VI kantakouzenos sends messengers to the BG capital
>they receive a cold welcome from our kang ioan alexander
>the messengers carry terrible news - the turk pillages are increasing every year
>their pirate ships are robbing the Aegean, their ground troops are looking at Thrace
>nicomedia and nicaea have fallen to orhan gazi bey, who has set his sights on the capital itself
>kantakouzenos asks for alliance with the bulgars, wishes to join fleet and armies
>ioan alexander accuses him of being the very person who hired and brought the turks to our lands from his very treasury
>he accuses him of using the turks to destroy momchil's territory in the rhodopes
>he cursed the messengers, had them beaten and threw them out

just give us tita and we're fine

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>ioan alexander

we live on occupied greek land, you cannot refute that
we should at least pay for the land, or we're no better than savages

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fine, have the womanlet
enjoy having manlets with her
and them cursing your shit choices to have sex with her
honestly, what the FUCK goes through betas' minds when they fuck a womanlet

>asking for a hot girl /daughter to marry
unironically how things were settled in the middle ages

you're a bottom homosexual so you wouldn't understand dominance and territory marking

your ancestors died to have this piece of land, faggot, it doesn't actually belong to anybody objectively, cos ownership is a social construct. so it belongs to the dominant tribe subjectively, cos that's what retarded humans decided thousands of years ago. not like your delusional demented tranny brain can understand such concepts.

The Queen is mine.
Rude and uncalled for

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>showered 15 min ago
>stomach starts acting funny and will probably have to take a shit

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how is it rude and uncalled for
never have unprotected sex with a woman below 1.65

hot water relaxes the anorectal muscles

but it's not fair
i just want things to be fair

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nice gazela you've got there

wow dude, extremely rude and uncalled for, i want a ciggie now to calm my nerves

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she's hot i can't deny that
but she's a womanlet
do not have unprotected sex with womanlets

Ate por, potatoes and drank 0.75 beer...probably that has some part in the equation. But still, why couldn't it be before I showered AAAAAA

i have conditioned myself to always shit before taking a bath

Is seriously a bulgarian here that sells anal cream hahah

yeah man, why do you ask tho? you wanna buy some?

has anyone saved anusbey's ass, from when he showed it to that russian doctor in italy?

Is seriously a fyromian here that has schizophrenia hahah

Nope im just intrigued by the fact that hes selling anal cream on Jow Forums

And makes money out of it

it's bad to make fun of people with mental diseases

>mental disease
no such thing

Gamiese annoule

But I'm feeling sad today : (

>do not have unprotected sex with womanlets
You must be a wizard.

well, don't say no untill you try it. it's really effective